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DV 2016 Winners

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I think my husband has a bigger chance, he works in IT
I work as a legal secretary on an international law firm
Molovi, since you have a job, why are bothering yourself to travel to the states? and who told you you will easily find a job there? or you just want to enjoy the welfare system ?
Nope Neither my wife or myself got selected :( first try was DV 2015 and now DV2016 guess ill see you all in DV2017, gonna read on the forums of other ways.
so no one got selected? astonishing! or is it just they are celebrating now?

I didn't get selected but god I pray with all my heart that there is an error like 2012 (I know it is 0.000000001% chance though)
I got into this forum to learn the ropes as I await the DV2016 results. I have truly learnt a lot from all and especially the moderators (Britsimon and the team). It was my first attempt. Though my results are Negative, I believe am now better prepared courtesy of this forum to enter the DV 2017 if the chance avails itself. To those who will be selected, I wish you all the best. I will keep the faith and hope alive, after all FAITH, LOVE, and HOPE are the greatest. To the moderators, God bless you as you continue helping the new selectees in this journey. To those who like me have not been selected, take heart and move on, life must go on, make the best of your time. I now will take a break till thenext entry. Goodbye, Thankyou, All the best!
For those of us not getting selected cheer up, it's better to not get selected at all then getting selected with a big and risky cn, i know I did AS13.6XX (dv15) false hope
Molovi, since you have a job, why are bothering yourself to travel to the states? and who told you you will easily find a job there? or you just want to enjoy the welfare system ?

It's not all about job and money bro, even if i was a a rich guy but lives in a third world shithole I'd rather live a normal life in a first world country.

Personal Preference my friend
Chill out people, it's probably so glitch in the system. I follow twitter, no one has been selected yet which is impossible...
It's not all about job and money bro, even if i was a a rich guy but lives in a third world shithole I'd rather live a normal life in a first world country.

Personal Preference my friend
Love your reply, wish more people understand that.. I'm on the same boat.. can't say I'm rich tho or even close to being rich but I have enough to support my wife and son when/if we move to the USA and all i would need is a fun job ( as i do not need a job to live a comfortable life)
I'm 30 years old and applying since when I was 18 years old. This year my wife and I really believed to win, but not selected again :)
Love your reply, wish more people understand that.. I'm on the same boat.. can't say I'm rich tho or even close to being rich but I have enough to support my wife and son when/if we move to the USA and all i would need is a fun job ( as i do not need a job to live a comfortable life)

Yeah I'd rather live safely in a peaceful country than being rich but have gun shots around tour house every day, oppressive government..
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