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DV 2015 - Those Who Are Applying Wave Here!

Hi, I'm a newbie here. Please explain what do you mean by a low number?

BTW, when you check in May and you find out that you are selected. Do you wait for a confirmation letter or email? Or you just send the forms and pictures?

When you are "selected for further processing," you will be given a Case Number. People will be called on for further processing by the order of their CN. A selectee with a high CN may never get to interview. And that's one reason they call them "selectee" and not "winner."

You will not receive any e-mail or letter besides the status check page.
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When you are "selected for further processing," you will be given a Case Number. People will be called on for further processing by the order of their CN. A selectee with a high CN may never get to interview. And that's one reason they call them "selectee" and not "winner."

You will not receive any e-mail or letter besides the status check page.

So low means better chance and high is low?

Is the CN random or based on one's qualifications, say education?
So low means better chance and high is low?

Is the CN random or based on one's qualifications, say education?

The case numbers are allocated in a selection order. Imagine someone drawing pieces of paper from a large hat with 10 million entries - as they are pulled, they are given a number... But of course this is a computerised virtual hat.
Entry submission is now closed for DV 2015. Now the wait... Good luck to everyone who applied!
After getting selected for 2012 and falling victim of the computer error I lost hope and skipped 2013 and 2014 but I am back! Applied for 2015 and have great hopes.
3rd try here :)

Good luck everybody! 4 months to go. Might have a chance to get a J visa by the end of next year. I was very unlucky this year and the visa didn't go through...

I have already applied for the DV 2015, waiting for May 1, 2014 desperately,
May my strong desire to live, work and study in USA soil come true,God please help me,
I had "luck" with DV2014 but my case number is high EU44XXX so I applied again as chances to get a call for DV2014 are very slim i guess...
I am wondering why you people from Australia want to emigrate to US:confused: I am from Poland, but now I live in the UK and I've heard many many opinions from Polish people as well as from people of other nationalities that they want to live in Australia and moreover they find it better to live there than in US or UK...that's interesting;]

As for me, I can't complain about my current place of living, but I was in the US 3 months ago and I liked it better than UK, so if I will be selected in DV 2015 I am going to the US for sure.
I am wondering why you people from Australia want to emigrate to US:confused: I am from Poland, but now I live in the UK and I've heard many many opinions from Polish people as well as from people of other nationalities that they want to live in Australia and moreover they find it better to live there than in US or UK...that's interesting;]

As for me, I can't complain about my current place of living, but I was in the US 3 months ago and I liked it better than UK, so if I will be selected in DV 2015 I am going to the US for sure.

I think the vast majority of Australians are very happy living in Australia. Many of my friends and family think I am crazy for wanting to live and work in the USA. Australia is a beautiful country with low crime, low unemployment and a very high standard of living, but there are some amongst us who want things in their life that Australia cannot provide for them. For me it is the opportunity that exists in the USA, a country with over 300 million people supporting the largest and most highly diversified economy on Earth. The geography and the culture of the USA is also far more diversified than Australia and, combined with the fact that it is much closer to Europe than Australia, makes it a more interesting and appealing place to live for me. I also love the culture and history of the USA. Something that is important to myself is that there are many more (and much better) job opportunities for pilots in the USA (I'm a student pilot). It depends a lot on the individual, but I prefer the USA to Australia in many ways. I think I am the exception though; most Australians think their country is the happiest place in the world to live (I think it might be) and I can see why, but I still prefer the USA.

I'm also a big fan of the UK (where I already have permanent residency) and I might consider moving there if I cant find a way to move to the USA, however the job prospects for pilots are not as good in the UK as they are in the USA.
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I think the vast majority of Australians are very happy living in Australia. Many of my friends and family think I am crazy for wanting to live and work in the USA. Australia is a beautiful country with low crime, low unemployment and a very high standard of living, but there are some amongst us who want things in their life that Australia cannot provide for them. For me it is the opportunity that exists in the USA, a country with over 300 million people supporting the largest and most highly diversified economy on Earth. The geography and the culture of the USA is also far more diversified than Australia and, combined with the fact that it is much closer to Europe than Australia, makes it a more interesting and appealing place to live for me. I also love the culture and history of the USA. Something that is important to myself is that there are many more (and much better) job opportunities for pilots in the USA (I'm a student pilot). It depends a lot on the individual, but I prefer the USA to Australia in many ways. I think I am the exception though; most Australians think their country is the happiest place in the world to live (I think it might be) and I can see why, but I still prefer the USA.

I'm also a big fan of the UK (where I already have permanent residency) and I might consider moving there if I cant find a way to move to the USA, however the job prospects for pilots are not as good in the UK as they are in the USA.

I can see where you are coming from, because Im in the US right now studying Commercial Aviation to be a pilot. SA born citizen. The US has ALOT of opportunity for pilots to build themselves up. The regionals pay terrible, and the hours are tough, but hey you have to start somewhere. Back home i would probably have 0 opportunity to get into a major carrier anytime soon.

Are you doing your pilot training now or have you already got your certificates? Im assuming you know that you would have to convert when you get over here. Not to much of a process though, the FAA makes it pretty simple.

Take Care and good luck!
I can see where you are coming from, because Im in the US right now studying Commercial Aviation to be a pilot. SA born citizen. The US has ALOT of opportunity for pilots to build themselves up. The regionals pay terrible, and the hours are tough, but hey you have to start somewhere. Back home i would probably have 0 opportunity to get into a major carrier anytime soon.

Are you doing your pilot training now or have you already got your certificates? Im assuming you know that you would have to convert when you get over here. Not to much of a process though, the FAA makes it pretty simple.

Take Care and good luck!

Hi saunj11,

Good to hear from a fellow pilot!

I already have a commercial pilots license and a multi-engine command instrument rating. I have 4 months of training left for my instructor rating, which means I will find out the result of my DV 2015 entry approximately 1 month before I finish my course. In Australia we do not have large regional airlines like the USA, so instructing is the main way that pilots gain experience to join airlines. Career progression is much slower for pilots in Australia than the USA, and that is the driving factor for me wanting to work in the USA. All my licenses have been issued by the Australian CASA, which is part of the ICAO, so conversion of my licenses to FAA is very straight forward. It would take approximately 4 weeks to convert all of my licenses to FAA. I know that the pay for regional airline pilots in the USA is terrible, but as you say you have to start somewhere and career progression is faster for pilots in the USA. From a purely financial perspective, my dream to work in the USA makes no sense whatsoever, because pilots in Australia get paid far more for than their American counterparts for every level of work. Experienced pilots flying for large American airlines still make a very decent living though, and I think the USA is a more interesting place to fly.

Where in the US are you studying? What are your plans after you graduate?