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DV 2014 Won - Is my number too high?


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I won the DV Lottery. I am not sure if it is too high. Do I have a good chance?

My case #: 2014AS00016XXX.

Thanks all. Long struggle. But I was damn sure I wasn't going to win, but I did. ;)
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I won the DV Lottery. I am not sure if it is too high. Do I have a good chance?

My case #: 2014AS0001XXXX.

Thanks all. Long struggle. But I was damn sure I wasn't going to win, but I did. ;)

Your case number is a decent one. I have also seen an Asian case number in the 19*** range, so yours is very good compared to that. Last year, DV-2013, we didn't have high case numbers for Asia, that's why the cut-off numbers for Asia is moving very slowly, only 8900 for the month of July. But this year I am sure that Asia will see rapid movement of cut-off numbers. I think, and I am quite sure about it, that you will have your interview not before March 2014. Best of luck!
these numbers post:
2014AS00070XXX (not confirmed)
THIS YEAR WILL BE SO DIFFERENT, the visa bultin will advance in big step every month, so i believe you have all your chances like everybody
This year is different because the majority of high CN numbers were never seen in past years. So because of that, the statistics will not help a lot on making predictions until first 2-3 VB for the DV2014 will not be released.
Your CN is a bit high if you look at statistics from DV2013 or DV2012 but as I said and as many are saying, things are different this year.
This year is different because the majority of high CN numbers were never seen in past years. So because of that, the statistics will not help a lot on making predictions until first 2-3 VB for the DV2014 will not be released.
Your CN is a bit high if you look at statistics from DV2013 or DV2012 but as I said and as many are saying, things are different this year.

You said everything, thanks bro

I persist , each one got selected should send his documents to KCC.
Ahhh ok - so the fact that 20% more people got initial selection this year is what you think will be different. OK. But surely with the same numbers of visas available that just means the highest numbers have almost no chance of being reached, doesn't it?
Higher numbers of selected persons and same number of visa to be given will result in high numbers of people not receiving the visa regardless of the problem.
Now, looking on the result of the past years, there were some visa left at the end of FY.
So the logical things is that, if people will send their documents in time that hopefully KCC will work faster and all selected person will have the chance to interview.
Other things may happen as well but we will have to wait for first 2-3 VB for the DV2014 to have additional info and try a prediction....
Higher numbers of selected persons and same number of visa to be given will result in high numbers of people not receiving the visa regardless of the problem.
Now, looking on the result of the past years, there were some visa left at the end of FY.
So the logical things is that, if people will send their documents in time that hopefully KCC will work faster and all selected person will have the chance to interview.
Other things may happen as well but we will have to wait for first 2-3 VB for the DV2014 to have additional info and try a prediction....
does high CN mean late interview?

hi my case number is very high
CN : 2014AF00100xxx

do i have a chance of getting an interview?
and if i am given an interview will i be the last one ??
i read a 1000 times and i still dont understand what the cut offs and currents mean
please help
I guess it does not matter how many times things are repeated, people will be confused no matter what. Here is my pure speculation: They chose more people because they know they will disqualify more.

For some reason, they disqualified whole bunch of entries, more than the previous years, so there are big holes in between case numbers (hence the big case numbers) but they weren't sure about some other suspicious entries, so they decided to choose more entries and they will filter them as people start applying.

There can be any number of reasons why case numbers are high, or why they chose 125K. At the end, none of that matters, simply because knowing the reason will not give anybody an advantage. When the DV2014 cut-offs start showing up, we will have some idea of how fast numbers will progress. Until then, just chill out. :cool:
Personally (just a guess, no proof) I think the high case numbers are because for some reason they didn't break up CNs by region this time and have just done them numerically. Maybe this time they won't use the bulletins like they have and will just post where they're up to and contact people as their number approaches (this is all just speculation)
Personally (just a guess, no proof) I think the high case numbers are because for some reason they didn't break up CNs by region this time and have just done them numerically. Maybe this time they won't use the bulletins like they have and will just post where they're up to and contact people as their number approaches (this is all just speculation)

Very unlikely. They can't get rid of regional quotas with the current laws.
Personally (just a guess, no proof) I think the high case numbers are because for some reason they didn't break up CNs by region this time and have just done them numerically. Maybe this time they won't use the bulletins like they have and will just post where they're up to and contact people as their number approaches (this is all just speculation)

I don't think aos understood your point. You seem to be suggesting that the 125k selectees were assigned numbers regardless of geographic region. Then the region in the number would allow them to figure out how many visa had been granted per region as they go along. Yes I see your theory, but no, it isn't correct. If it were true we would not be seeing the normal ranges of numbers within the regions. For example, we should see |EU numbers right up to the 125k number, but we are not, we are seeing the "normal" max EU number of around 55k (similar top last year plus the 20% additional selectees). So no that isn't correct, it is more like a normal year with the addition of the 20%. I don't personally see any evidence to support the theory put forward by aso either, but as aos said - it is ALL speculation (well apart from your theory being busted - lol).
I don't think aos understood your point. You seem to be suggesting that the 125k selectees were assigned numbers regardless of geographic region.
What zombub is saying: they choose 125K people at random, and then they figure out who is in what region. Right?
In order to do that, they should get rid of regional quotas. :) Everybody is given a random number within their region. Without it, they can't enforce quotas.
What zombub is saying: they choose 125K people at random, and then they figure out who is in what region. Right?
In order to do that, they should get rid of regional quotas. :) Everybody is given a random number within their region. Without it, they can't enforce quotas.

Sure they could. I'm not saying the theory is correct (it isn't) but as long as they had the EU part still attached to the CN they could enforce a regional quota in the same way they already enforce the 7% rule for a country within a region.
Hi. I'm one of the winners for 2014 from Asia, and this is my first post in this forum.

My case number: 2014AS00012XXX.

Documents, pictures, and a barcode form are already mailed to KCC :)