• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

***!DV 2014 Selectee"s Report here!***

Not necessarity. Even though this reform was Obama's promise for his term, it is very troublesome and not necessarily would become a law. Also, the fact that some time ago DV was not a part of the reform, does not mean it would never be

Yes, comprehensive immigration reform has been on GW Bush's agenda, and now on Obama's. It may never pass, but something is going to change eventually. The DV program is highly controversial in the US and lots of people are afraid of frauds, scams, and open entries to terrorists. True or not, this is what people believe, and if there is one thing the US voter would agree on for a reform, is to cancel the DV program. It is a pity as it is for me the only way left for hard working immigrants to access the American Dream. You don't necessarily need only PhDs or Doctors to build a country. The hard working middle class immigrants is what made America, as we know it today. Too sad one forgets what built this country.
My wife got selected for DV2014. We are Australian.
I don't know why we applied in the first place, We do not want to live in America, Maybe we will keep the Green Card just in-case.

Stories like this annoy me so much! I am an Australian who longs to live and work in the US. I have had multiple visas there and it is my dream. I was not selected in the DV2014. I checked this forum almost every day of the year to keep up with people here and talk about US related things. To read someone was seleceted from my country, and doesn't even know if they will take it really makes me question what is fair. I can just pray for Oct when they hopefully release more from DV2014, and continue to pray that DV2015 will take place....sigh.
Stories like this annoy me so much! I am an Australian who longs to live and work in the US. I have had multiple visas there and it is my dream. I was not selected in the DV2014. I checked this forum almost every day of the year to keep up with people here and talk about US related things. To read someone was seleceted from my country, and doesn't even know if they will take it really makes me question what is fair. I can just pray for Oct when they hopefully release more from DV2014, and continue to pray that DV2015 will take place....sigh.

better luck next time , me and my wife tried 4 times before we won, it's a matter of time and luck.
You've got enough funds to go through. The standard deviation is between $10,000 USD and $20,000 USD and you've got your degree so absolutely nothing to worry about.

Tax returns I don't think you'll need to show at the interview (I've not read this anywhere).

As for the timeframe you have you'll know from October 1st 2013 onwards when the next fiscal year starts as to the case number cut-offs for your region. It won't be immediate i.e. they notify you 6 weeks before your interview date so you'll have that time to gather all your documentation together so the moment you receive your 2nd NL start acting within 24 hours.

Bank statements depend from embassy to embassy/country to country but to be safe go with 6 months bank statements.

If you know someone in the US then go with the I-134 form (single applicant) as it is a strong affidavit.

Feel free to ask anything else you need to know mate :)

Case No - DV2013AF0007XXXX (applied the first time and got it the first time - lucky me lol)
Entry Checked - 1st May 2012
Forms Sent To KCC - 10th May 2012
Received By KCC - 12th May 2012
Confirmation From KCC - 25th May 2012 after I sent them an email
2nd NL - Not Yet
Police Clearance - Not Yet
Medicals - Not Yet
Interviews - Hopefully in mid-August
Visa Pick up - Hopefully in mid-August
Port of Entry - New York JFK

why i need to have I-134 form (single applicant) as it is a strong affidavit?
better luck next time , me and my wife tried 4 times before we won, it's a matter of time and luck.

Hey, Thanks so much for the well wishes. Congrats to you and your wife. One day it will be my turn!
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why i need to have I-134 form (single applicant) as it is a strong affidavit?

You don't need it really, but there's no harm in having it. If you're paying your own way through then you don't need it.

Case No - DV2013AF0007XXXX (applied the first time and got it the first time - lucky me lol)
Entry Checked - 1st May 2012
Forms Sent To KCC - 10th May 2012
Received By KCC - 12th May 2012
Confirmation From KCC - 25th May 2012 after I sent them an email
2nd NL - Not Yet
Police Clearance - Not Yet
Medicals - Not Yet
Interviews - Hopefully in mid-August
Visa Pick up - Hopefully in mid-August
Port of Entry - New York JFK

Hi guys i am a 2014 selectee and 2014AF00082### and recently posted forms 122 and 230 and forgot to send photos with it. I'm from NAirobi Kenya. Do i have to send them or wait till when im going to interview? Thanks for this forum, God bless.

Hello everyone and congrats to who won 2014

I am just registered and very happy to tell you all that my wife got selected for the dv-2014

Case number 2014EU00002xxx.

As new here i would have 2 questions.

1, with this case number when do you think they will send the 2nd NL for our interview??

2, i think i made a mistake on the forms i sent to KCC. On form DS-230 part two, question 39. i answered wrong by not putting my wifes name as pettitioner or self petioned but instead i putted my uncles name who lives in US and is going to support us when we go in the first weeks.
Is this going to be an issue for them and eventually disqualify us from further processing??

Is it needed to resent those forms corrected to KCC??

Please any help will be higly apreciated,
Hi guys i am a 2014 selectee and 2014AF00082### and recently posted forms 122 and 230 and forgot to send photos with it. I'm from NAirobi Kenya. Do i have to send them or wait till when im going to interview? Thanks for this forum, God bless.


You must correct that before the interview. I would suggest sending the whole pack again, the forms, the photos and the barcode page. Use the opportunity to spend some time checking all your answers to make sure it is very accurate - it doesn't matter if you spend a bit of time on this now because your case number means you won't be interviewed until summer next year.
I am just registered and very happy to tell you all that my wife got selected for the dv-2014

Case number 2014EU00002xxx.

As new here i would have 2 questions.

1, with this case number when do you think they will send the 2nd NL for our interview??

2, i think i made a mistake on the forms i sent to KCC. On form DS-230 part two, question 39. i answered wrong by not putting my wifes name as pettitioner or self petioned but instead i putted my uncles name who lives in US and is going to support us when we go in the first weeks.
Is this going to be an issue for them and eventually disqualify us from further processing??

Is it needed to resent those forms corrected to KCC??

Please any help will be higly apreciated,

1. Your case number is very low so you will be processed very quickly - probably having your interview in October, 2013.
2. The mistake won't disqualify you. You can correct it now by sending a new set of forms to KCC. Since your case will be processed very early I would suggest you do that asap.
1. Your case number is very low so you will be processed very quickly - probably having your interview in October, 2013.
2. The mistake won't disqualify you. You can correct it now by sending a new set of forms to KCC. Since your case will be processed very early I would suggest you do that asap.

Hello there and thank you for the quick reply.

Can i do that correction on the day of interview?? or i have to send the full pack again with all the info as the first time including th photografs??

Thanks again,
Hello there and thank you for the quick reply.

Can i do that correction on the day of interview?? or i have to send the full pack again with all the info as the first time including th photografs??

Thanks again,

For this mistake you could probably correct it on the day - however, to correct it you only need to send replacement forms (not photos as well) so I would personally want to correct it - and there is enough time to do so.

thanks for your oppinion,
i will fill again the forms and resend.

do i need to include an explenation letter?? or just the forms??

Thank you again,

I want to ask about the petitioner
I read in the instructions in dvlottery website that in dv lottery there is no petitioner.. I put N/A for petitioner..,but i see u guys saying something else
I want to ask about the petitioner
I read in the instructions in dvlottery website that in dv lottery there is no petitioner.. I put N/A for petitioner..,but i see u guys saying something else

Yes, you did right to out N/A. I made a mistake as i thought i would put there who is supporting me in US when i arrive.
You are fine as you made them.
I want to ask about the petitioner
I read in the instructions in dvlottery website that in dv lottery there is no petitioner.. I put N/A for petitioner..,but i see u guys saying something else

DV lottery winners are self petitioners - some people think it is a sponsor - it is not.
Do u mine i was right by putting n/a or i should have written my name as petitioner for me, and for my wife and son?

Your name should have been the petitioner for all parties - BUT I don't think it is a big deal. They will simply correct that at the interview. If you want you can also send in corrected forms to KCC...

congrats Gina_g !
above is the cutoff numbers for last five years for your info.
I would suggest you reviewing winners' feedbacks from your home country (for last years). So you can make a better decision for AoS vs. CP.

all the best !

I dont understood this thing about de cut off...can you be so kind an help me? if posible I would like to know more or less when will be my interview?

Case No - DV2014AF00104XXX (applied for the the second time and got it !)
Entry Checked - 1st May 2013
Forms Sent To KCC - 16th May 2013
Received By KCC - 20th May 2013
Confirmation From KCC - 20th May 2012 DHL - T. Campbell
2nd NL - Not Yet
Police Clearance - Not Yet
Medicals - Not Yet
Interviews - Hopefully in mid-August
Visa Pick up - Hopefully in mid-August
Port of Entry - Miami

Thanks in advance for your help!