• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Thanks Henri, i just give glory to God, this has been my year yes, when God blesses you he blesses you fully not half half ..i will be in SA for two months meaning that i will be back for my interview which i gusee should be in Jan next year, to Obeez yes am in IT - Engineering.
Today's devotion
Genesis 12:1-3 “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

To all members who are planning to relocate know that God told Abram that He was taking Him to a land that He will show Him. Do not try to figure out everything, totally rely on Him and He will guide and lead you. He did it with Abram, He will do it with you.

Remain blessed, those who are yet to visit the CO and 2014 forum may the holy spirit guide you.
Know The TSA Rules

3-1-1 Kits - Bags That Meet Carry On RulesCheck the TSA Website before you pack and leave for your flight. Knowing the procedures in advance will save you time and headaches. The TSA website has all of the information you need to get through security faster including lists of prohibited items, rules for carrying on liquids, tips for traveling with children, and information for travelers with special needs. Some of these guidelines include:

The 3-1-1 Rule: 3-1-1 is the name for the rule about carrying liquids on board airplanes. The rule covers ANY liquids including toiletries, drinks, and food. The only exceptions are medications, breast milk, baby formula, juice, and other liquids necessary for travelers with children and travelers with medical conditions and in such cases, the items must be declared for inspection at the checkpoint. The 3-1-1 rule states that you can carry 3 ounce or smaller containers of liquid or gel in a 1 quarter-size clear plastic zip-top bag, and only 1 bag per traveler. The bag must be placed in the security bin (not packed in your carry-on luggage. See our collection of 3-1-1 Kits that meet these TSA guidelines. Many toiletries these days come in travel sizes that meet the 3 oz. requirements. Want to fill your own containers? Lewis N. Clark has a line of containers called GoToobs that are designed just for that purpose.

Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags: For business travelers and other passengers who carry their computers on board planes, the rules state that you must remove the laptop from the bag and place in security bins separately. The only exception is when a checkpoint friendly laptop bag is used. Not all laptop bags are checkpoint friendly so make sure your bag meets these guidelines (even if the company claims it is checkpoint friendly): 1) bag has a designated laptop-only section 2) The laptop-only section unfolds completely to lie flat on the X-ray belt 3) There are no metal snaps, zippers, or buckles on top, inside, or underneath the laptop-only section 4) No pockets on the inside or outside of the laptop only section 5) Nothing packing in the laptop-only section other than the computer itself.

Prohibited and Permitted Items: Packing for your trip and not sure what you can and cannot carry on-board? Be sure to check out the TSA website’s page for Prohibited and Permitted Items.

Dimensions of Carry-On Luggage

Passengers on American Airlines are limited to one carry-on bag plus a personal item on all flights. All carry-on luggage needs to be able to fit in sizers that are located by American Airline desks and must not exceed 45 inches in overall dimensions (sum of length, width and height). Luggage cannot exceed 22 inches long, 14 inches wide and nine inches tall. All carry on luggage must fit into the overhead compartments of airplanes.
Carry On Luggage Restrictions

American Airlines may limit the amount of carry-on luggage on flights due to the aircraft's stowage capacity. Limits on carry-on bags may also be placed into effect after the boarding process has begun at the departing gate.

Liquids in Carry-On Luggage

Passengers who travel with carry-on luggage need to put all liquids in individual containers that are no more than 3.4 ounces, or 100 ml each. All liquids which exceed those sizes must be placed with checked-in luggage. The containers must be in a sealed translucent plastic bag and ready for security to search.
Items Not Allowed in Carry On Luggage

Cutting instruments, ammunition, firearms and liquids that are flammable are prohibited in carry-on luggage, as well as hammers, drills and some forms of alcohol.

Read more: Size of Carry on Luggage for American Airlines | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_7470481_size-carry-luggage-american-airlines.html#ixzz2RaUJUjeg

Reminder for guys who are travelling:)
my experince

Hi guys. After the long wait i finally went through the interview & i thank God it went well.Reached the embasy at around 7:15 interview was at 8am. By 7:50 my dota was so pressed had to- ask for permission to enter only to- be told that i was supposed to be inside. Gave our appointment letter to the guards, went through the other line without queeing. Once inside we were given a number which was called 3 times .1st to hand our documents, 2nd to take our prints then for th8e interview which didnt even last 2minutes. I was askde when i cleared high school, if i had done anything after that, my course if i was practising in that same capacity &if my dota had a relationship with his father. thats all please sign here. congratulations ...... i didnt hear the rest. I guess iknew the drill after that. Ijust thank God the affidavit I had gotten from my lawyer was not asked. But i'd urge any single mum out there to get one with a notary public, just in case they decide to ask. Thank guys just trust in God He has your best i9nterest at heart.Thanks so much cuza fomogho & the rest of the group. Told to wait pick the visa after 1 week.
Hi guys. After the long wait i finally went through the interview & i thank God it went well.Reached the embasy at around 7:15 interview was at 8am. By 7:50 my dota was so pressed had to- ask for permission to enter only to- be told that i was supposed to be inside. Gave our appointment letter to the guards, went through the other line without queeing. Once inside we were given a number which was called 3 times .1st to hand our documents, 2nd to take our prints then for th8e interview which didnt even last 2minutes. I was askde when i cleared high school, if i had done anything after that, my course if i was practising in that same capacity &if my dota had a relationship with his father. thats all please sign here. congratulations ...... i didnt hear the rest. I guess iknew the drill after that. Ijust thank God the affidavit I had gotten from my lawyer was not asked. But i'd urge any single mum out there to get one with a notary public, just in case they decide to ask. Thank guys just trust in God He has your best i9nterest at heart.Thanks so much cuza fomogho & the rest of the group. Told to wait pick the visa after 1 week.

A Elizabeth
Congratulations and all the best in ur new life
Back in Kenya Next year to bring my son so that we; My wife and I can go to sch. Then I will come for him after we're done with sch, and then by the time he is 4yrs old I wanna bring him back to start sch.
For all those who are in the process of their Visas and also planning to immigrate, may God bless you all the way.

Good to hear from you, oh poor baby he will miss the parental love there is no way you can share responsibility, :pone goes to school day time the other at night:(
Hi guys. After the long wait i finally went through the interview & i thank God it went well.Reached the embasy at around 7:15 interview was at 8am. By 7:50 my dota was so pressed had to- ask for permission to enter only to- be told that i was supposed to be inside. Gave our appointment letter to the guards, went through the other line without queeing. Once inside we were given a number which was called 3 times .1st to hand our documents, 2nd to take our prints then for th8e interview which didnt even last 2minutes. I was askde when i cleared high school, if i had done anything after that, my course if i was practising in that same capacity &if my dota had a relationship with his father. thats all please sign here. congratulations ...... i didnt hear the rest. I guess iknew the drill after that. Ijust thank God the affidavit I had gotten from my lawyer was not asked. But i'd urge any single mum out there to get one with a notary public, just in case they decide to ask. Thank guys just trust in God He has your best i9nterest at heart.Thanks so much cuza fomogho & the rest of the group. Told to wait pick the visa after 1 week.

Congratulation Elizabeth
Today's devotion
Dear Friends, praise the name of the Lord. It is my hope that the entire household /forum members are well and that this year God has continued to be a blessed you. I Pray that God Almighty will show you His mercy and grant you uncommon favor with God and with men.
Decree Psalm 5:12 over you “Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.”

I will be busy for a while all the best if you don't see me the Holy spirit will be with you.................:)
Congs Liz

Hi guys. After the long wait i finally went through the interview & i thank God it went well.Reached the embasy at around 7:
15 interview was at 8am. By 7:50 my dota was so pressed had to- ask for permission to enter only to- be told that i was supposed to be inside. Gave our appointment letter to the guards, went through the other line without queeing. Once inside we were given a number which was called 3 times .1st to hand our documents, 2nd to take our prints then for th8e interview which didnt even last 2minutes. I was askde when i cleared high school, if i had done anything after that, my course if i was practising in that same capacity &if my dota had a relationship with his father. thats all please sign here. congratulations ...... i didnt hear the rest. I guess iknew the drill after that. Ijust thank God the affidavit I had gotten from my lawyer was not asked. But i'd urge any single mum out there to get one with a notary public, just in case they decide to ask. Thank guys just trust in God He has your best i9nterest at heart.Thanks so much cuza fomogho & the rest of the group. Told to wait pick the visa after 1 week.
Guys The Lord is so faithful! I got the visa and it was the easiest interview I have ever had! Glory be to the God of favor and breakthrough.

Will update you all soon on how the interview went