• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Hi Jmigwi,
We used that very address when we first learned about our problem and they responded by telling us interview date rescheduling is no longer done manually. We were directed to a website where you sort of set up an account. We entered all our family details but when you get to the part where you select a preferred interview date the system says there are no available dates at the moment. We check at least twice everyday but wapi. Anyways my husband managed to call the visa department yesterday and they told him he has to check every hour to see if there is a date available. This is beginning to look bleak.


Pole, ok. We'll pray that a date comes up soon.
There have been a few posts on the process of applying for an SSN. As it turns out, the Social Security Administration has provided an avenue for one to apply for their SSN while still in the home country during the visa application process and if you use this process, the SSN will be delivered to your given address with 3 weeks of arriving in the US.

This provision is included in FORM DS-230 as indicated below;

Answer "Yes" to Questions 43a. and 43b.on Form DS-230

43a. Do you want the Social Security Administration to assign you an SSN (and issue a card) or issue you a new card (if you have an SSN)? You must answer "Yes" to this question and to the "Consent To Disclosure" in order to receive an SSN and/or card.

I authorize disclosure from this form to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the Social Security Administration (SSA), such other U.S. Government agencies as may be required for the purpose of assigning me an SSN and issuing me a Social Security card, and I authorize the SSA to share my SSN with the INS.

Therefore, if you answered yes to these questions on the form, they'll automatically start processing your SSN as soon as your GC is granted. For more details on the process, please visit the SSA website. This link will take you to the page I'm referring to, but you can also explore the rest of the site for other info. http://www.socialsecurity.gov/ssnvisa/#a0=2

If you find that you need to go to the local SSA office to follow up your SSN, you can use this link to find the SSA office nearest to you. All you need is the zip code of the area where you are living. https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/fo001.jsp


Go through this SSN so that you familiarize before you rich there.:)
Today's Devotion

Matthew 12:37, “for by your words thou shalt be justified and by your words you shall be condemned”, we do well to pray, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Lord my strength and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).

NEVER GIVE UP; Never lose hope. Always have Faith, it allows you to cope. Trying times will pass as they always do. Just have patience, your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, you will live through your pain. Know it will Pass, and strength you will gain.
Hi forummates. I need your professional advice. My original host seems not very welcoming. I am contemplating changing the host. Is it Ok for me to change the host when I go for my interview?
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Today's Devotion

Matthew 12:37, “for by your words thou shalt be justified and by your words you shall be condemned”, we do well to pray, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Lord my strength and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).

NEVER GIVE UP; Never lose hope. Always have Faith, it allows you to cope. Trying times will pass as they always do. Just have patience, your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, you will live through your pain. Know it will Pass, and strength you will gain.

Amen sis
You will get a 2NL by 15 July 2014. In that letter, you will be given your interview date and other procedures. You need to relax. you can send your forms even May next year. The time you send them does not affect your interview anyway. For now, relax and do sth economical

Hi Enoo
If u go through other forums and even this one u will realise that the time you send ur forms especially those with high case numbers affects ur interview. This is because in another forum i realised that somebody who has a case number above 70.000 had an interview before anoda person with a case number above 60.000. This is because if forms are to be treated from 60.000 to 70.000 and the person with a number 70.000 sent his/her forms in May immediately after notification while the other person with case number 70.000 sent his/hers in August; the one with 60.000 will be treated and called for interview first if the range is 60.000 to 70.000 while the person with 70.000 will be called later.
That is why u see some persons with case numbers higher than others who have already gone for interview.
hi friends, i went for medical day one yesterday.
reached at 8am, went for counseling and xray then blood sample taken and i was billed 107,841ksh for a family of 4.
paid at cba bank at village market, going back tomorow friday for day two. will update you after.
my interview is next week with Obeyeezb.
Nairobi is too cold, my kids were dressed like we were in winter!!!
I just had my ticket today. Glory to God. My advice make your bookings online coz it is cheaper.

Hi Fomogho,

I have a few questions:

1. which site did you use?
2. when I go to the airport, must I carry a printout of the e-ticket
3. when done online, must I inform the airline of are my details stored in the system.

hi friends, i went for medical day one yesterday.
reached at 8am, went for counseling and xray then blood sample taken and i was billed 107,841ksh for a family of 4.
paid at cba bank at village market, going back tomorow friday for day two. will update you after.
my interview is next week with Obeyeezb.
Nairobi is too cold, my kids were dressed like we were in winter!!!
hmmm as ru medicals are not cheap at all? How did you travel from KAMPALA to Nairobi?
PAPASAN.Is this mwakilishi thing the reality on the ground.By you sharing this link and you are already in America is quite telling.Pls shed more light though it looks more discouraging than encouraging.However we know God has a purpose for everyone.What is now your experience in America?Are you now telling us- those who are still at home that this American life is too expensive to survive there?
hi makiki

When i remember back on 13th of October towards end of October 2012, pages 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 in this thread how i got answers both on the page and some in my inbox about this KCSE thing if i was a scared person with low esteem i could not have made it to the embassy for interview.


For the new people If you got below a C in your KCSE and you went to the University or College and got a Certificate, Diploma or Degree dont freak out please just prepare yourself for the interview or just check out the link below for clarification.

FOLLOW your HEART people, follow your Heart!! and REMEMBER No Matter how silly your question might sound to others please dont be scared to ask again and again. Just ask, so what?? Kwani utanyongwa.

your posts really encourage me with my c minus an ATC cert and currently in CPA SEC 2 I will face the interview with confidence
'interview' experience

Hi guys,

My interview was scheduled for today at 8am and so we were there bright and early, went through the usual security checks,
paid the visa fees only to be told that some of my documents have not been sent from Washington and that i have to come
back later when the documents are there.

My medical results were there and so was my form that i had sent to KCC. Am literally at a loss on what document they were
talking about. They said when my name was keyed in there was no response.

On a positive, they said they would call me and inform me on the interview date they will allocate me.

Guys pray for me!
Hi guys,

My interview was scheduled for today at 8am and so we were there bright and early, went through the usual security checks,
paid the visa fees only to be told that some of my documents have not been sent from Washington and that i have to come
back later when the documents are there.

My medical results were there and so was my form that i had sent to KCC. Am literally at a loss on what document they were
talking about. They said when my name was keyed in there was no response.

On a positive, they said they would call me and inform me on the interview date they will allocate me.

Guys pray for me!

Hi Clama,
No reason to worry, the documents will come and everything will be ok, were you asked to sign the form you sent to KCC... That section they tell you to sign before the CO?
Hi house of winners, we went back to the embassy today after two postponements. Last Saturday we paid and dropped the documents and system stopped again, we were asked to come on the 7 Aug. We arrived the embassy at 7.am and line up some minute we were called for security check and in hall we were call to submit proof of our marriage and was given anoda number did our finger prints. The Lady receiving the document said all is ok except for ur medicals which was not available because of the additional test after X-ray. She asked us to sit down we shall be called. We sat for 2hrs and final our number bip at window 5 for the interview. We are a family of 5. We had mid age lady as CO
US: goodmorning
Co:Goodmorning, we sorry for all these delay, we have some problem with our system
US No problem
CO Raise your right hand to say but the Truth
US: Yes
CO: I will like to confirm ur finger prints
US: We did
CO: I can see familial faces in ur wedding photo, when did u Married
Me: Bla bla
CO: U did ur traditional wedding in .....
Me: Yes
Co: Did stay some time before getting married
US: We met in .....year
Hussy: in this so and so place
CO: How many times have u been Married
Me: 1 and He 2
CO: These are His sons and ur daughter all ur Children
US: Yes
CO: verify documents again, Did u go to the university and when did u graduate
Me; Bla blaa and went to dash school graduated Bla bla year
CO: U are a research Assistant
Me: Yes
CO: And this is what you have been doing in this institution
Me Yes, and also worked as ........
CO: To my hussy, I see u do business
Hussy: yes, I'am a businessman
CO: Is she your only child
Me: yes
CO: verify documents 2 or 3x and said what ease do I have to asked, Is ok but because you medicals are not ready; which Dr did did you go
Me: Dr Bbbb
CO: verify the letter from the Dr
CO: I will give you a paper and u can come here every Wedn except last weds and hand the medicals
CO: U do not need to come all, one person can do that. Take out a pink sheet fill our case number and tick on medical bcoz there other boxes .
CO: please the early you bring ur medicals it will help us to print the visa fast.
US: Thank you

I want to thanks God who had been with us through this process and who had always helped us and still doing marvelous things for us. Nickelly devotion of today on praises was Just God answer to us. I wish to thank Nickelly the unfatigued prayer warrior, who had always stood by my side in prayers, God bless u sister,Sm1 who had been there to answer all my questions and worries, be bless and to the rest of the house thanks for ur encouraging words and prayers. I say Thank u. God bless you. We keep in prayers as we still have many going for their interview and AP.God is going to grant all of us visa before the closing date. Trust in God. Be blessed

Conglats Misses,
this is a forum of winners. u got your visa.
I thank God i joined this forum because people here are very supportive.
your posts really encourage me with my c minus an ATC cert and currently in CPA SEC 2 I will face the interview with confidence

i also got a C- but did ATC, CPA (K) then Bcom in Finance. During the interview, the lady at Window 4 only took my Form 4 cert, Degree, birth certificate and police certificate. she told me to explain the CPA certs to the CO.
So have faith it can move mountains.