• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

PSALM 113:5,7,8
Who is like unto the lord our lord our God. who dwelleth on high he raiseth up the poor out Of the dust and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill. That he may set him with princes.even with the princes of his pple
can anyone inform me on which vaccines I can get a city council and save on vaccinations at IOM. I'd also like to know which vaccines are a must at IOM.
Hey Guys i finally landed jana night, America is amazingly beautiful, today i went to a kenyan community church and made lots of friends already, kenyans are one tight community your life willl be very smooth if you join a church..went for buffet maaaaan food mob mpaka utashindwa ..all citizens are equal unlike kenya where the gap between the rich and the poor iko big..and kenyans are go getters they know what brought then here..will give you guys a more comprehensive storo as time goes by, ..i didnt carry my xray as hand luggage but they didnt ask for it .baadae jetlag haijaisha, n by the way who is coming to Georgia ???

Nice to here that you landed safely. It seems like they dont ask for the XRays coz even us they didnt ask for them but just have them incase you want to join college immediately and they want that test done on you. I agree with you that America is amazingly beautiful but unlike you the church i go is white dominated coz of our neighboorhood so i havent met Kenyans except one that i met at an employment agency.
Hey Guys i finally landed jana night, America is amazingly beautiful, today i went to a kenyan community church and made lots of friends already, kenyans are one tight community your life willl be very smooth if you join a church..went for buffet maaaaan food mob mpaka utashindwa ..all citizens are equal unlike kenya where the gap between the rich and the poor iko big..and kenyans are go getters they know what brought then here..will give you guys a more comprehensive storo as time goes by, ..i didnt carry my xray as hand luggage but they didnt ask for it .baadae jetlag haijaisha, n by the way who is coming to Georgia ???

i like the encouragement......jarmsbi and jimma boy are joining you in ATL GA.......hope we will hook up

Had appointment for 7:30, but getting the kids ready (still tired from the drive from Kampala) and getting through Nairobi traffic, meant we only got to at 8am.

Presented the passports and 2NL and where given a number and asked to wait. We are then called up and have digital photos taken, and given an invoice to pay at the bank. CBA branch at the Village Market, then asked to wait again. You can go thru the process for the day, then go to the bank to pay later, but to make up some time, while the family was waiting, I went to pay the fees. For a family of 4, we eventually paid $916. Next step is a group counselling session, that basically explains what is going to be done, based on which country you are going to. By the time I got back from the bank, the rest of my family had started their counselling session, so I waited for the next one. At which point the wife went on for the x-ray. In my counselling group, we had people going to the US, Canada and Australia and the tests and vaccines vary depending on destination. The US require the least. At the x-ray point, they will need a photocopy of your passport, your 2NL and 1 photo.

After this I went for the x-ray, by which time, the family was in the line for the blood tests and the kids TB tests. I was therefore able to catch up, as my form was added to the rest of the family that were already ahead in the line. At this point, they will need a copy of your 2NL, passport copy, 1 photo per adult and 2 photos per child

After this we were free to leave, returning on Thursday for the TB test results and the vaccinations.

Entire process took 4 hours. Each step of the way is short, only a few minutes each, but the waiting time between each step is lengthy just because of the number of people being handled.
We arrived at the American embassy at exactly 5.30am.Our interview was scheduled for 6.30am.So we had to arrive early. We are a family of 5.We were told to line outside the gate in two rows one for men and the other for women. You had to hand over your passport and the appointment letter. We proceeded to gate two. More screening and here we leave all our belongings including mobile phones, car keys, hand bags etc. At gate 3 we were assigned a no.C407.Then told to wait outside and it was terribly cold.

After about 30 mins we were called to window 4. "Pls give me your original documents i.e. passports, passport size photo graphs-2 for each family member, birth certificates, form 4 Kcse certificate, degree certificate, Affidavits for different names for my academic certificates and the name in the passport, and police certificate of good conduct.
Please go pay the 1650dollars for the 5 of us i.e. USD330 per person
We were then told to wait outside. After another 30 mins we were called to window 8 for finger printing verification.
Again sent outside to wait. After around 40mins we were called to window 10."pls swear that information we had stated in forms 122 and DS230 was the truth. We raised our right hands and said yes. "Are these your biological children-yes. What do you do now-I answered. Do you still do it now-Yes

CONGRATULATIONS. The white lady said as the handed as the green or is it blue paper that instructed us on how to create a DHL account. She also handed to us 5 other forms for USICS to pay the USD 165 each before we depart for the USA.This will be done online. She told us to expect our visas in the next 5 days .

But I had another request though. I told her that I and our colleagues will depart for DUBAI Saturday 29th.She advised that I go with my passport and make sure that I return it via DHL immediately I returned from abroad. She however retained the passports of the other family members in order to start processing their visas. We said thank you as we left the embassy at around 10.am.
Had appointment for 7:30, but getting the kids ready (still tired from the drive from Kampala) and getting through Nairobi traffic, meant we only got to at 8am.

Presented the passports and 2NL and where given a number and asked to wait. We are then called up and have digital photos taken, and given an invoice to pay at the bank. CBA branch at the Village Market, then asked to wait again. You can go thru the process for the day, then go to the bank to pay later, but to make up some time, while the family was waiting, I went to pay the fees. For a family of 4, we eventually paid $916. Next step is a group counselling session, that basically explains what is going to be done, based on which country you are going to. By the time I got back from the bank, the rest of my family had started their counselling session, so I waited for the next one. At which point the wife went on for the x-ray. In my counselling group, we had people going to the US, Canada and Australia and the tests and vaccines vary depending on destination. The US require the least. At the x-ray point, they will need a photocopy of your passport, your 2NL and 1 photo.

After this I went for the x-ray, by which time, the family was in the line for the blood tests and the kids TB tests. I was therefore able to catch up, as my form was added to the rest of the family that were already ahead in the line. At this point, they will need a copy of your 2NL, passport copy, 1 photo per adult and 2 photos per child

After this we were free to leave, returning on Thursday for the TB test results and the vaccinations.

Entire process took 4 hours. Each step of the way is short, only a few minutes each, but the waiting time between each step is lengthy just because of the number of people being handled.
THanks for sharing your medical experience Uganda1...am from Uganda too and this is very helpful
We arrived at the American embassy at exactly 5.30am.Our interview was scheduled for 6.30am.So we had to arrive early. We are a family of 5.We were told to line outside the gate in two rows one for men and the other for women. You had to hand over your passport and the appointment letter. We proceeded to gate two. More screening and here we leave all our belongings including mobile phones, car keys, hand bags etc. At gate 3 we were assigned a no.C407.Then told to wait outside and it was terribly cold.

After about 30 mins we were called to window 4. "Pls give me your original documents i.e. passports, passport size photo graphs-2 for each family member, birth certificates, form 4 Kcse certificate, degree certificate, Affidavits for different names for my academic certificates and the name in the passport, and police certificate of good conduct.
Please go pay the 1650dollars for the 5 of us i.e. USD330 per person
We were then told to wait outside. After another 30 mins we were called to window 8 for finger printing verification.
Again sent outside to wait. After around 40mins we were called to window 10."pls swear that information we had stated in forms 122 and DS230 was the truth. We raised our right hands and said yes. "Are these your biological children-yes. What do you do now-I answered. Do you still do it now-Yes

CONGRATULATIONS. The white lady said as the handed as the green or is it blue paper that instructed us on how to create a DHL account. She also handed to us 5 other forms for USICS to pay the USD 165 each before we depart for the USA.This will be done online. She told us to expect our visas in the next 5 days .

But I had another request though. I told her that I and our colleagues will depart for DUBAI Saturday 29th.She advised that I go with my passport and make sure that I return it via DHL immediately I returned from abroad. She however retained the passports of the other family members in order to start processing their visas. We said thank you as we left the embassy at around 10.am.

congrats. indeed glory to the most high, now to step five.
Had appointment for 7:30, but getting the kids ready (still tired from the drive from Kampala) and getting through Nairobi traffic, meant we only got to at 8am.

Presented the passports and 2NL and where given a number and asked to wait. We are then called up and have digital photos taken, and given an invoice to pay at the bank. CBA branch at the Village Market, then asked to wait again. You can go thru the process for the day, then go to the bank to pay later, but to make up some time, while the family was waiting, I went to pay the fees. For a family of 4, we eventually paid $916. Next step is a group counselling session, that basically explains what is going to be done, based on which country you are going to. By the time I got back from the bank, the rest of my family had started their counselling session, so I waited for the next one. At which point the wife went on for the x-ray. In my counselling group, we had people going to the US, Canada and Australia and the tests and vaccines vary depending on destination. The US require the least. At the x-ray point, they will need a photocopy of your passport, your 2NL and 1 photo.

After this I went for the x-ray, by which time, the family was in the line for the blood tests and the kids TB tests. I was therefore able to catch up, as my form was added to the rest of the family that were already ahead in the line. At this point, they will need a copy of your 2NL, passport copy, 1 photo per adult and 2 photos per child

After this we were free to leave, returning on Thursday for the TB test results and the vaccinations.

Entire process took 4 hours. Each step of the way is short, only a few minutes each, but the waiting time between each step is lengthy just because of the number of people being handled.

thank you for sharing the medical experience. i hop the jabs are baby friendly.
what are the requirements for booking medicals? is the second notification enough coz my passports are not yet out.
We arrived at the American embassy at exactly 5.30am.Our interview was scheduled for 6.30am.So we had to arrive early. We are a family of 5.We were told to line outside the gate in two rows one for men and the other for women. You had to hand over your passport and the appointment letter. We proceeded to gate two. More screening and here we leave all our belongings including mobile phones, car keys, hand bags etc. At gate 3 we were assigned a no.C407.Then told to wait outside and it was terribly cold.

After about 30 mins we were called to window 4. "Pls give me your original documents i.e. passports, passport size photo graphs-2 for each family member, birth certificates, form 4 Kcse certificate, degree certificate, Affidavits for different names for my academic certificates and the name in the passport, and police certificate of good conduct.
Please go pay the 1650dollars for the 5 of us i.e. USD330 per person
We were then told to wait outside. After another 30 mins we were called to window 8 for finger printing verification.
Again sent outside to wait. After around 40mins we were called to window 10."pls swear that information we had stated in forms 122 and DS230 was the truth. We raised our right hands and said yes. "Are these your biological children-yes. What do you do now-I answered. Do you still do it now-Yes

CONGRATULATIONS. The white lady said as the handed as the green or is it blue paper that instructed us on how to create a DHL account. She also handed to us 5 other forms for USICS to pay the USD 165 each before we depart for the USA.This will be done online. She told us to expect our visas in the next 5 days .

But I had another request though. I told her that I and our colleagues will depart for DUBAI Saturday 29th.She advised that I go with my passport and make sure that I return it via DHL immediately I returned from abroad. She however retained the passports of the other family members in order to start processing their visas. We said thank you as we left the embassy at around 10.am.

Congratulations to you and your family!!! ;)
We arrived at the American embassy at exactly 5.30am.Our interview was scheduled for 6.30am.So we had to arrive early. We are a family of 5.We were told to line outside the gate in two rows one for men and the other for women. You had to hand over your passport and the appointment letter. We proceeded to gate two. More screening and here we leave all our belongings including mobile phones, car keys, hand bags etc. At gate 3 we were assigned a no.C407.Then told to wait outside and it was terribly cold.

After about 30 mins we were called to window 4. "Pls give me your original documents i.e. passports, passport size photo graphs-2 for each family member, birth certificates, form 4 Kcse certificate, degree certificate, Affidavits for different names for my academic certificates and the name in the passport, and police certificate of good conduct.
Please go pay the 1650dollars for the 5 of us i.e. USD330 per person
We were then told to wait outside. After another 30 mins we were called to window 8 for finger printing verification.
Again sent outside to wait. After around 40mins we were called to window 10."pls swear that information we had stated in forms 122 and DS230 was the truth. We raised our right hands and said yes. "Are these your biological children-yes. What do you do now-I answered. Do you still do it now-Yes

CONGRATULATIONS. The white lady said as the handed as the green or is it blue paper that instructed us on how to create a DHL account. She also handed to us 5 other forms for USICS to pay the USD 165 each before we depart for the USA.This will be done online. She told us to expect our visas in the next 5 days .

But I had another request though. I told her that I and our colleagues will depart for DUBAI Saturday 29th.She advised that I go with my passport and make sure that I return it via DHL immediately I returned from abroad. She however retained the passports of the other family members in order to start processing their visas. We said thank you as we left the embassy at around 10.am.

For medical examination,you need to book it with your appointment letter,your passport(s) and 2 passport size photopgraphs(2 by 2).Please suggest also to them the date you want the examination done but should be working days.Scan the above documents and send to them with your tentave date.If you live in Nairobi just walk in with these documents and book your medical exam.
I strongly advise that you book your exam atleast 2 weeks before the interview.Good luck
I intend to scan some instructions we were given yesterday before our interview with the consular officer to read. You will read it for yourself. I will do it first thing in the morning tomorrow Wednesday coz I am now on the road to my village. Everybody attending the interview was given ie the dv lottery interviewees.THANKS
Today's Devotion

Psalm 116 is a Psalm of thanksgiving.
I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because he inclined his ear to me,therefore I will call on him as long as I live.
It begins with David’s expression of his love for God, both for what He is and for what He has done for him. David had been in acute distress and danger that had almost driven him to despair. In his extremity, he had humbly and earnestly cried to the Lord for help. The result was that God heard him and delivered him from his despair and misery. He resolves that thereafter he will do his utmost to please the God whom he loved and who had heard and helped him when he was in a desperate situation.
But I had another request though. I told her that I and our colleagues will depart for DUBAI Saturday 29th.She advised that I go with my passport and make sure that I return it via DHL immediately I returned from abroad. She however retained the passports of the other family members in order to start processing their visas. We said thank you as we left the embassy at around 10.am.
Am glad to hear that, Glory to God. Thanks for asking the CO about your passport at least you can travel in peace enjoy Dubai.:p
what are the requirements for booking medicals? is the second notification enough coz my passports are not yet out.

Guys who are current ensure that you have your passports ready in order to avoid delays, this document is very important, Clama all the best, just push those guys.:( You need your passports when you go for medical.
Entry Checked: 3.10.2012
The forms sent to KCC: 04.10.2012
Confirmed by KCC via email: 21.12.2012
Birth certs: done
Passports: not yet
Police Clearance ; not yet
Medicals: not yet
Interview: not yet:(

will I ever get the 2NL, if yes, when?.
Is there any chance of me getting a visa with such a high case number?
Is there any Kenyan with such a high case number?
Is there any record of such high case number winning previously?

By reading your profile you send your form somehow late(October) some of us send via E mail immediately that's why they are current.
We arrived at the American embassy at exactly 5.30am.Our interview was scheduled for 6.30am.So we had to arrive early. We are a family of 5.We were told to line outside the gate in two rows one for men and the other for women. You had to hand over your passport and the appointment letter. We proceeded to gate two. More screening and here we leave all our belongings including mobile phones, car keys, hand bags etc. At gate 3 we were assigned a no.C407.Then told to wait outside and it was terribly cold.

After about 30 mins we were called to window 4. "Pls give me your original documents i.e. passports, passport size photo graphs-2 for each family member, birth certificates, form 4 Kcse certificate, degree certificate, Affidavits for different names for my academic certificates and the name in the passport, and police certificate of good conduct.
Please go pay the 1650dollars for the 5 of us i.e. USD330 per person
We were then told to wait outside. After another 30 mins we were called to window 8 for finger printing verification.
Again sent outside to wait. After around 40mins we were called to window 10."pls swear that information we had stated in forms 122 and DS230 was the truth. We raised our right hands and said yes. "Are these your biological children-yes. What do you do now-I answered. Do you still do it now-Yes

CONGRATULATIONS. The white lady said as the handed as the green or is it blue paper that instructed us on how to create a DHL account. She also handed to us 5 other forms for USICS to pay the USD 165 each before we depart for the USA.This will be done online. She told us to expect our visas in the next 5 days .

But I had another request though. I told her that I and our colleagues will depart for DUBAI Saturday 29th.She advised that I go with my passport and make sure that I return it via DHL immediately I returned from abroad. She however retained the passports of the other family members in order to start processing their visas. We said thank you as we left the embassy at around 10.am.

Well my forum mates in just 2 weeks in the US i have my first job i cant complain and in within these days we were able to get our SSN and State IDs in 7 days. This is all you need to get a job. I cant complain but the trouble is the work schedules you are given bare in mind its your host dropping you to work and picking you and the host has her full time job. Ni kugumu but i thank God my host is on leave but i have a week to have my learners permit and hit the road or am stak. I want to encourage all of you who are looking forward to be here na nina sema njoo tena haraka.

Sambaza hizo dollars:p