the CO did say anything but the person who received my documents before my interview looked at the cert as if it was a fake one.did the CO tell you what was wrong with your laminated cert?
the CO did say anything but the person who received my documents before my interview looked at the cert as if it was a fake one.did the CO tell you what was wrong with your laminated cert?
we need more interview experiences please. come out and share them here
Hello Enoo,
there are quite a number of of interview experiences that have been shared. You need to go backwards and you read them. If you think your laminated certificates will cause a problem, have KNEC send a copy of the results to the embassy. That way you will be sure that it won't be an issue. Again from the forum, a number of people have presented laminated certificates and they haven't had any issues. Since it is getting to the end of the fiscal year, you are better off playing safe.
CONGRATS,that is the doing of the lord may his name be praised now and forever amen.These few weeks have been quite trying with anxiety building to almost unbearable proportions. Then today, 0450h I get to the Embassy. Chilly like you wouldn't believe. Then wait all the way to 0600h before the security guys arrive at the Consular Section gate. Anyway, to cut a long story short, The ALMIGHTY GOD came through for me and the interview was successful without the CO asking any question besides the "Do you swear that the information contained in these forms is the truth?". Thank You God. Thank you forumates for providing me with invaluable information. Please keep this forum alive.
Thanks for your advice. I know my docs are original though laminated and that is what I will use
did you have laminated birth certificates also? did you have AOS-affidavit of support and or bank statements?
while paying for medicals and interview, which is cheaper? is it Ksh or dollars?
Hey guys, been away for a while now. We had a safe flight on saturday. My 5 yr old boy enjoyed the flight so much but the young one cried all the way. 'mummy am going to fall, i want to sit with papa, well a friend advised me that no windows for him next time. This place is COLD. Cold kabisa. Anyways, we went to IOM today and did our day one medicals. It was a bit hectic, too many people there but we managed to do everything. They photographed us, made copies of our passports. They then wrote out a coupon slip for us and we moved on to the vaccinations room where they included the required vaccinations for us and our total bill for a family of 2 adults and 2 children came to $1,069. We then went for blood tests then xray and went to the bank to pay. They actually advise you to do your blood tests and xrays and go to the bank on your way home. After we paid, we took back the receipt but were advised to take it back on thursday when we return for vaccines and kids TB test results. While there i met a couple from Kenya i told them about the forum. They have a grade below C plain, i gave them the facts and experiences from the forum and told them there's hope if they have a diploma of 2 years training or degree. I hope the best for them.
Hey guys, been away for a while now. We had a safe flight on saturday. My 5 yr old boy enjoyed the flight so much but the young one cried all the way. 'mummy am going to fall, i want to sit with papa, well a friend advised me that no windows for him next time. This place is COLD. Cold kabisa. Anyways, we went to IOM today and did our day one medicals. It was a bit hectic, too many people there but we managed to do everything. They photographed us, made copies of our passports. They then wrote out a coupon slip for us and we moved on to the vaccinations room where they included the required vaccinations for us and our total bill for a family of 2 adults and 2 children came to $1,069. We then went for blood tests then xray and went to the bank to pay. They actually advise you to do your blood tests and xrays and go to the bank on your way home. After we paid, we took back the receipt but were advised to take it back on thursday when we return for vaccines and kids TB test results. While there i met a couple from Kenya i told them about the forum. They have a grade below C plain, i gave them the facts and experiences from the forum and told them there's hope if they have a diploma of 2 years training or degree. I hope the best for them.
Friend, walk in God's timing and it will amaze you how effortless your work will be, all the best.
Forumates.Good morning. I want to advise on laminated certificates. I have personally gone through the interview and got successful. All the certificates were laminated. This was not an issue. Those with laminated certificates have no cause to worry. However there are form four certificates they doubt. This is where they put some guys on AP.AP is not good thing as it approaches sept 15.My advise is for those who are yet to attend their interviews. It is a good thing if you requested KNEC to send a confidential of your results to consular section American embassy at Gigiri.Do it 2 weeks in advance before you attend the interview. It will save you too much anxiety when you are put on AP.
As concerning affidavit of support, THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT. They don't even ask for it.They only ask if you have a HOST. However in order to avoid any eventualities, if you can get it go ahead. You never know this late hour.
Those with c- have no cause to worry. So long as you have a diploma that took you 2 years to complete or a degree certificate. You will get the visa. I am not sure of anybody with D+ and below.
When it comes to payments, for medicals you can do it in kshs.But for visa fees it is good to go to the embassy during your interview day with $330.Shop for any bureau in town with the cheapest rates.