so, i arrive at kindu 6:30hrs. Sit outside for sometime, that is until 7:30 where are are checked at the main entrance.
Thereafter we walk on this straight path and queue, you are checked your appointment letter and passport. Once cleared you go to queue 3 for major security checks. Wathc, phones, keys, laptops etc.
After, you walk into the lobby, get your no. Mostly it will be a c...., and a detailed paper on the qualifications of a dv also fill in your details on a lil form and then wait. You wait for a really long time. no. Was called, i walked to counter 3; got a pleasant ethiopian lady; (it was too cold i was shivering) and she asks me three questions: Are you married, ever been married and any children? All were no. Then...she asks if am qualified as per the instructions on the paper i took earlier. So yes, i hand in my kcse cert and copy, my birth cert. And copy and police certificate (no copy) and walk outside and wait.
After like 30 minutes my name is called to counter 5; for biometrics...then i am told to sit and wait.
After other 30 minutes my name is called to counter 9- its a corner one....and yeah the interview begins. My consular was an african, very serious but quite warm.
Consular: Raise your right hand side and swear that all i say is true and nothing but the truth (and all on the form) so, i sign the form we sent to kdc.
(she asks me to place my right index finger on some red biometric)
consular: Ma'am are u married?
Me: No
consular: Been married?
Me: No
consular: Any children?
Me: No
consular: (checks in my form) what is your highest level of education
me: Blah..blah..
Consular: I can see you worked for a company called ......what did you do there?
Me: Blah...blah...
Consular: I can see the name sounds like a dating company is it?
Me: (laughing) no..its just a name ma'am
consular: Do you speak french? (she says that in french)
me: Yeah, just a little (i answer in french)
consular: Whats your name (she says that in french)
me: I tell her in french "my name is ...blah,blah" ..then i ask in french " and whats your name madam"
consular smiles and tells me unfortunately they are not allowed to say their names...we all laugh.
Consular: Where are you going in us
me:i say
consular: Who is your host
me: I say
consular: Who is he to you
me: I say
consular: Ok, madam your visa is approved, (hands me the green paper) you can pay the ucis fee....blah, blah..blah...(tell you the truth i dint hear nothing after this i was too excited)
me: Merci beaucoup ma'am...enchanté (thank you so much and pleasure meeting you)
i run out of the lobby very excited.
Well i met two other people on dv, one lady must be the one who asked on qualifications as she had a d and did not even do medicals but turned up for the interview with hubby...long story short. Guys really need our forum.
The other i met was this couple and kid, the lady told me she is not our member but she reads our forum everynow and then, am sure they got the visa- they looked well organized.
Guys, there is no need to fear or be super anxious (as i was) this thing is yours and nobody (or demon) can tunya you!!
God bless!!!
Karendi wenyu