• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Thank you very much for your opinions and am so grateful to have found this forum. May God bless you all.

I have been listed as a beneficiary on the 2NL.The problem is, we don’t have the money for the two of us to proceed with it and that was the main reason why I filed follow to join on the forms.

We had our traditional married in first week of April 2012 but registered it in court in the first week of May 2012 and celebrated it. But we got to kwon she has won in July 2012 with CN 2013AF00008XXX b’cos someone played it for her and it was that person who called before we got to kwon that she has won. We have been together for over 10 years before our married and we have some old pictures to show, is that ok. And also since I have no money for mine visa processing fee and medicals, do I still have to be at the interview? Thank you.
Members, please continue praying for these two members of our house. Am in your feelings' guys and I put you in ma prayers, wish the Almighty will reserve your visas for you before the end of AP.
Prayers, prayers.
Hi members, this jarmsbi .Thank you for keeping the forum alive i have been following it indoors as i recover from the foot fracture.
You have requested for my updates the right time.After i rescheduled my interview i was there yesterday 8th jan.
For changing the appointment no issue as i earlier mentioned i was in the daily interviewee register.
i was intime went through the security check up then finally i went to the interview all,first you get a number (queuing system) and wait outside my no. was called to counter XX where the first qsn was my kcse grade(i have above C) then followed other documents plus the marital status,i was asked to go and pay dollar rate @85 which i did at counter Y and returned the receipt to X and told to move out.After 10 min i was called again this time to counter Z where i met a WHITE YOUNG MAN CO very serious indeed.he asked me my highest level of education(i have a degree in commerce),marital status, then came the very important qsn what am intending t do in US and there is no job awaiting me,then who is my host and the relation we have.for my case the host is not a relative but a friend.He took a breath,picked a green paper but asked back my birth certificate then i replaced the green with a yellow paper,gave back my passport and told me i will be on administrative process and they will send me the documents via DHL...I ALSO LEFT THE police C.O.G.C (Is it normal). The yellow form said that further information may be required but was not mentioned to me...it had a clause from NIA chapter 221g (Google and see).I have not found the reason but i suspect the issue of host they gonna get evidence that he/she is capable to sustain you.
can those who have succeeded tell the documents they left with the CO after the interview please.e.g passport.....

members this is tough journey but let us not give up neither loose hope what comes out lets share because information is very important to all of us.what i can state is that if you have below the C,think twice before you venture because its like they are not interested with any other qualification although before you pay they ask for the grade meaning if its below you may not be allowed to proceed with payment .NB This is a personal decision.
i will update you on any future communications which is between 1 to 90 days.

Thanks Jarmsbi 4 updating us. All u need to do is to thank God 4 what he is about to do by singing praises;In the day of my deliverance, I will say: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. – Isa 12:4
I want to thank you all who prayed for me and my son,and the ones who gave the advicises
we did not get the visa,
and they did not tell me why, they said they are contacting in 3 weeks or more.
this is the end of my journey

i wish all good luck in your interview and your life

It's not over. Your case is under AP. Shed more light when you settle down by answering few qs below and am sure your case is fine.
1. Did you get any paper from them? And if so, what color is it?
2. Are you a single mom? And if so, did you have any sworn affidavit from the kids dad saying he is not objecting to you relocating with the baby?
3. Do you work in a security related firm or company?
All people in AP get their visas before the end of financial year if your background check is ok, so i would urge you to just relax and don't lose hope. It's still to early to say its over.
Hi members, this jarmsbi .Thank you for keeping the forum alive i have been following it indoors as i recover from the foot fracture.
You have requested for my updates the right time.After i rescheduled my interview i was there yesterday 8th jan.
For changing the appointment no issue as i earlier mentioned i was in the daily interviewee register.
i was intime went through the security check up then finally i went to the interview all,first you get a number (queuing system) and wait outside my no. was called to counter XX where the first qsn was my kcse grade(i have above C) then followed other documents plus the marital status,i was asked to go and pay dollar rate @85 which i did at counter Y and returned the receipt to X and told to move out.After 10 min i was called again this time to counter Z where i met a WHITE YOUNG MAN CO very serious indeed.he asked me my highest level of education(i have a degree in commerce),marital status, then came the very important qsn what am intending t do in US and there is no job awaiting me,then who is my host and the relation we have.for my case the host is not a relative but a friend.He took a breath,picked a green paper but asked back my birth certificate then i replaced the green with a yellow paper,gave back my passport and told me i will be on administrative process and they will send me the documents via DHL...I ALSO LEFT THE police C.O.G.C (Is it normal). The yellow form said that further information may be required but was not mentioned to me...it had a clause from NIA chapter 221g (Google and see).I have not found the reason but i suspect the issue of host they gonna get evidence that he/she is capable to sustain you.
can those who have succeeded tell the documents they left with the CO after the interview please.e.g passport.....

members this is tough journey but let us not give up neither loose hope what comes out lets share because information is very important to all of us.what i can state is that if you have below the C,think twice before you venture because its like they are not interested with any other qualification although before you pay they ask for the grade meaning if its below you may not be allowed to proceed with payment .NB This is a personal decision.
i will update you on any future communications which is between 1 to 90 days.

Jarmsbi thanks for updating us...may the good Lord give you and Lucy strength as you wait patiently,He is the beginning and the end..so keep smiling:) coz its not yet over

Ma'am, when did you receive your 2nd NL, how many days after the bulletin was released officially? This month's bulletin was released on 9th january, so when could i get my 2nd nl, as it makes me current. And best of luck with your interview.


Ma'am, when did you receive your 2nd NL, how many days after the bulletin was released officially? This month's bulletin was released on 9th january, so when could i get my 2nd nl, as it makes me current. And best of luck with your interview.


start checking the entry status site https://www.dvlottery.state.gov/ESC/ as from 17th of January you will get your 2NL there. We didnt get an email that is why am telling you to check it direct from the site. Bulletin was released on 12th of December and we got our 2NL on 18th of December.

Sorry to learn about your being put on AP as well. Ordinarily, COs are not required to pay attention to a DV selectee's higher degree (regardless of whatever that degree may be in and whether or nor the applicant will be able to find a sustainable job with it or not), provided the High School Diploma requirement is met. However, COs are at liberty to use their discretion to look for so called 'cracks' in the applications that come across their desks.

For those who're yet to attend their interview, it's very important to appear relaxed (even if your guts are churning into pieces within you), and confident (even if you're not quite certain) when you meet the COs. Try to have a slight smile on your face, speak with confidence and most importantly, maintain eye-contact with the CO (without staring or having a fixed expression on your face) throughout the duration of your interview.

If you think the CO may entertain doubts the possibility of your getting a job in the US, you may want to consider telling the CO you plan on going back to school in the US in order to gain the necessary skills to help you get ahead. Do your home work well in advance by researching schools you could possibly attend in the State/City where you hope to live, identify courses/programs of interest and print out the information, take such along to your interview to convince the CO about your serious intentions (even if you have no plans of going to school right away or ever). Of course you will need to convince the CO about how you hope to work, (identify jobs you could possibly do) and successfully go to school at the same time.

Just be prepared, cover as much bases you as you possibly can to prepare you for your interview, and appear very confident! All the best!!

Couldn't put it in a better way. AP is not the end of the world and am just guessing they are under instructions to check on authenticity of all documents received especially with our current Kenya. AP is normal here in Middle east and most winners get their visa 1 to 3months.
Hi house,i take this opportunity to the two members of our house who have been placed on AP...they just want to do a background check on you and trust me guys you will be a testimony to the people of this house what the lord will have done for you are going to get your visas sooner than you think provided all your documents are genuine.if its a yellow paper the visa are yours...the red paper is the outright denial so it means they still have hopes on you.
meanwhile im planning to leave with my wife coming Sat via Swiss air from Nairobi to Zurich then to Newyork and then to Washington...we will keep in touch plz keep us in your prayers as we pray for Lucy and Jarmsibi,
love you guys lets keep walking and lets never give up

Sorry to learn about your being put on AP as well. Ordinarily, COs are not required to pay attention to a DV selectee's higher degree (regardless of whatever that degree may be in and whether or nor the applicant will be able to find a sustainable job with it or not), provided the High School Diploma requirement is met. However, COs are at liberty to use their discretion to look for so called 'cracks' in the applications that come across their desks.

For those who're yet to attend their interview, it's very important to appear relaxed (even if your guts are churning into pieces within you), and confident (even if you're not quite certain) when you meet the COs. Try to have a slight smile on your face, speak with confidence and most importantly, maintain eye-contact with the CO (without staring or having a fixed expression on your face) throughout the duration of your interview.

If you think the CO may entertain doubts the possibility of your getting a job in the US, you may want to consider telling the CO you plan on going back to school in the US in order to gain the necessary skills to help you get ahead. Do your home work well in advance by researching schools you could possibly attend in the State/City where you hope to live, identify courses/programs of interest and print out the information, take such along to your interview to convince the CO about your serious intentions (even if you have no plans of going to school right away or ever). Of course you will need to convince the CO about how you hope to work, (identify jobs you could possibly do) and successfully go to school at the same time.

Just be prepared, cover as much bases you as you possibly can to prepare you for your interview, and appear very confident! All the best!!

Thank you so much for the advice, i have read it over and over. Be blessed.
Hi house,i take this opportunity to the two members of our house who have been placed on AP...they just want to do a background check on you and trust me guys you will be a testimony to the people of this house what the lord will have done for you are going to get your visas sooner than you think provided all your documents are genuine.if its a yellow paper the visa are yours...the red paper is the outright denial so it means they still have hopes on you.
meanwhile im planning to leave with my wife coming Sat via Swiss air from Nairobi to Zurich then to Newyork and then to Washington...we will keep in touch plz keep us in your prayers as we pray for Lucy and Jarmsibi,
love you guys lets keep walking and lets never give up

Good luck Nesh. Be blessed and keep us posted.

Hi house,i take this opportunity to the two members of our house who have been placed on AP...they just want to do a background check on you and trust me guys you will be a testimony to the people of this house what the lord will have done for you are going to get your visas sooner than you think provided all your documents are genuine.if its a yellow paper the visa are yours...the red paper is the outright denial so it means they still have hopes on you.
meanwhile im planning to leave with my wife coming Sat via Swiss air from Nairobi to Zurich then to Newyork and then to Washington...we will keep in touch plz keep us in your prayers as we pray for Lucy and Jarmsibi,
love you guys lets keep walking and lets never give up

Do you remember this?.....

Nesh422 is online now Registered Users (C)

Join Date
Jul 2012

Married couple interview

Somebody who has done the interview and is married pliz share the experience,im case number 4***and i just married my sweetheart last month(had been married ander customary law )but had to do it formary to get my marriage cert..any interview experience for coulples would be highly apreciated...god bless u especialy those tht won but r still around to guide others,,,kudos

This coats the whole journey with sugar and good memories of how far you have come to booking a flight and finally saying goodbye.Good bless you as you embark on the new life.
Do you remember this?.....

Nesh422 is online now Registered Users (C)

Join Date
Jul 2012

Married couple interview

Somebody who has done the interview and is married pliz share the experience,im case number 4***and i just married my sweetheart last month(had been married ander customary law )but had to do it formary to get my marriage cert..any interview experience for coulples would be highly apreciated...god bless u especialy those tht won but r still around to guide others,,,kudos

This coats the whole journey with sugar and good memories of how far you have come to booking a flight and finally saying goodbye.Good bless you as you embark on the new life.

It's all history my friend. Enjoy.
Hey guys..just want to thank all of you for your encouragement towards the guys who are on AP ..it shouldn't worry you as long as all your papers are genuine ..its human nature to get disappointed but what i believe is that God has a reason for everything ..
Am Current atlast!! though this heightens more tension..looking forward to getting my 2nd NL ..
Hey guys..just want to thank all of you for your encouragement towards the guys who are on AP ..it shouldn't worry you as long as all your papers are genuine ..its human nature to get disappointed but what i believe is that God has a reason for everything ..
Am Current atlast!! though this heightens more tension..looking forward to getting my 2nd NL ..

In one weeks time check your entry status it shall be there. Start organising your papers
Those who are current i wish you the best and lets do this thing. I know we are tensed and feeling sick in the stomach because the day is here but with God all things are possible.
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