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DV 2012 Tunisia Winners - Post Here


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Les personnes qui ont gagné la loterie 2012 peuvent poster par ici, j'ai été présélectionné, c'est ma 2ème tentative, espérant que tout ira bien Inchallah.
Hey guys good work in here.I stumbled on this site out of anxiety before the Ist of May and I really like what I am getting.

"Based on the information provided, the Entry HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED for further processing for the 2012 Electronic Diversity Visa program.
Please verify that you have entered all information correctly. You may re-check the Entry status by clicking on the ESC Home Page link below"

Pls does this statement mean I can still be selected?
Cos It seems all my guys also got the message and one of them said it is a batch by batch thingy
My Brethren pls help trash the issue....I believe in you guys
Hi ! Im from Tunisia and I've won in the DV lottery 2012 !
I have some questions mate !

1 - what i got do now !
2 - In Form DS-230 what does mean the Petitioner (Question 39) ?
3- Should i fill the Form DSP-122 and Form DS-230 Part I and Part II with 2 photos and send it to the KCC !??
4- should i have someone there to live with or just an adresse to receive my GC !?

and thx ;)
Luky winner from la Marsa but USA is not new for me i was a légal alien from 1993 till 1997 and after i lost my status because i got to stay here in tunis more than on year
now again to tracks i guess i love that ****ing country oh for your question just visit TRAVEL STATE GOV you got detailed answers
the petitioner in this case is you.
waiting for my interview ...............hope its before october because my son turn over 21 in that month[/B].:cool:
Salem Zinhoumv et JML13, je suis diviste 2012, quel est vos num de tel please? voici une adresse mail dedié que j'ai fais, envoyer moi des email avec num de tel, je veux bien faire la connaissence de diviste tunisien, merci, contacter moi sur imdivist2012@hotmail.fr.
Hi ! Im from Tunisia and I've won in the DV lottery 2012 !
I have some questions mate !

1 - what i got do now !
2 - In Form DS-230 what does mean the Petitioner (Question 39) ?
3- Should i fill the Form DSP-122 and Form DS-230 Part I and Part II with 2 photos and send it to the KCC !??
4- should i have someone there to live with or just an adresse to receive my GC !?

and thx ;)

2 the petitioner is you coz you'r the principale applicant

3 yes you should

4 no it's not important just an address to receive ur GC
Why you need us for inchaalah!!!!!;)

Pay attention friend it is a personal fight that you confront
You'll be going to a serious country where if you don't work you are in the street and trie your best to avoid our sort(species) Tunisians and Arabic!!!!!
why I need you? :) because i need to hear about ur experience, dont worry man i got my own natural americian sponsor, he's got an mba, and i have ba business computing and master degree ict, so i hope that im gonna find a job and i'ain't going to the street, hope that u give me ur number in my email, i'm waiting man, any help will be appreciated...

why I need you? :) because i need to hear about ur experience, dont worry man i got my own natural americian sponsor, he's got an mba, and i have ba business computing and master degree ict, so i hope that im gonna find a job and i'ain't going to the street, hope that u give me ur number in my email, i'm waiting man, any help will be appreciated...
thank you very much, im from sfax, im gonna call you later, my number is 229*827*, that's why i wanted that you send my ur phone is my email, yours will be referenced in google soon :)....
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thank you very much, im from sfax, im gonna call you later, my name is 229*827*, that's why i wanted that you send my ur phone is my email, yours will be referenced in google soon :)....

you can get me on skype under zinhoumv2001