• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2012 Australia Winners - Post Here

Well hopefully someone who was a 'late responder' will post an answer for you soon, I'm new to applying so I don't have an answer for you. If I were you though, I would send off my documents asap. I have heard through the forum of others sending documents off late. I also read a post of someone who was told that they never give all the visa's away in Sydney (left over after all the interviews are done), so luck might be on your side. Anyway, go for it and all the best of luck - you may still be in with a chance ;) Let's hope someone else has more info for you.

Warm wishes


Thankyou - I'm going to start getting it all together this week and send it off, hopefully in the meantime someone else can let me know my chances!
Thankyou - I'm going to start getting it all together this week and send it off, hopefully in the meantime someone else can let me know my chances!

Is your number already current? From what I have seen/read/heard, KCC takes up 2 months to process your initial paperwork. In the past Oceania has always become current around August/September, so they haven't really run out of visas.
Is your number already current? From what I have seen/read/heard, KCC takes up 2 months to process your initial paperwork. In the past Oceania has always become current around August/September, so they haven't really run out of visas.

I don't really understand - how would I know if my number is current?
You would have been given a number, lets say its 900. Every month a bulletin is posted telling everyone what number is 'current'.

The link is here


although you can have the bulletin emailed to you.

If you scroll down you will see this heading B. DIVERSITY IMMIGRANT (DV) CATEGORY

You will see that Oceania is up to 1000 ( think they go up to around 1500 usually). If your number is over 1,000, you are not current yet (or eligible for an interview). By about August/September, they don't put numbers, they just write 'current'.

Don't print your number directly on this forum, just put * for the last few numbers, if you are going to mention it.

You would have been given a number, lets say its 900. Every month a bulletin is posted telling everyone what number is 'current'.

The link is here

although you can have the bulletin emailed to you.

If you scroll down you will see this heading B. DIVERSITY IMMIGRANT (DV) CATEGORY

You will see that Oceania is up to 1000 ( think they go up to around 1500 usually). If your number is over 1,000, you are not current yet (or eligible for an interview). By about August/September, they don't put numbers, they just write 'current'.

Don't print your number directly on this forum, just put * for the last few numbers, if you are going to mention it.


Awesome, thanks! My number is 12** - So I assume it'll become current in the next month or 2 or 3... :D
Excellent - get that paperwork off asap! Best wishes - hopefully my turn come May 1!

You could wait even later to submit your documents to Kentucky - this part has nothing to do with your case number. I imagine most people who are selected would have sent them off fairly quickly after winning on July 15, but that has no bearing on getting an earlier interview. The only timetable you have to consider is that your interview must be set up before the end of September, and that it will take a few weeks for the KCC to process the papers and set up an appointment for you. If you mailed the papers now, it will be fine. Also you should start getting the required documents in order, since that can take a while (police checks, etc)

You should think about whether you really want to go to the US. Once the visa is issued, you have to be there in 6 months. It's a big financial outlay if you aren't totally sure.
Any Sydney people!?

Hey! As we all just went current - well as of june - I wentr and got my biometrics/police/fingerprint check done today, however the officer believed that the results, after being prosessed in Parramatta should go straight to the consulate not to me - but I had thought I was suppose to take my clearance with me!? Could someone enlighten???
I was selected!
I live in NSW and my case number is 0000098*

edit: oops this is a 2012 thread. i was selected 2013.
Hey! As we all just went current - well as of june - I wentr and got my biometrics/police/fingerprint check done today, however the officer believed that the results, after being prosessed in Parramatta should go straight to the consulate not to me - but I had thought I was suppose to take my clearance with me!? Could someone enlighten???

Our police records were sent directly to Sydney consulate. When you think the records have arrived at consulate, you can email the consulate and ask if they have received it (we did this). It is better this way (I think) - because you don't have to worry about losing them.
QWERTY! If you are still around could you please let me know if you just presented your hsc certificate - the pretty one - that stated you had successfully completed your HSC - and TER - and Record of Achievement or just the the pretty looking one by itself?
Hi pru

I did not succeed in this year's lottery so I have not had an interview. If I did, I would be presenting the pretty one that states I have achieved my HSC (but would take my results with me just in case). As I am a current Uni student I would take those results too.

But as I said, no interview for me.

All the very best.

Hi Everyone,

I'm French and live in Australia. I have been through the DV Lottery 2012 and my US Immigrant Visa has been issued! I'm really happy about that as living in New York has always been in my mind since I was young.

Therefore, I have to enter the US before the 23rd January to activate the Green Card. However, I would like to stay at least 1 more year in Australia before moving to the US for work purposes and because I need more time to organize that move.

I will definitely go to Los Angeles to activate the Green Card but I need to find a way to be able to go back to Australia and come back to the US without having the physical Green Card. I would like to stay just 1/2 weeks in Los Angeles.


1/Can I stay in Los Angeles for just 1/2 weeks in order to activate the Green Card and apply for a Reentry Permit Visa and go back to Australia?

2/Do I need to get the physical Green Card to be able to apply for a Reentry Permit Visa?

3/If so, will they accept my Reentry Permit Visa request?

What would be the best solution for me to activate the Green Card, go back to Australia for 1 year and come back to the US?

Besides, unfortunately my Australian girlfriend hasn't been selected for the DV Lottery which is a shame, but we are going to try to live together in New York anyway. I understand she will have to find a company that accepts to sponsor her through an E3 Visa. Has anyone been through this? Having a boyfriend/girlfriend that doesn't have a Green Card but you have managed to live together?

I would be so grateful for your precious advice as I want to be able to go through all this without having any issues.

Thank you so much :)
Can I stay in Los Angeles for just 1/2 weeks in order to activate the Green Card and apply for a Reentry Permit Visa and go back to Australia?
Yes you can enter and leave the US on the next plane back to Australia. I left within 7 days to come back to Brisbane. Upon entering the US, your Immigrant Visa (the one you'll get at the US consulate) becomes a temporary Green Card and is valid for 12 months. You will not be able to apply for a re-entry permit in the US and then leave within a week as you must wait for a biometrics appointment - only once that is done can you leave the US and ask for the permit to be sent to the Sydney consulate once it has been issued. I do not think you actually need a re-entry permit as your temporary Green Card is valid for 12 months anyway.

Do I need to get the physical Green Card to be able to apply for a Reentry Permit Visa?
No, you can apply before you get the 10-year GC, as you will have a temporary one upon entering the US.

If so, will they accept my Reentry Permit Visa request?
Yes they will accept your Re-entry permit application. Note, it is not a visa. You will be a Permanent Resident with a Green Card - Permanent Residents cannot get, and don't need, a visa to enter the US - you use your GC.

What would be the best solution for me to activate the Green Card, go back to Australia for 1 year and come back to the US?
The easiest would be to go to the US and come back to Australia without bothering with a re-entry permit. The re-entry permit allows you to stay outside the US for up to 2 years, but as you are intending to return within one year, there is no need for it, as your GC allows you to be outside the US for one year. Then return to the US before a year goes by.
Be mindful of the fact that if you stay away for a long period (anything more than 6 months) they could give you some hassles when you try to re-enter the US, as it could be deemed that your extended absence amounts to an abandonment of your permanent residency status, and having a re-entry permit won't change this potential issue.

Good luck
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Thanks for your advice mate!

So basically, I could enter the US to activate the Green Card and come back to Melbourne but staying longer to get a Reentry permit visa will help me to come back without too much hassle?

Also, do you think I should open a bank account during my first trip to prove I want to settle in the US? Is it easy to open a bank account in tht US?
Mate, I noticed that you posted the same question on BritishExpats.com. I will answer your questions again anyway.

So basically, I could enter the US to activate the Green Card and come back to Melbourne but staying longer to get a Reentry permit visa will help me to come back without too much hassle?
Firstly, the re-entry permit is not a visa. You have a visa at the moment, which will be cancelled upon entry into the US, and upon cancellation becomes a temporary GC, valid for 12 months.

Secondly, as was explained to you on BE, if you really want a re-entry permit, you will have to remain in the US after applying for it until you do your biometrics - not possible to say how long this will be but consensus seems to indicate at least 4 weeks.

Thirdly, the re-entry permit does not guarantee re-entry into the US. It simply allows you to request re-entry after an absence of up to 2 years (a GC allows you to request re-entry after an absence of up to 12 months), subject to the usual entry requirements. An important requirement you should be mindful of is the possible abandonment of your PR status. The longer you are out of the US, the greater the risk you run that they could deem your absence as abandonment, and being away for a year is pushing the limit. A re-entry permit has no relevance to this matter and won't assist you if you are questioned about this.

Also, do you think I should open a bank account during my first trip to prove I want to settle in the US? Is it easy to open a bank account in tht US?
I suggest you do open an account as it helps to show an intention of permanent residency. Opening an account by itself won't help much as they will also look at the activity in the account etc. but I guess it is still better than having no account at all. If you're going to move there eventually you will one so you might as well open one during your first visit. I opened one with no drama at bank of America - all I had with me was my passport which contained my temporary GC.... no social security number or card was required nor proof of address.
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needing information about dv 2013

Hello olyn,i just won the dv 2013 and my number is 2013AF44xxx,the visa bulletin for the month of August and September this 2013 show current " plz what does that mean and when will an interview date be available for my case.

thanks a million

So I've just checked back, for some reason I had it in my head that I had until the end of November... It appears that end of September is it. Too late to send it off?
HI, so which part of US are you going?

I am selected as well from Melbourne for the DV 2012. But still don't know where to go.

Hi everyone, I'm from Perth and my application was not selected but my husband's was! :D Seventh time for us ... finally!

The number's pretty high though so we don't want to get too excited. The initial euphoria has already worn off and we're now both stressed out and worried about what this all means. Hopefully that feeling will mellow out soon because my stomach is in knots and I couldn't sleep last night. I'm at work now but can't concentrate on work. :eek: Good luck to everyone else and hope to be hearing more stories of lucky people who got selected.

I'll have to figure out how to put that stuff at the end of messages that everyone else has. But in the meantime:
