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DV 2012 Adjustment of Status Procedure F-1 Visa Holder


Registered Users (C)
Congrats to everyone who have been selected for DV2012. I have been trying to find/figure out what the right steps are for those who already are in the US with F-1 visa.

I called up the KCC today to got clarification on what the next step would be for those who are currently in the US with a f-1 visa and would apply for adjustment of status in the US.

The lady told me that; fill out DSP-122 and make sure you write USCIS or BCIS in question #4( this is to show your intentions that you are doing adjustment of status) and mail it along with 2 (two) passport photos and the barcode
After KCC receives the DSP-122 and the photos, they will mail out payment information; when to make the payment and where to send it.
The KCC will also send the information about the next steps.


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That's the information i need! thank you. Don't we need to fill DS-230 as well? (i'm not married and i i don't have a child) ?
That's the information i need! thank you. Don't we need to fill DS-230 as well? (i'm not married and i i don't have a child) ?

No, if you are doing adjustment of status ( AOS) you do not need to send the DS-230. DS-230 is for those who will go for consular processing (CP).
OMG. you are gold!!!!
My lawyer told me to wait until they contact me. i don't think so!!! any way, i'm gonna call them tomorrow as well, i have other question but this is the one i needed. THANK YOU.
OMG. you are gold!!!!
My lawyer told me to wait until they contact me. i don't think so!!! any way, i'm gonna call them tomorrow as well, i have other question but this is the one i needed. THANK YOU.

So did my lawyer:) but then I decided to call the KCC myself. I called them at least 5 times, I also sent them emails to make sure. THEY WILL NOT CONTACT YOU.
As of yesterday I mailed DSP-122, 2 passport photos and the barcode via USPS firstclass registered mail.
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i called them today as well and i actually had to tell him what documents i need. sort of. lol
any ways, he said not to send I485 until the new fiscal year, which is October 1st. i have a low number so i will not send it until them. it is not the first time i'm told that so i'll do what other's say. another month or two are not gonna make my day and i prefer to be safe. he did mention that current numbers will appear on the visa bulletin (ha, i know that!!) but still not to send.
i am SO SCARED. i think i'm developing paranoia. lol.
yeah, I understand your fear:), but don't overstress yourself. You are already selected and if you follow the procedure and are legally in the US you will get your GC in January.

If you are doing AOS just make sure to send the DSP-122, 2 photos and the barcode and write BCIS in question #4
i did. gonna send it today. i just need to check everything again and go to the post office.
i'm just stressed. i don't wanna be, but i am. you know, what ifs. and i hate it. i should know better. been there with my parents 5 years ago. should be easy breathy. lol
i did. gonna send it today. i just need to check everything again and go to the post office.
i'm just stressed. i don't wanna be, but i am. you know, what ifs. and i hate it. i should know better. been there with my parents 5 years ago. should be easy breathy. lol

looks like our cases are pretty much the same, hopefully the gc will arrive in Jan 2012 or sooner:)
Congratulations guys! :D First of all I called KCC and I have been told that I should first go to the closest USCIS office to see if I am eligible for the adjustment of status. So I made appointment here in Chicago, and they told me (after 15 min. of consultation) that they don't know why KCC told me to come to them because it's not up to them to make decision about the eligibility regarding DV Lottery. They also told me that everything seems ok with my status, and that should not be any problems because I have a valid F-1 (student) status.
After that (today) I called KCC againg and told them what did they told me in USCIS. Then operator said that the next step is to send DSP-122 and 2 photos to the KCC and wait for their response about further steps.
I'm not sure about whether form DS-230 should be send because it's written in DSP-122, but it kind of makes sense not to send it if we are doing AOS. Have you specifically asked about DS-230?
Nemili, I called KCC 5 times or so to make sure about the DS230. They told me " not to send the DS230 since DS230 is for those who will go for consular processing. So if you are in the US doing a AOS all you need to send is DSP-122, 2 photos and the barcode, also make sure you write BCIS in question #4 in DSP122. Send it via USPS and make sure it is a registered mail so that you can track the delivery status.

Good luck.
Nemili, I called KCC 5 times or so to make sure about the DS230. They told me " not to send the DS230 since DS230 is for those who will go for consular processing. So if you are in the US doing a AOS all you need to send is DSP-122, 2 photos and the barcode, also make sure you write BCIS in question #4 in DSP122. Send it via USPS and make sure it is a registered mail so that you can track the delivery status.

Good luck.

Thx! I will definitely do that.
I was little bit disappointed when I a found out that we must wait for a visa bulletin. I thought that AOS in USA is much faster, but what can we do... Still I am very happy and excited!
it is not only not faster, it might also be slower. any way, they will not start anything until fiscal year begins, which is October 1.
I have an opinion, and it is my own opinion, that if i could wait for years to get that first letter, i can wait a bit for the rest as well.
I agree. Your case number is really low and you can apply for AOS in October. In other hand mine will be probably available not before February.
No, if you are doing adjustment of status ( AOS) you do not need to send the DS-230. DS-230 is for those who will go for consular processing (CP).

So I was wondering, if we are on a F1 visa and thus live in the US do we have to do an AOS? or can we go through the consular processing back in our country. Because I already sent both dsp122 and DS-230 because I'd rather just have an interview at the consulate. Did I make a mistake??
So I was wondering, if we are on a F1 visa and thus live in the US do we have to do an AOS? or can we go through the consular processing back in our country. Because I already sent both dsp122 and DS-230 because I'd rather just have an interview at the consulate. Did I make a mistake??

You can go for either options; AOS or CP. THe benefit of doing AOS while in the US is that you do not need to leave the country vs vs. Also CP may have shoter processing time.

So you did the right thing as long as you are planning to do CP ( consular processing)

My CN is 2012AF00005xxx
I am also on F1 ( planning to do AOS ). My questions are :

1) Do I have to send both DSP-122 and DP-230 forms? -
2) Do I have to make any payments now?

Thanks in advance!

if you are in the US doing a AOS all you need to send is DSP-122, 2 photos and the barcode, also make sure you write BCIS in question #4 in DSP122. Send it via USPS and make sure it is a registered mail so that you can track the delivery status.

do not make any payments yet, do not send the ds-230
i hope you don't mind, but can i ask you when was your application date? are you one of the October 5th or 6th group? i am, and i'm just wondering what's going on. lol