• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 Under Adiminstrative Processing

شكراً jamalpody

ياه ...........اخيرا يا هدهد الف مبروك يا ابو يمن وان شاء الله ربنا يكتبلك الخير هناك ولا تنسي حديث رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم.....احفظ الله يحفظك احفظ الله تجده تجاهك اذا سألت فسأل الله واذا استعنت فأستعن باالله

الف مبروك مره تانيه

بارك الله فيك، شكراً جزيلا jamalpody
God really proved Himself, I called the embassy on Tuesday to explain the situations and they returned the called on wednesday fixed the appointment for thursday. The visa was approved yesterday. Full interview gist soonest.

Good to hear that!
After rigorous stoke interview. I wasn't given any information. But was called to report to the Embassy with my wife and Kid on Thursday. Please pray for me. Any clue on what to expect?
After rigorous stoke interview. I wasn't given any information. But was called to report to the Embassy with my wife and Kid on Thursday. Please pray for me. Any clue on what to expect?

DVwinner7, this could be good news as they are taking some kind of action relating to your case. because you weren't given a denial at your previous interview i doubt that it was denied on the spot. i wonder if they waited to see whether all visa numbers for africa would be exhausted before calling you again. anyway, be prepared for anything possible...
First off congratulations to all those who got their visas ... secondly is there still a chance that i would get a visa cuz only 4 days left til the end of the fiscal year and im still under AR/AP as i called the embassy and DOS today, i'm losing hope cuz hwo would they finish the AR if i had my interview on sep,1st ?!! i really can't tell you how frustrated i am right now ...
First off congratulations to all those who got their visas ... secondly is there still a chance that i would get a visa cuz only 4 days left til the end of the fiscal year and im still under AR/AP as i called the embassy and DOS today, i'm losing hope cuz hwo would they finish the AR if i had my interview on sep,1st ?!! i really can't tell you how frustrated i am right now ...

it's still possible....... however, i would get my photos etc. ready for 2013 lottery application
good morning people...
God is gooooood...
just wanna let you guys know that the embassy call me yesterday letting me know that I should drop my passport the next day...
that is what I did this morning, and that beautiful lady without any question and in only 30 sec told me to comeback tomorrow to pick up my passport...
I was not expecting it anymore... 6 months on AP can you believe this ?
Keep Faith buddies, everything will happen in God's time...
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good morning people...
God is gooooood...
just wanna let you guys know that the embassy call me yesterday letting me know that I should drop my passport the next day...
that is what I did this morning, and that beautiful lady without any question and in only 30 sec told me to comeback tomorrow to pick up my passport...
I was not expecting it anymore... 6 mois on AP can you believe this ?
Keep Faith buddies, everything will happen it God's time...

What you are talking about, your interview date was in Mar and you will pick up your visa tomorrow !!!!
well Said

good morning people...
God is gooooood...
just wanna let you guys know that the embassy call me yesterday letting me know that I should drop my passport the next day...
that is what I did this morning, and that beautiful lady without any question and in only 30 sec told me to comeback tomorrow to pick up my passport...
I was not expecting it anymore... 6 months on AP can you believe this ?
Keep Faith buddies, everything will happen it God's time...

well said in his time!

This is great news. congratulations .... hell of a wait.. pray for those still waiting 3 days to finale
Everything in this world has an end...
I just got my passport this afternoon, with my visa stamp...
Definitely the AP was worthy for me, I learned to be patient and I would have missed so many things if I were going right after the interview...what is hard to take is that you dont know what is going on...but this didnt happen for nothing I know it now...
And for all of you who are going to experience the same situation, keep faith it will happen in God's time...
6 months : 28 march-28 september
Wish u guys all the best, it was a great journey !!!
God bless u all
Everything in this world has an end...
I just got my passport this afternoon, with my visa stamp...
Definitely the AP was worthy for me, I learned to be patient and I would have missed so many things if I were going right after the interview...what is hard to take is that you dont know what is going on...but this didnt happen for nothing I know it now...
And for all of you who are going to experience the same situation, keep faith it will happen in God's time...
6 months : 28 march-28 september
Wish u guys all the best, it was a great journey !!!
God bless u all

Good news Imahira, wish luck in U.S
Hello guys, I got a call from the embassy today that my visa haas been issued and I should come and pick up my documents tomorrow til now I can't believe it I swear, this was definitely the longest 28days in my life .. Thank you so much guys for everything, and congratulations to all those who already got their visa and good luck to those who didn't et theirs yet I'm sure Allah has a plan for us and he won't let any of us down I'm keeping all of u in prayers ....
Hello guys, I got a call from the embassy today that my visa haas been issued and I should come and pick up my documents tomorrow til now I can't believe it I swear, this was definitely the longest 28days in my life .. Thank you so much guys for everything, and congratulations to all those who already got their visa and good luck to those who didn't et theirs yet I'm sure Allah has a plan for us and he won't let any of us down I'm keeping all of u in prayers ....

i was expecting you will come and tell us the good news, that's really great news congrats Yaso :)