• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2011, nigeria and africa generally-processing steps


New Member

Hello everyone, i was glad to find such a site online, may God bless all of you here for the contrbutions,
Please i just got a notification that i was selected for the dv 2011, and i really dont know where to start, but i appreciate God.
Please i have recently applied for a visa in ireland, but i was refused and asked to appeal, instead of appealing i re-applied and was refused and asked to appeal again, the appeal is in progress now, please i want to know if i can still use my passport for the visa lottery processing or what can i do, The basis of refusal are that there is no clear link to refrence and that no obligation to return to home country.
Please i need this info urgently.
Also, my wife has her maiden name on her passport, now can she use same passort for the visa processing or she has to change it to her new married name.
thank you everyone and God bless you real good
You are lucky. I have been playing since 1999 and nothing. I was hoping they have not started notification but here you are. Did you apply as a couple?Or as single.? Do u have a kid now? Answer these and we will take it from there.Congrats and try to reveal ur Case file number a little, so that u can dump the Irish folks and move into the US permanently if u want.
I think best way for you now is to read the Nigeria threads i.e.2008,2009 and 2010 to get yourself fully equip with with the DV process and experiences...........Good luck

Hello everyone, i was glad to find such a site online, may God bless all of you here for the contrbutions,
Please i just got a notification that i was selected for the dv 2011, and i really dont know where to start, but i appreciate God.
Please i have recently applied for a visa in ireland, but i was refused and asked to appeal, instead of appealing i re-applied and was refused and asked to appeal again, the appeal is in progress now, please i want to know if i can still use my passport for the visa lottery processing or what can i do, The basis of refusal are that there is no clear link to refrence and that no obligation to return to home country.
Please i need this info urgently.
Also, my wife has her maiden name on her passport, now can she use same passort for the visa processing or she has to change it to her new married name.
thank you everyone and God bless you real good
can anyone tell me the cheapest airline to take from europe to the usa?also,is there a particular port of entry for all green card visa holders,or you could fly into any city of usa?i once heard one has to first get to new york for checking,and the n procedd to your final destination.is this true?