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dv 2010 from kenya only

hi man iheard ya story and tha only thing to tell you is to be confident.where in the us are you based,im a dv 2010 aplicant and still worried if ill get my nl cheers dude.

Thanks decks boy. Hang in there. I have been applying for many years so you keep on having the hope and less worries.

do you think kcc has stopped sending nls towinners or there is still time to wait. idint catch your location in statoe.
do you think kcc has stopped sending nls towinners or there is still time to wait. idint catch your location in statoe.

I think they'll stop in July but I could be wrong. Read thru the forum, there are guys with a better idea. Am in Dallas , Texas.
salamz saratoga

dallas is cool man,by tha way wats ua residential status since ur still applying 4 tha dv.I hav abro but he lives in Compton Carlifornia and thats where im bound to go if things work out well.cheers.
Winners dv 2010

Kwani were r kenyans ths year?Weird!Very weird.

Vipi boy i was selected for further processin and kenyans apparently are nowhere to be seen this was my first time and i got this site a week after winning.......maze hao wasee wengine wanaduu wat??
so this iz it im in kenya bt still in campo 3rd year and still sijaget affidavit of support....wea yu @ and did yu win?
Niko US na nilikuwa selected this year as I said on previous page, lakini nambari yangu iko juu sana 70xxx, sidhani nita pursue further kwasababu ita risk F1 status

Hongera kwa wale wamekuwa selected and good luck!!
Does this mean that very few Kenyans were selected this year Mko wapi follow our examples of DV2009 also put you case numbers on your signatures
CN 2010AF00052** but still no affidavit of support and that is really wasting my time coz i wanna get one then i send it back...