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Dv-2009 Winners From South America Please Post Here


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone

I am Santiago, Chile, South America. For more Latinos forums I'm looking to see if there have been more winners, it turns out that I found not only winning 19 people across South America and the rest of the 1,893 winners?

I find very strange this year the process, the truth does not have great confidence ...

Some favored South americas having received his NL in April, May or June, July for me is very difficult but not impossible.

greetings to all and I hope someone can say something.

I believe that acceptance of the NL already been completed. During July is very difficult to get something. At least this year. I know that the KCC sends the NL since March 15 onwards until mid-June. And not as the KCC; Notifications will be sent to the winners between May and July.
Hello Irishdreamer,

I am a resident in the republic of Ireland. The letter I received was in 5th of May. case number is 2009SA00000***. I wonder about my chances for the visa. waiting for the 2nd notirfication letter. R u from, Venezuela Irishdreamer?
hi, gallbladder, i am from venezuela, and i live in caracas - venezuela my wifw winner dv lottery 2009 she recive the NL on 15 june, and send back 19 june... everything is good.. we waiting the second Letter...
yo Tambien

Hi I am winner from Venezuela. any winners from the same country?

HEyy por fin un vzlano. cuentame, ya enviaste los documentos al KCC?
yo los envie hoy. porque me llegaron tarde ya que yo habia puesto la direccion de un familiar.
soy de caracas, tu sabes donde se consiguen los recaudos como los de antecedentes penales y ese tipo de cosas?

hi, gallbladder, i am from venezuela, and i live in caracas - venezuela my wifw winner dv lottery 2009 she recive the NL on 15 june, and send back 19 june... everything is good.. we waiting the second Letter...

Rebodiente, cuentame.

Sabes como es el proceso para buscar los recaudos. ando medio perdido en eso. mi carta llego en junio, un familiar me los dio fue a finales de julio! escribi al Kcc y me dijeron que tenia tiemmpo.hoy fue que los envie por fedex.