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DV-2009 Winners from EUROPE


New Member
I still don't get it.....is there anyone from Europe who's got the 1st Notification Letter? ( I mean Europeans who live in Europe and not within USA)
Hi everybody..Im from Slovakia and I already get my NL...its anybody here who can help me ....just to make sure that I gonna fill in all parts good...do you have any smart advices for me???thanks a lot and have a luck
Hi everybody..Im from Slovakia and I already get my NL...its anybody here who can help me ....just to make sure that I gonna fill in all parts good...do you have any smart advices for me???thanks a lot and have a luck
Congratulations! My advice: Take your time filling out the documents and make sure you don't make any mistakes! You don't have to send them back within a few days!
My second advice: Read this thread carefully: http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=215048
It gives you informations about the general process, how to prepare which documents and most importantly how to read the visa bulletin so that you know when you might have your interview!
after first NL..

Hi everybody..Im from Slovakia and I already get my NL...its anybody here who can help me ....just to make sure that I gonna fill in all parts good...do you have any smart advices for me???thanks a lot and have a luck

Congrats! Quote your case number, e.g. like EU0012XXX, people can possibly roughly tell you what time of the year you might be scheduled for an interview or how your chances generally are.

For now, fill out your required paperwork, correctly, truthfully and to your best knowledge. Make a copy of the application forms, try to fill in everything and wherever you have doubts about what it means, ask the forum for advice or review the older threads.
Attach everything they ask for and mail it to KCC reasonably fast. As igmu said, you do not have to hurry like crazy. Whenever they receive your documents, it will not go after who came first, but only after your case number!

Make sure you send it any kind of certified mail, that it really reaches KCC and you know that and when it got there. GL!