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DV 2009 Winner - Clarification


Registered Users (C)
My wife who is the winner qualifies for DV under educational requirements but doesnt have two years of work experience in the last 5 years as mandated.

Is it mandatory to produce some work experience certificates or the education proof is good enough?

Thanks for your inputs.
Just a little Clarification

I am not the winner of DV2009, my spouse is. Just wanted to know some staffs, his case becomes current on April bulletine, and we wanted to know if we can start vaccination and police certificate before the 2NL comes. If so, does any one know what vaccinations we actally need (we are 29 years of age), and about the police certificate, does any one take from Germany if so, what is the procedure.We are going to do CP in Frankfurt. Thank you for the info.

Case No. - 2009AF0016XXX
Do a search for vaccination, the chart was posted many times. For the police certificate go to the local municiple.

You should start as soon as possible, vaccination takes some time and the police certificate also nedds about 14 days.
Just a little Clarification

thank you for the replay, should the police certificate tranclated to English or it is ok if it is in German.
Does a sponsor should fill the I-134 form for husband and wife separetly or, is it enough for the main applicant. And does the sponsor send his bank statement and anyother thing in addition to the I-134 form? If so, please let me know what are the other required documents are? Thank you very much for your help.