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DV 2009 London - Lack of funds / support


New Member
I had my interview at the Embassy in London on 22nd October and did not have an Affidavit of Support, but showed I had £4500 in funds. I am 30 years old and single and have a Honours science degree from the University of Auckland, New Zealand (my original country).

I was told that this was insufficient and I needed to get an I-864 Affidavit of Support or have US$60,000. I was also told that a job offer would not be sufficient but getting a transfer with my current job would be okay.

This does not seem right to me as the 125% poverty guidelines are only $13,000 for a single person and I thought I would need to get an I-134 signed.

What do I do about this?
I had my interview at the Embassy in London on 22nd October and did not have an Affidavit of Support, but showed I had £4500 in funds. I am 30 years old and single and have a Honours science degree from the University of Auckland, New Zealand (my original country).

I was told that this was insufficient and I needed to get an I-864 Affidavit of Support or have US$60,000. I was also told that a job offer would not be sufficient but getting a transfer with my current job would be okay.

This does not seem right to me as the 125% poverty guidelines are only $13,000 for a single person and I thought I would need to get an I-134 signed.

What do I do about this?

I-864 ?? are you sure about this ? my wife and i with 2 kids submitted i-134 without Bank statements.Is there any particular reasons why they requested you to obtain I-864 ? well with the £4.5K ,it's possible you will need AOS so clarify which form you need and look for someone already in the US to do it for you.Do you own a house in the UK or NZ at all ?? if you do, proof of that can also help.I hope you find this piece of advise useful.
Its strange how each U.S Embassy/Consulate in the world have different standard. Why would they sometimes asked for funds and sometimes doesn't? Doesn't make any sense. It seems that there is no common understanding on how to handle a DV applicant.

Fontayne, did the Consulate asked you to show your bank funds? or did you just showed it even though the Consulate did not asked for it?

$60,000!!! That's very unreasonable. The average Americans only make $40,000 a year. Where did this Consulate get that number from?!

I-134 should be the correct affidavit support form for the DV. I-864 is for family based immigration.

Unfortunately, your option now is to get what they wanted. :(
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Do you think there is anyway for me to ask them for clarification about what is needed?

I think I can probably get an I-134 more easily than an I-864, is it possible that they would accept that?

Is there anyway that they got confused about what visa I was there for?

I know I was there and you guys weren't but this seems so different than what I expected after following up on other peoples experiences.
Look, this is really a clear cut case where you should get it. Appeal, do whatever : DO NOT GIVE UP -- YOU SHOULD GET IT.
Do you think there is anyway for me to ask them for clarification about what is needed?

I think I can probably get an I-134 more easily than an I-864, is it possible that they would accept that?

Is there anyway that they got confused about what visa I was there for?

I know I was there and you guys weren't but this seems so different than what I expected after following up on other peoples experiences.

Most def.... send them(London Embassy) an email explaining the situation.Remind them that you belong to the DV category and not Family petition.You have more time on your hands so no cause for panic.By the way were you given any documentation detailing what they require of you ? what colour is the additional requirement form given to you.Is it blue ?What is your situation like ? is it awaiting further documentation ? Did you get as far as paying the DV fee ?were you refused the visa ? Unless someone can confirm that the requirements have changed since i had my interview at the London Consulate a little over a month ago, i will say this is not right.You definitely have a case.
Its very weird, i know people who got their visas with only $10.000 in the bank. I thought that was the minimum required.
There is nothing clear-cut about this application

This does not seem right to me as the 125% poverty guidelines are only $13,000 for a single person and I thought I would need to get an I-134 signed. What do I do about this?

Your choices are to give them what they want or get legal advice.

They probably have concerns about your ability to support yourself and not become a public charge in the 5 years leading to eligibility for citizenship. It's always possible they have other concerns...

First up, as of last Friday, £4500 is only $7000 which is well short of the requirements. Why did you think you do not need to meet the funds requirement? The argument that you can easily find a job clearly doesn't cut it in this difficult job environment.

30 years old, honors degree, so we can assume 7-8 years working. £4500 savings implies a high spend rate and limited ability to save, or fragmented working history.

There was discussion earlier in the British expats forum on funds required. At least one legal mind stated : funds for five years through to eligibility for citizenship. As it happens $13,000 * 5 years comes to just over $60,000.

I suggest you place a conscise and clear request for advice from the legal minds in http://britishexpats.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=34 Meanwhile work on getting a sponsor.