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DV 2008 winners


New Member
For those who got notified for DV-2008, let me know how did you applied, by yourself or hired any of these agencies. This was my 5 year of application and never got nothing.

Apllied by myself. Only took time to understand the rules before applying. But remember, it is a game of chance. The current e-entry/registration is a guaranttee; if there is a mistake in the precoess the system will not accept it.
I applied for me and six (6) sibblings for the first time in 2005 and my eldest brother won (2007AF00011XXX). He got his visa last week after a successful interview. Last year I applied for the remaining of us and I luckily won with my Husband. This year I will apply for my remaining sibblings and hopefully one will win again. I did it all by myself but of course with God's assistance.
I applied by myself but this time I did it right in the beginning of the period as opose to previous years when I was applying sometime in the middle. I don't know if this really matters but it worked for me. Good luck!
I applied for me and six (6) sibblings for the first time in 2005 and my eldest brother won (2007AF00011XXX). He got his visa last week after a successful interview. Last year I applied for the remaining of us and I luckily won with my Husband. This year I will apply for my remaining sibblings and hopefully one will win again. I did it all by myself but of course with God's assistance.


How u confirmed that KCC received your application on 04/06/2007. Is it possible to email to KCC. what should mention in email. pls. let me know

BR// somoy
i applied by my self after it's t 6 times and i have winn my case number is AF68XX

for the confirmed from KCC i have called the and email the they have answer e by phone and by email
DV 2008 winner and agency applications

Applied by myself online converted picture with Microsoft Office Picture Manager was a breeze, all my family applied trough a local agency that charges about 5 us$ per application they seem pretty legite but none of them got lucky I've heard that this agency has had some winners in the past...however if you are tech savy enough that you got to this forum you should be able to fill out an electronic form with no problems
Hi, I made mistakes by filling the DS forms 230 part two, Can I download the DS Form 230 from internet and send it to the KCC (Kentucky Consular Center)?, your advice will help me a lote..