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DV-2008 winner


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Hello to all!

I got a letter from KCC last week on Friday. I decided to apply for a GC and I am having some problems with filling forms. I stay in the Europe currently and I dont have ANY ties to the US.

On the form DS-230 are questions number 10 and 11 saying:
10. Permanent address in the US where you intend to live? (what if I dont really know???)

11. Address in the US where you want your Green Card mailed, if different from the item 10. (omg help me, and dont know what to fill there, I dont have any ties to the US and no friends to take my post,,, what am I suppose to do?)

btw. my case number is 2008EU000159XX
Have a nice day
11) get friends, relatives, friends of the friends - anybody with a valid physical address in the US who will then give you your GC.
11) get friends, relatives, friends of the friends - anybody with a valid physical address in the US who will then give you your GC.

Thank you!
And is that neccessary to be filled now? I am going to write there N/A, and if I find somebody until interview, I will tell somewhere my new address...

Is that possible?
you can write - will be provided at the interview. Don't write N/A

Thank you! Good idea :)
I am gonna send the forms on Monday , so keep fingers crossed for me and all winners :)

Thanks again and have a nice day!
Quick review, sorry for bothering with it. Some question wasnt clear to me. If you see a mistake, correct me please:

I am sending: sheet with barcode, original of DS-230 and DSP-122, photo (50x50mm taken bit less than 6 months ago, actually the same photo I submited for DV application, but in paper form)

question 6 (Education): I select High school diploma (I have no work experience , but finished high school)
6.b: in the row witch High school , I wrote as a certificate (simply "diploma")

question 7 (work experience): No experience :)

There are a strange questions: 4. asks for date of birth , 5. asks for age:)
I hope there is no hidden sence:)

10. Permanent resident address where you indent to live: - N/A

11. Address in the US where you want GC mailed: - "will be provided at the interview" (thank you LucyMO)

12. Your present occupation: "student" (I study university)

19. List of children & 22. List of employment: both will remain empty or with N/A, because I have no children, no employment in my life

30. (questions about terrorism, drugs, ...): NO to all

33a. Do you want the social security administ. to issue you SSN? : I should be answering No, if I don't plan to be employed immediately right?

33b. Consent to Disclosure. bla bla about SSN , ... share my SSN with the INS?
- what is the best option ; yes/no
I guess "yes" :)

So that's it, this is gonna be sent ... if you see any mistake, please tell me!
Otherwise thanks a lot!!
19. List of children & 22. List of employment: both will remain empty or with N/A, because I have no children, no employment in my life
N/A might be better.
33a. Do you want the social security administ. to issue you SSN? : I should be answering No, if I don't plan to be employed immediately right?
You will need SSN if you want to work on/off campus in US unversity or if you are going to seek for employment. Also, I think you need SSN to apply for credit cards, drivers licence, etc in US. But, you can apply for it later even if you answer "no." In my case, I had SSN as F1, but needed a new one as LPR. I answered "Yes" for both 33a questions. But, they didn't send one even after I received GC, so I just went to the office and got one.
33b. Consent to Disclosure. bla bla about SSN , ... share my SSN with the INS? - what is the best option ; yes/no
I guess "yes"

If you answer "No" to both question in 33a., then I think "No" should be fine. Because, this question is for the person who apply for SSN.
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You need SSN for everything, and I mean - everything, even apartment rental. So, get it.

For a list of children, answer "none", and for employment - N/A.
In my case, I had SSN as F1, but needed a new one as LPR. I answered "Yes" for both 33a questions. But, they didn't send one even after I received GC, so I just went to the office and got one.

Toomackie, you get one SSN for your entire life. It doesn't change when your status changes from non-immigrant to immigrant. You can get a card that doesn't have a note on it that says that your SSN is valid for employment only with USCIS authorization, but the number stays the same.
Toomackie, you get one SSN for your entire life. It doesn't change when your status changes from non-immigrant to immigrant. You can get a card that doesn't have a note on it that says that your SSN is valid for employment only with USCIS authorization, but the number stays the same.

Yeah, I know. But, thanks.

I would like to add something to Lucy's comment so that other people won't misunderstand. Of course, the number stays the same.
you should answer "Yes" to the both 33a. questions and 33b. so that you can receive a replacement card without a restriction note.
Actually, I answerd "Yes" when I won DV2004, but I had to go to the office since they didn't send me a replacement card...

33a. on DS-230 Part II says:
Do you want the Social Security Administration to assign you an SSN (and issue a card) or issue you a new card (if you have an SSN)? You must answer "Yes" to this question and to the"Consent To Disclosure" in order to receive an SSN and/or card.
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Ok gentlemen! So everything should be OK now!
Thank you for everything and have a nice day!

I am your ower.
Bye bye
You need SSN for everything, and I mean - everything, even apartment rental. So, get it.

For a list of children, answer "none", and for employment - N/A.

I wrote N/A for children and not NONE... Should this be a problem I need to correct. Should not think so...???
By the way - address of petitioner should be name and address of person, who can confirm my personal details, right?
By the way - address of petitioner should be name and address of person, who can confirm my personal details, right?

Petitioner - Is the person who won the DV Lottery. If that is you, put your name and address down... Your family members would put you down as the Petitioner. If you won etc.
I called the embassy they said for me to leave that space blank as it dont apply to DV applications btw i am the only one on my application so it might not apply to me
I called the embassy they said for me to leave that space blank as it dont apply to DV applications btw i am the only one on my application so it might not apply to me

So leave that field with address of petitioner blank with N/A , or just copy my name and address in Europe?
I called the embassy they said for me to leave that space blank as it dont apply to DV applications btw i am the only one on my application so it might not apply to me

I am still confused. I am the only one to win in the lottery, I have no family no children. Leave it blank (without N/A)??