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dv-2008 croatia, serbia or bosnia...


Registered Users (C)
did anybody from croatia, serbia or bosnia get NL already?

please write here if you got it! ty and i wish you a luck.. :)
Hi there,

We have applied for my sister in law,Croatian living in Bosnia.No news for her as yet and the address given is ours in US.

Hi from Croatia!

Just got the "1st package" and am browsing the forum gathering all the info for my next steps.

Wish me luck :)
Hi from Croatia!

Just got the "1st package" and am browsing the forum gathering all the info for my next steps.

Wish me luck :)


where did you get your letter, in Croatia or abroad? and what's your case number? write it with XXX after the first digits. thanks
Its EUxxxx2xxx

Got it in Croatia, i'm not abroad.

So, what does the crystal ball say my chances are? When are we expecting the interview if any? :)

Are you also among the lucky ones or?
Its EUxxxx2xxx

Got it in Croatia, i'm not abroad.

So, what does the crystal ball say my chances are? When are we expecting the interview if any? :)

as far as i know you're the first person from Croatia who got NL this year.. so your chances are big I suppose.. :)

iz kojeg si grada ako nije tajna? tek da znam kolike su mi sanse da dobijem NL.. :)
NL from KCC came in. letter is dated april 13, and it was delivered on april 23. the address is in US so it would take sometime for foreign addresses to come through.
NL received May 8th in the USA (on H1B visa)
pretty high number, opted for CP and hope for the best!
:) :) :)
Hi everybodi! I am from Serbia, and I just got NL on May 12th, indicating April 25th on the papers, and my CN is: 179XX.
I am afraid that it is very high CN. Do You think so? When do you think I can ecspect an invitation to an interview?
I wish good luck to everybody!!! :)
Hi, I'm from Serbia.

One question; If I don't get a NL until the end of May does that mean I won't get NL at all ?
Sta sada??????

Cao ljudi!
Dobili smo pismo, case no: 16xxx. Pismo je stiglo iz KCC u NY, na adresu gde zivimo trenutno jer smo na turistickoj vizi. Ne znam sta sada da radimo, da li da izpunimo forme kao da apliciramo iz BG ili da apliciramo iz US. Ako odlucimo da apliciramo iz US, onda celi postupak ide preko USCIS a ne preko State Departmenta (KCC). Koja nam je bolja opcija da dobijemo ZK?? Hvala unapred na savetima!