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DV-2008 case numbers for Europe

I live in Turkey and my case number is 2008EU10XXX. I received the envelope on 29 April and sent the forms to KCC on May 10th. Looking at the past years I expect my interview to be in February 2008. When will I receive the next envelope from KCC, two months prior to my interview?
Letter dated : March 15
NL recived April 10
ds230 and stuff sent back June 9
cn : 2008EUXXXX16XX

when will they send out the second letter with more information?
and do i understand correctly that the interviews begin after october 2008?
cause i am traveling outside europe for summer...

J. from Estonia
Is you cn 16xx or 16xxx?

when will they send out the second letter with more information?
Depends on your cn, think about one or two month before the interview. If you really have 16xx, I would expect the 2nd letter in September

from Slovenia...got the letter on May 21, stamped in Sweden on May 15 (but for some reason it also went to Belarus...)
Case # EU00016***

I'm hoping for an interview sometime in the spring, latest in july??
My wife also has a EU16xxx but I wont expect the interview that late. I guess EU16xxx interviews will be in May/June.

Congrats to your wife! So far, I'm the only Slovene I know who won...and I know 4 other Slovenes who also applied..and nothing yet for them. I hope there's still time to get the NL...Slovenes are not crazy about living in the U.S.

May or June, eh? Yeah, you're probably right. I don't want to stress over it anymore, I just wanted to know the approximate time, so I'd know when to start working on getting all the docs....Although at this point the interview seems far away, i'm kind of glad since there are so many things to take care of for the interview.
But why you think that anything is dependent from case number at all? I have heard that US just looks persons whom they need. So rumours are that there is no randomness at all. So be said.
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But why you think that anything is dependent from case number at all? I have heard that US just looks persons whom they need. So rumours are that there is no randomness at all. So be said.

Well you have to at least wait till your case number becomes current, your case number in essence is your place in the line. For all those thinking of moving to the US and have never lived there before, being in a line is a way of life in the US. There is always lines! Lines and que’s for everything. :(

There may be some merit to your statement, from what I can tell the consulate official may be slightly more disposed to you, if you have a good qualification and possibility of offering high skills to US economy, this may help you through your interview. However the law states that all you need is high school education (or two years work exp) so that is all you should need to get the GC. As long as you are eligible and you can support your case, then get your interview, there is no reason why you should or should not be picked over some one else. :) US bureaucracy tends to be very black and white with regard to the law.

This does raise another question, has anyone ever come across a case being called for interview before the case number became current? I am fairly sure the answer is NO to this.
I have read this board in great detail at this stage and have never come across this question, nor found any information on it, so I though I would ask it just for the hell of it! – so don’t be posting, and giving me a hard time for asking a question with an obvious answer :D
Wowses Alemitmee, you r a fanatic forummember! I have read all your posts, thnx for all the information & positive thoughts you give us mate! Got a high casenumber myself as well (EU25XXX), so it seems that we r sailing the same ship... Sometimes got a bit depressed if I read all the posts at this and other fora, but there is nothing we can do anymore besides hoping, praying or whatsoever...

By the way, I believe I have cracked the code for cutoffnumbers! It is really simple, it seems that they have a certain system in it for every year;

2001 Low
2002 Low
2003 High
2004 High
2005 Low
2006 Low
2007 ==> Looks like cutoffno's r going to be high again (check visa bulletin June 2007, cutoffno's June 23000)
2008 ==> Follows the system of 2 years low, 2 years high, so cutoffno's will be high!!

Does anybody know when the visabulletin for july 2007 comes out? Maybe we can get an idea of what the caseno's for next year r going to be...

Cheers from Amsterdam, holland
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Wowses Alemitmee, you r a fanatic forummember!

Thanks! I am just trying to look at all the facts and stay on the positive side.

Does anybody know when the visabulletin for july 2007 comes out? Maybe we can get an idea of what the caseno's for next year r going to be...

They seem to be published on or about the 15th of the month, so that is in a few days. To be honest I have totalled up the original stats for the EU for DV-2007 and it stood at 22072, (see the visa bulletin for August 2006 for these stats) which confuses me as the cut of numbers for July will be 23000 which is clearly higher. Now I know I read somewhere on this forum that there were extra NL’s sent to EU for DV 2007 so this has to be true, otherwise the EU CN’s should now all be current rather then at 23000. I would love to know how many extra NL’s went out to the EU, can’t find the stats for it anywhere. I am hoping that all CN’s will become current for AUG, this will hopefully be a good indicator for us in DV-2008. Obviously we can’t go by it 100% but it will be at least encouraging. From next October there will be two dates that I will be looking forward to every month payday :D and visa bulletin day :D , I will be following the bulletins closely! I reckon we have a good shot at it, it will be tight but demand for GC’s in the EU seems to be slow, especially if they issued extra NL’s for 2007.

Now after my statistical investigation I have arrived at this opinion.

If CN’s were a straight forward que and every NL = a GC we’d be fairly screwed.

But there are so many other factors that come in to play:

People not pursuing there GC’s
People not getting NL’s (lost in mail, address changes)
People not qualified for CP
People not getting approved at CP
People getting delayed during AOS
People bringing partners/family
Countries getting capped

There are so many external factors that affect how may GC’s are issued and thus how the cut off numbers progress during the fiscal year. There is just no way to know what will happen during DV-2008, so who knows what will happen. It aint over till its over. I intend to be sipping long islands in NYC some time November 2008 :cool: , if not with a GC :mad: then on a commiseration holiday to cheer me up :)
here is the link: http://www.lawcom.com/immigration/visabul.shtml

It is an annotated version of the visa bulletin, i believe they added the numbers of NL sent to each country but didn't check that myself. The numbers for each country can be found here: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1317.html

Thanks for that, yea, I added up the numbers from the visa bulletin and they came to just over 22000, I don’t know puzzling … seems as CO for EU is at 23000 for July??
The statistics reported must be slight out or something, I can’t figure out where the extra Numbers are coming from. But no matter what way you look at it EU umbers are almost current. Thankfully. As there is a similar amount of NL’s sent this year hopefully they will go current too next year! With a bit of luck.
Thanks for that, yea, I added up the numbers from the visa bulletin and they came to just over 22000, I don’t know puzzling … seems as CO for EU is at 23000 for July??
The statistics reported must be slight out or something, I can’t figure out where the extra Numbers are coming from. But no matter what way you look at it EU umbers are almost current. Thankfully. As there is a similar amount of NL’s sent this year hopefully they will go current too next year! With a bit of luck.

I read in the forum that apparently more NLs for Europe were sent later in the years. So maybe the numbers from the official DV lottery results released in July-August I believe, could not be the final numbers. Possibly the number in the annotated visa bulletin takes that into account. Just a guess, I may be wrong.
I read in the forum that apparently more NLs for Europe were sent later in the years. So maybe the numbers from the official DV lottery results released in July-August I believe, could not be the final numbers. Possibly the number in the annotated visa bulletin takes that into account. Just a guess, I may be wrong.

Hey tigerGC, when you add up:
The allotment of DV visa numbers for each region is approximately as follows: Africa, 20,426; Asia, 7,087; Europe, 24,257; North America (Bahamas): 8, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean: 2,407; and Oceania, 815.

you get a magic 55000

What I think www.lawcom.com has done is make a guess based on qualified applicants as to how many visas MAY go to each region. They have taken the over all DV-2007 results and broken down all the qualified applicants into a percentage. Then used that percentage to estimate how many visas MAY go to that region.

For example Africa, 20426/55000 = 0.37 * 100 = 37% so probably 37% of the qualified applicants for the 2007-DV came from Africa. Although I cant find an official figure for this anywhere.
An official regional breakdown for 2008 DV applicants exists alright. I would be dubious about these numbers, they are very very loosely approximate. I have done some number crunching over the last few DV’s and only in 2005 did Europe come even close to actually receiving 24000 GC’s in 2005 EU got only 20,000 GC’s and in 2006 EU got only 14,000 GC’s. so I think that clears up the mystery of those particular numbers. There are so many numbers on DV and visas, it is hard to make any sense of any of them!
Hey tigerGC, when you add up:
The allotment of DV visa numbers for each region is approximately as follows: Africa, 20,426; Asia, 7,087; Europe, 24,257; North America (Bahamas): 8, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean: 2,407; and Oceania, 815.

you get a magic 55000

What I think www.lawcom.com has done is make a guess based on qualified applicants as to how many visas MAY go to each region. They have taken the over all DV-2007 results and broken down all the qualified applicants into a percentage. Then used that percentage to estimate how many visas MAY go to that region.

For example Africa, 20426/55000 = 0.37 * 100 = 37% so probably 37% of the qualified applicants for the 2007-DV came from Africa. Although I cant find an official figure for this anywhere.
An official regional breakdown for 2008 DV applicants exists alright. I would be dubious about these numbers, they are very very loosely approximate. I have done some number crunching over the last few DV’s and only in 2005 did Europe come even close to actually receiving 24000 GC’s in 2005 EU got only 20,000 GC’s and in 2006 EU got only 14,000 GC’s. so I think that clears up the mystery of those particular numbers. There are so many numbers on DV and visas, it is hard to make any sense of any of them!

Hey alemitmee,
thank you for your comments. I think you are probably right. I added the number of NLs sent to EU, OC and NA from the official DV-2007 results (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1317.html) and got 22,436 for Europe, 1457 for Oceania and 11 for N. America. Whereas the numbers for Oceania and N. America make sense (more NLs sent than GCs granted) for Europe it looks like they sent less NLs than the number of GCs they will grant.

So I totally agree with you, those numbers do not make sense.
Hey alemitmee,
thank you for your comments. I think you are probably right. I added the number of NLs sent to EU, OC and NA from the official DV-2007 results (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1317.html) and got 22,436 for Europe, 1457 for Oceania and 11 for N. America. Whereas the numbers for Oceania and N. America make sense (more NLs sent than GCs granted) for Europe it looks like they sent less NLs than the number of GCs they will grant.

So I totally agree with you, those numbers do not make sense.

I think an important point to make is that the DV lottery is open to primary applicants and there families. So if I won, in theory, I could bring my wife and 4 children, now that being said I don’t have a wife or any children!
But my point is that one NL could equal 2/3/4 CG’s that all detract from the 7% total. You can get a good break down of how may primary applicants received GC’s and how may secondary people did. I will post up some stats on this eventually, just for interest. I have some theories about this, but I need to look at the numbers.

The 24’000 odd visas for the EU mentioned on that site is nothing more then an estimation, and there is nothing really to substantiate that. But in fairness it does state that they are only approximate numbers, so that’s fair enough. From what I can see there is no way of actually trying to predetermine numbers of GC’s per region, although what they have done in that annotated bulletin is as good a method as any I can think of for arriving at an approximate number.
When I get time I will post the actual break down of what regions got CG’s for the last few DV’s then you can see what I mean about these numbers being fairly out.
I f I have Afidavit from NY (USA) do I need to have bank account?


This is first time in this forume and I say hello to everyone.
I am from Europe - Kosovo and my wife wonn DV Lottery 2008 with case number 2008EU000005XX...
The questins are: does she have luck with this case number?
and she have an afidavit from US citisen (New York), so does she need also bank account or not?

I f I have Afidavit from NY (USA) do I need to have bank account?


This is first time in this forume and I say hello to everyone.
I am from Europe - Kosovo and my wife wonn DV Lottery 2008 with case number 2008EU000005XX...
The questins are: does she have luck with this case number?
and she have an afidavit from US citisen (New York), so does she need also bank account or not?
