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DV-2008 case numbers for Europe

Hello there, got the first letter in APR 13, Case number 2008EU000042**. Sent the documents back two days later. Dunno, probably should have concentrated on accuracy instead of response time.

I received my letter on May 5th, case number EU00017XXX, not too bad, country of eligibility is Bulgaria. I am an international student in the US and I wonder whether it will be better to apply for AOS or CP? Also, with my number, when do you think I will be called for an interview if I do CP? If I do CP, can I leave the US and return before my interview with the consular (I am in status)? If my CP green card is denied, can I still come to the US with my F1 to finish school?
One more question: how soon do you think I should act with sending the forms to KCC if I am doing CP?

Thanks for your help in advance! This is really a great forum! Good luck to everybody!

tigerGC, how do you know that 24,257 NLs have been sent last year to the EU region?
Is this information listed anywhere?

What i'm trying to figure out is if there is a correlation between the number of NLs sent and the Visa cutoff for the EU region (i.e. ...the higher the NLs, the higher the cutoff number).

Theoretically, if you think one region got more number of selections in a year, then it would be normal to also have more visas issued, hence the cutoff to be higher.... or maybe i'm just hoping here, given my high CN (23XXX)

Anyone who might know better?
@ Sir Archibald: I totally understand your concern about accuracy vs. response time. When I got the mail, I was so excited and started filling out the forms immediately. I found the questions quite easy and since I don't intend to bring any dependents, there wasn't a lot to fill out. So after a couple of hours I reviewed them and mailed them the same day. Now i feel stupid for doing so, since I’ve learned on the board that even smaller mistakes can lead to disqualification. Well, the only one to blame would be me, but it will be a hard lesson to learn. So my initial excitement has now turned into paranoia, that I made some stupid mistake and my case will be dismissed.
Anyway, I’ve called KCC to check if everything was ok. I knew, it was early but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. The lady at KCC was nice and told me that my case hasn't been reviewed yet. I should call in 4-6 weeks and check again.

Now I’m crossing fingers that I won’t be out of the race, before it has really started.

Regards the stupid one, who couldn’t wait just one more day before mailing in the forms
tigerGC, how do you know that 24,257 NLs have been sent last year to the EU region?
Is this information listed anywhere?

What i'm trying to figure out is if there is a correlation between the number of NLs sent and the Visa cutoff for the EU region (i.e. ...the higher the NLs, the higher the cutoff number).

Theoretically, if you think one region got more number of selections in a year, then it would be normal to also have more visas issued, hence the cutoff to be higher.... or maybe i'm just hoping here, given my high CN (23XXX)

Anyone who might know better?

usa_maybe, I got that number from here: http://www.lawcom.com/immigration/visabul.shtml
This is an easier to read visa bulletin. I think they got the number from the DV-2007 results (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1317.html) by adding the numbers for each country. And I agree with you that if they send more letters for a region is likely they will give more visas for the year that was why I originally started this thread. I had a look to the past years results and a couple of years ago numbers for Europe would become current earlier and 31,000 NL used to be sent compared to the 24,000 in 2007 and 2006.
I got 2008EU00018XXX in the US (German citizen here on H1B)-- not quite sure how good that is, just starting my research :) The Letter is dated April 25, 2007, and I got it on May 3rd.

We'll see how it goes...
Thanks for the link tigerGC!
Is there any explanation for the decrease in the cutoff number for Europe region? Or it's just variable from year to year, depending on chance?
Probably my chances of getting the number current are very slim, but trying doesn't hurt, right? :)
Thanks for the link tigerGC!
Is there any explanation for the decrease in the cutoff number for Europe region? Or it's just variable from year to year, depending on chance?
Probably my chances of getting the number current are very slim, but trying doesn't hurt, right? :)

I don't know i am not sure. I would think and hope that if they send more letters they are going to give more GC. Best of luck.
Hi there, I just got a letter today,

I am in Ireland,
NL dated May 1st,
postmarked May 9th
Delivered today, may 15th.

After applying consistently for the last 5/6 years. I was very happy to get one, but after a good bit of reading on this forum I think that I may have gotten a bit too excited too soon, my case number is: 2008EU00025XXX.
This seems very high, and after looking at the last two years the cut offs were well below this. Although I have looked back at years gone by and they have gone beyond this some years. I will of course send back the form, but if the cut offs did manage to go above this it is likely to be a year from Aug/sep 2007 that I might get an interview! so lucky to get a letter and then so unlucky to get such a high no! ahh well thats life! I just thought I would post this as it is higher then most of the EU numbers on this forum so far I think. I will be checking back to see if anyone has gotten one any higher.
Take the shot

Hi there, I just got a letter today,

I am in Ireland,
NL dated May 1st,
postmarked May 9th
Delivered today, may 15th.

After applying consistently for the last 5/6 years. I was very happy to get one, but after a good bit of reading on this forum I think that I may have gotten a bit too excited too soon, my case number is: 2008EU00025XXX.
This seems very high, and after looking at the last two years the cut offs were well below this. Although I have looked back at years gone by and they have gone beyond this some years. I will of course send back the form, but if the cut offs did manage to go above this it is likely to be a year from Aug/sep 2007 that I might get an interview! so lucky to get a letter and then so unlucky to get such a high no! ahh well thats life! I just thought I would post this as it is higher then most of the EU numbers on this forum so far I think. I will be checking back to see if anyone has gotten one any higher.
Congratulations. Send your forms in and see what happens.
According to the great Wayne Gretzky "You miss a 100% of the shots that you don't take."
By the way for dv-2007, the response to the first NL was so few from Europe that KCC sent out NL to new winners in March 2007 [for dv2007].
See post by Entermate.

Hi Entermate,
Can you re-print the initial paragraph of you NL for newcomers.?
Package not yet received

Hi, my number is EU000175XX. I got this information from the company (USAFIS), that proceeded my application, through e-mail.
I have not yet received the package.

Is that normal? What is the interval for the letter to arrive?

(my region country is Hungary)

Hi, my number is EU000175XX. I got this information from the company (USAFIS), that proceeded my application, through e-mail.
I have not yet received the package.

Is that normal? What is the interval for the letter to arrive?

(my region country is Hungary)


If you applied through a company it means they have the package. So the time it will take to arrive depends on how fast USAFIS sends it and what service they use (e.g. regular mail or courier).
If you applied through a company it means they have the package. So the time it will take to arrive depends on how fast USAFIS sends it and what service they use (e.g. regular mail or courier).

So I screwed myself, with time, coz I will have to send it back to them, and then they'll send it to Kentucky.

Are there any upcoming forms (besides the 2 mentioned) I'll have to send to KKC, or do these 2 forms get me directly to the meeting with the consult?
That’s it!!, having thought about it overnight, I reckon it could be much worse, I saw that the current EU cut off is hitting 23000 so hopefully it will reach past 25000 before the end of the fiscal year, this might give a good indication as to how things might go for DV-08! with a bit of luck ;-). There are never more then a few hundred people from Ireland each year and I live right beside the embassy, so even it my number becomes current in aug/sep 2008, hopefully my interview will be straightforward and quick! I am tring to think positive….. :) I was very lucky to get selected in the first place! I reckon I will be spending a lot of my time on this forum over the next year!

Congratulations. Send your forms in and see what happens.
According to the great Wayne Gretzky "You miss a 100% of the shots that you don't take."
By the way for dv-2007, the response to the first NL was so few from Europe that KCC sent out NL to new winners in March 2007 [for dv2007].
See post by Entermate.

Hi Entermate,
Can you re-print the initial paragraph of you NL for newcomers.?
...By the way for dv-2007, the response to the first NL was so few from Europe that KCC sent out NL to new winners in March 2007 [for dv2007].
See post by Entermate...

I saw his post, but it is hard to believe this. Have anyone heard of any other case like this? I couldn't find any evidence on net for that.
Ireland NL

Hi there i was just wondering if u have heard if anyone else in ireland has rec'd there NL - i am also in ireland and watching for the post everyday - yes i know how sad!!!:eek:

Hi there, I just got a letter today,

I am in Ireland,
NL dated May 1st,
postmarked May 9th
Delivered today, may 15th.

After applying consistently for the last 5/6 years. I was very happy to get one, but after a good bit of reading on this forum I think that I may have gotten a bit too excited too soon, my case number is: 2008EU00025XXX.
This seems very high, and after looking at the last two years the cut offs were well below this. Although I have looked back at years gone by and they have gone beyond this some years. I will of course send back the form, but if the cut offs did manage to go above this it is likely to be a year from Aug/sep 2007 that I might get an interview! so lucky to get a letter and then so unlucky to get such a high no! ahh well thats life! I just thought I would post this as it is higher then most of the EU numbers on this forum so far I think. I will be checking back to see if anyone has gotten one any higher.