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Dv-2008(aos Application)


Registered Users (C)
My wife has been selected for DV-2008 visa program. Since we are both on H1B1 visa we would like to do AOS in the USA. We sent our DSP-122 and DS-230(included pictures) forms to KCC. We have checked "BCIS" for AOS.

After reading this forum I have found out I didn't have to send DS-230 forms to KCC in case of AOS. I hope that is not a big deal.

I have read BarbaraLamb post which was very helpfull(Thanks Barbara).
I know what to include in my application now but where I find out my case#?
Will KKC mail me my case #? or I have to find it somewhere else?
Can I send my application before October 1, 2007?

Your case number should be in the paperwork you received from KCC. It is in a lot of places and will look like 2008SA0001234 (Where SA is your region code, yours might be different, and 1234 is your rank number).

You cannot submit it before October 1, 2007 and may not even do it until next year. You will have to look at the visa bulletin to see when you number is current.
There have been many cases of cases getting rejected because they submitted before the case was current, so be careful. Hopefully you have a low rank number because high numbers have a more difficult chance of being current in time for AOS.

You can look at the visa bulletin here:

Good Luck.
My case # is 2008EU00024XXX, which is high I guess. Can I contact KCC and change to CP instead of AOS now? I wish I could do it here instead of travelling to Europe for interview but don't want to loose chance to get GC.
Your case is indeed very high and I think chances would be very low for getting the GC through AOS.

Your case was only current in September for DV2006, was never current for DV2005 and was only current in August for DV2004.

We never know when your number will be current for DV2008 but you should try changing it to CP if possible. You should contact KCC ASAP as I am not sure it is possible to change, I think it is but not sure.

I was on the same boat as you and wish I had done CP, had I known about rank numbers and having to be current. People with similar number I had got their GC in July but I only got it in September after a lot of work.

Good Luck.
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i think 2006 07 probably misunderstood your question as to when you can send your application and misinformed you that you can't apply until after October, 2007. If I understand correctly, you were asking whether you could sent your DS-230 and DSP-122 forms, right? If that's the case, then, yes, you can and should send it as soon as possible.

2006 07 probably thought you were asking about AOS.
2006_2007 haven't answered all parts of my question but is right about my case # being too high and gave me a good advice to process my application(if my number ever get current) thru CP, instead of AOS.