Duplicated card


Registered Users (C)
Received duplicated card, looks exactly as the first one. I found another thread on this topic on this site but there is no extra information, besides the fact that somebody else was in the same situation.

My preferred strategy would be to just use this newest card and not worry about it.

Thanks for comments!
Did you had to file I-90?

Why did you have to have a duplicate card?...Did you lose the original card or did it have any spelling errors?

No Title

Did not file any papers with INS after approval. Both cards are correct, exactly the same.

I checked the cards some more and the WAC numbers are different. I will try to place a call with the INS.

Will keep you posted.
No Title

Just for your information, I called the INS 1-800 number and they told me I can keep which ever card I want.

the change is embedded in that huge metallic portion at the back ???
why did u apply for a duplicate card ?
No Title

I did NOT apply for a duplicate card. In its wisdom the INS decided by herself to send yet another card.