Duplicate FP problem!!


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I got my first FP by calling INS and get it done two weeks ago, and now I received the second FP. Looks to me that manual ordered FP is not tracked by TSC and only add more confuse to the bunch of &#@!.

Did anyone have the similar situation? Do we need to do the FP again? Is there anyone get I-485 approval by manually order FP ever?

Duplicate for different reason

I'm in same situation for a different reason.

About 4 weeks back INS posted FP notice to my lawyer and
to my OLD ADDRESS. After lawyer informing me about the
notice i took it from lawyer and done FP. The mail sent to my
old address had sent back to INS and INS reposted it. The
notice came to me just 2 days before FP schedule date.

I don't know what INS thought they sent another FP notice with
APR 24th to me again which i recieved last saturday. Not done
yet now when i check online/AVM message it says we mailed
you a finger print notice on March 16th (yesterday). I'm lost
and don't know what to do. My lawyer says if you have appeared
for FP already just ignore them...

SO people suggest me what's best to do...
Do you see the FP message on your I-485 status? Or is there a separate tracking number for that?

Here people are getting more then one fingerprint notices and crying while there are people like me who are not getting fingerprint notice and worrying. What a curse on TSC. TSC you will be a pig in the next generation if there is any.
I called TSC regard my duplicate FP, the IIO told me that TSC did not receive FP result yet from FBI. She blame that FBI has yet input the information to the system. I told her that I checked with FBI and FBI finished the whole thing at the same day when I was doing my FP. The lady then told me I need to wait for a few weeks then.

As usual, it is a very productive conversation. I did not mention I receive another notice, coz I am sure TSC is not capable to handle anything other then extremely straight case.

Actually now I am thinking maybe it is not a bad thing after all to have two FP notice.
Same case like some of yours. I did my initial FP (I think based on my calling the IIOs) on Jan 18, 2003. My case status was updated to "FP results were received...."

Again on Mar 30, 2003 I received another FP notice - one copy sent to my attorney, second to my old address.

I went to Dallas ASC to clear the mess. The officer there stamped the new FP notice with the remark "Processed by FBI on INS/ASC 1-22-03" and said my FP was in their system and no need to have any new ones taken. When I asked if I need to tell someone to update my case, he said no need to do anything.

Today, I called the IIO to make sure my FPs are in. The IIO told me that they are in and there is no need to worry about the second FP. When asked why the heck(I did not say this) are we getting these duplicates, he said posssibly there was a glitch. Oh.. tell me about it (I told myself). And thanked profusely for verifying the details.

But now, it seems if the following message is there on your case status, the FPs are OK.

"On March 31, 2003, the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued."

Any opinions?
I was also in a similar situation last year. I got the FP notice from my lawyer and went and gave the FPs at local office. I moved to a different city immediately after applying 485. so my copy of FP notice went back to INS and came to my new address after 3 months. By that time I already finished my FP and the case status was updated saying 'we received your FPs...'. I just ignored the second notice and my case got approved recently. Wating for cards. Once you give FPs, it should be enough. You may have to give only after 15 months when INS asks for it.

Good luck;)
Can you tell how long it took to update online

I did my FP on March 21st 2003 and online message (it's been month) is not yet updated. Can you tell me how long it took for you after FP that online message got updated ??


FP done on Feb 19th 2003. AVM updated but online status is not. TSC os so screwed up.:mad:
TSC, go to hell

I got petty mad today after talking to an IIO regarding my duplicate FP.

I did my original manual FP on Oct of 2002, I called IIO soon afterwards, and I was told that the FP results were received fine in early Nov, 2002. So was the AVM.

I got a second FP notice in mid March of this year, which makes me very uneasy. I called IIO again moments ago and wad told that: they don't have my FP related information available in the system and I was suggested to do my second FP. I showed my frustration and the IIO told me" you know, we are handling millions of cases, it is easy for information to get lost!"

For all the past half year, I have been hoping to see an approve notice coming to my mail everyday, I guess, I was just being plain stupid.

I understand your frustration. I got 3 FP notices!!

- I did my 1st on Jan 2nd and AVM/Online was updated on Jan 8th.
- In mid-February, I got my 2nd FP notice asking me to apprear today (April 26th).
- Last week, I got my 3rd FP notice asking me to appear on June 6th.

As per my lawyers advice, I went for my 2nd FP today. I gave the officer all 3 FP notices and asked her what's going on. She went inside, checked her computer and wrote on my 2nd FP notice that my 1st FP was already good. I didn't have to do my FP again. She also said that I might be called for an interview (don't know why).

Hang in there. Your AD is on its way.
thank you, Bajis

Thank you, Bajis.

What I am really afraid of is that this is a mis-connection between TSC and the ASC centers. Such like my case: the TSC said they don't have it, and FBI said it is a good one. I will be unfortunate enough to be put in a limbo.

Anyway, thank you for your encouragement. I plan to go for my second FP which is mid-May and pretend that I don't have the first FP At all.

I do suggest you to call TSC to see whether they (still) have it on their computer or not. In my case, first they said they have it, then they said they don't.

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Same worry here


I am worry exactly the same thing you are talking about. And I will do exactly the same thing you plan to do.

I really fear this disconnection will cause much longer delay.

By the way, did you check all information in your first FP notice is 100% correct? things like A# and SRC#.
I will confirm A# and SRC#


I do plan to check A# and SRC#. I saw your post of SRC# and A# theory right after I hang up the phone with IIO, and I have not been able to get though the phone line again yet.

I plan to call IIO again, and use your theory (by the way, I think is a real good one) to see whether they can find my FP info through A#, then I will ask whether they can make a note of any kind in their system to relate these info, and I will also tell them that I am not the only one, there are many others that have the same problem.

Meanwhile, may I suggest any of us who is in similar boat to do the same thing, if we are lucky, we may increase TSC's awareness and get this bug fixed. I know it always sounds impossible to make TSC to do something, but if we all do the same thing, one of us may get a good IIO, and that is probably the best and only thing we can do now.

IIO found my Fp results under A#


Your theory has been proved right.
I got a nice IIO today, and she was able to find my FP results under my A#. I raised the issue of SRC# vs. A#, she told me not to worry about it, TSC has my Fp info. I insisted that since a previous IIO could not find my FP under my SRC#, is there anything she can do to help, she said" don't worry about it, they (TSC staff) know what they are doing". She also told me that there is no need to go for my second FP.

Anyway, I have done what I can do, I am back to a waiting mode.

Saturday May 3rd, Atlanta FP

My wife had her finger priting done on march 1st. To make the long story short, after that FP we received, 4 more FP notices for her! Finally we we recived the 5th one last week, my lawyer said just go and get your wife's FP done again to be on the safe side. We went there today. I told the lady what happened and that it was the fifth notice for my wife's FP and she had her done on March 1. The lady said 'you don't need another FP despite so many notices' and I said our lawyer asked us to come since there is no proof that INS hasn't lost my wife's FP. Then she went inside and another lady came out and said yes your wife's FP was successful and she saw it on the computer and just trashed the notice we had with us. I asked for a proof for us and she went inside and got me a computer print of 'successful' FP receipt from her computer. She said don't worry about it and just ignore any further FP notices. She was nice but she and another guy couldnot explain to us why we kept of receiveding FP notice despite the fact that my wife had her FP done in March.
Anyways, in jist, now I have prrof that my wife's FP was done and received successfully by INS. I am going to fax that paper to my lawyer tomorrow. But still I'm not sure why the online case status was never updated and why when I spoke to an INS office last week of april, that officeer still didn't see anything for my wife in her stupid computer. Now I'm confused what is 'stupider', the computer or those human beings working at INS Texas center?
It's frustating. these people claim they are short of manpower to adjudicate pending cases, at the same time keep on generating these multiple FP notices to same people. I got two FP notices last week, one scheduled for 5/23/03 and 2nd on5/30/03. What a waste of time and money.
multiple FP notice - diff locations

I have a similar problem regarding multiple FP notices.

I have 2 FP appointment notices for the same day, different cities.
I filed my 485 with TSC, but recenty moved from TX to PA.
(I had prompltly notifed my change of address).

Looks Like I need to chose one between either the PA center or TSC.

Any suggestions on which Center I should go to?
Does the choice of center for FP matter (in terms of delays, possible file-tansfer from TSC etc) ?

Any recommendations appreciated