Duplicate FingerPrint notice from NSC


Registered Users (C)
hi gurus,

i received a fp notice from NSC in June for a FingerPrint appointment in July. Me and my husband made it. FBI confirmed that they sent the results back to INS...After few months, in October, i received another fp notice from NSC, this time in a Notice of Action format...I called up my attorney...my attorney said she called up INS and they said that the one in July was good enough and i can ignore this one...hence I did...and i continued to wait for my GC approval...In this whole drama, I forgot to do one thing and that is : Checking AVM...suddenly one fine morning, this morning, i checked AVM to see what it says and this is what i heard..."Fingerprinting notice was sent to you on October 3rd..14 days past...bla bla..."...Do I take this message seriously...because this is not what i am supposed to hear...After reading through your discussions(btw i am new to the group), guess, i should hear something like "your notice recieved and your case is resumed..etc"
Did anyone experience this kind of trouble...My concern is if AVM is a true representation of what is going on at NSC or not?

FYI..my receipt date for 485 EB3 is 05/17/2000..Fingerprinted on July 19th 2000...received a duplicate fp notice in October, but Ignored it...now waiting for the approval, but really worried by this AVM message...So, gurus...please help with information !!!

Thanks a lot!

Duplicate FP notices - Dont worry

There have been quite a few people who have received duplicate notices. The second notice has to be ignored.

To rest your mind, you can call IIO and confirm if your FP\'s are in the system. If they are, you do not need to worry at all.

BTW, Whare are your details? RD, ND, EAD, service center, category, state???
here are my details

Thanks Cincy485 for your reply. I feel better now.

my RD- 05/01/2001 ND - 05/17/2001, EAD - 07/2001, Service Center - NSC, EB3, IL..

do you know if May RD\'s have started getting approvals?
Another Fingerprint within 5 months in VSC center

I have the same situation. Myy RD is April 2001 and I did my fingerprint in Sep. 2001, but AVM is saying that VSC issued a fingerprint notice to me on Feb. 26, 2002 again. FBI confirmed that they already sent the fingerprint to INS and I talk to IIO today, she told me that I should be able toignoree the second notice. Just hope that everything with INS is going smoothly.