DUI Folks ..Log your concerns here

DUI...help needed

HI all,
I am curently a student and got charged with DUI(1st offense) . I am really very worried about it. There are a lot of questions going on in my mind.
a) WIll it affect in getting a job here in the US.

b) If I am able to get a job then what all problems will be there in getting H1 stamped ...like how long would I have to be in India before this happens.As I have learned from this message board, especially sdkumar's message that it takes at least one and a half months to get done with that. So does the company with thich you are working gives that kind of leave or what ?

I am asking all of these coz I need to make up my mind in staying here or just go back to India after I am done with my degree.
I would be grateful if you could please answer these questions. Thank you in advance
d_dude said:
HI all,
I am curently a student and got charged with DUI(1st offense) . I am really very worried about it. There are a lot of questions going on in my mind.
a) WIll it affect in getting a job here in the US.

b) If I am able to get a job then what all problems will be there in getting H1 stamped ...like how long would I have to be in India before this happens.As I have learned from this message board, especially sdkumar's message that it takes at least one and a half months to get done with that. So does the company with thich you are working gives that kind of leave or what ?

I am asking all of these coz I need to make up my mind in staying here or just go back to India after I am done with my degree.
I would be grateful if you could please answer these questions. Thank you in advance

Will it affect your job prospects? depends on the security check done on you. Usually companies use private firms to do a security check. These firms collect information from different federal, state and local agencies (like state police, courts, fbi etc). Sometimes the check does not show things like DUI for a very long time. Again, most companies ignore things like first DUI etc because it does not say anything about your character (like if have a drinking problem etc). Every company has different standards, but you dont loose anything trying. DUI may affect 10% of your job chances. 90% looks good.

If you are in software, contracting is you best choice because they typically dont do any background check.

If I am not wrong, you cannot work on H1 unless you get a Visa abroad. Dont reveal anything to any conpamy, if you Visa gets delayed, just tell them that they are doing a background check and it is taking time.

My simple suggestion is that go for a desi consulting company (contracting), atleast initially. I think they will be aware of things like Visa delays.

Go back to India only if you want to, but dont give up because you are afraid to face troubles.
H1 stamping in India

Hi guys...

I got DUI ( first offense) in April 2004. finished all formalities in one year...My H1 extension petition ( not visa stamping) got approved last week...will get the papers in one week.....so I am going for H1 stamping in India in 2 months....Wanted to start this conversation again...cuz this is my time to face the music...so wanted to be prepared for it....atleast with all paperwork and advice from the guys who went for stamping with DUI in US embassy in india ( anybody went to mumbai / bombay embassy? ).....so guys...please respond if you are checking this thread....specially duidude, rahul_us, sdkumar, patnams, rwithclass, helpls, anotherImmProbl and anyone who has done the stamping in India...

Court Reporters document

Hi Guys...

Those of u who have done the H1-B1 stamping in India after the DUI ....what documents did u guys produce?

I have Court case Disposition Record and Copy of the police Record.

I dont have one specific document called "Court Reporters document." This document normally has the statements recorded from the time you case was brought to the court till the final judgement. ( conversation between the defendant and the judge) This document would be prepared by the court reporter/clerk....

Does anyone know if this document is must? I dont have it and I have applied for the audio tape as the court I went to, used audio tapes instead of typed transcripts...(sealed tapes )...

Please respond to this thread regarding what documents did u guys produce and what questions were asked...and specially...if this "Court Reporters document" is necessary to be produced at the US embassy...I am planning to goto india for stamping within 2 months..



I was arrested for DUI in May 2000. I plead guilt and it was lowered to careless driving. I paid a $150 fine. I have a US B1/B2 Visa valid upto 2010. Will I have a problem when I arrive in the US? When they fingerprint me will the record show up? I know some DUI's are not considered crimes of moral turpitude and only CMT's are concerned inadmissiable to the US. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

H1 stamping in Bombay after DUI

Has anyone on this forum done his H1 - B1 visa stamping in US consulate in Mumbai / Bombay after a DUI / DWI or OUI ?

Document checklist for H1 stamping after DUI

Hi Guys,

I got My H1 -B1 extension petition approved this month. I had a DUI in April 2003.
I am going for H1-B1 visa stamping in Mumbai, India soon.

I am going to produce following documents in addition to regular H1-B1 stamping documents checklist. Please let me know if any additional documents are necessary or required.

1: Court certified copy of Court case disposition document indicating the charges, what was the sentence and the final disposition.
2: Copy of police arrest record describing the incidence.
3: Certificate of completion of alcohol driving education classes.
4: Personal letter from the class councellor.
5: Computer printouts of the state laws ( from their websites ) describing the first DUI offence and the sentences. ( just to show that it was a misdemnor and not felony.)

Any of you guys who have been through this H1 stamping experiece in India ( mumbai or any US consulate) after getting a DUI, please respond to this post if you had produced any additional documents or share your experience regarding the questions asked by the consulate officer.


new passport 221g

I went to the US consulate in Mumbai today.....for H1 stamping after DUI....this is what happened...
went into the consulate...was given a pink token...then went to counter 1 and was fingerprinted....later I was called to one of the counters....the officer was a lady....she asked me which company I work for...then asked me to show my 797....asked how long i have been working with this company...i said almost 4 years....she asked if i ever changed companies in between...I said no...she asked me if i ever come back to india in that period..i said no...so she asked me to show me the previous 797...I showed it to her....in the end she said I can not give you a visa stamp on this passport because this is damaged...u have to apply for a new passport....so I got 221 g...with the reason "other" saying "new passport" she asked me to come back on any weekdays from mon to thursday at 9.30....
now here is the confusing part...she didnt even mention or talk abt my DUI and arrest....i am not sure if they are gonna ask me after i get the new passport....i am going to apply for a new passport ( renewal) tomorrorw...i think it will take atleast 2 weeks ( even through the agent )....then I'll go to the consulate again and will update u guys....wish me luck...
Passport renewal

That is confusing . If it the 221 was only for passport, why did they fingerprint you.

I think you should get thenw passport in three days . There is no need to go through agents . Go to worli office early morning . Things have changed since 4 years . I went for change of address and got my PP in 3 days . This was two years back.

My best wishes

221 g

What is a 221 g? Also i wonder if you have a DUI dropped down to a negligent driving, whether they consider that in giving you a visit visa for a vacation back to the US?


no...my DUI wasnt dropped to negligent driving....i had also checked the box for question 38 in DS-156 form....i was fingerprinted....nobody told me or said anything abt my fingerprints being matched or anything...i was called in for interview where the lady asked me general questions abt the company and my 797 forms...and did NOT mention the arrest or fingerprinting at all....they did not charge me for the fingerprinting fee..( atleat yet )...her exact words were " You passport is damaged and is going to expire soon...we can not stamp the visa on this damaged passport...you need to apply for a new passport and then come back at 9.30 on any work day...you dont need to take an appointment just bring this letter ( 221 g refusal letter )"

abt fingerprinting every single person who was given the pink token after entering the consulate was fingerprinted one by one...it is compulsory for every applicant now...

athomas....i guess the procedure for passport has changed now...u have to fix an appointment online first...the earliest one i got is on march 17 th...i can not even enter the passport office without the printout of that appointment and relevant papers...after that i am going for "TATKAL" application...which normally takes from 15 to ( maximum i heard was 3 months ) business days....

kind of confused now....please share ur experiences regarding passport renewal...

Dont know

Dont know much about procedures now , but what is the logic if TATKAL also takes 15 days .

all the best
going for stamping tomorrow..

Got my new passport today...going for H1 stamping to us consulate in mumbai tomorrow 21 st april...wish me luck guys....i am kind of worried that after the first delay of one month ( for the new passport)...if they go for fbi check at this time then it will be additional 6-8 weeks for me...i am just banking on the fact that the officer who interviewed me last time didnt ask anything abt DUI....lets see what happens...I'll keep u guys posted...

Good Luck! Hope you give the good news tomorrow.

Infact its already past due(Current IST 6.30 PM, 04/21/05) May be you are celebrating..

For H1b stamping, Is there extra fees for fingerprinting when you have arrest record.
H1B1 visa stamped

Got the H1B1 visa stamped on the passport this thursday.....will give the details later....was a weird experience where no one seemed to be interested in mentioning my arrest or DUI or asking any questions abt it even when i had answered YES to the arrest question on DS 156 twice ( filled in 2 DS 156 forms )



Hi everyone, I would like to begin by thanking each and eveyrone of you for sharing your experiences. I must say this site is a fantastic resource grouping us all with similar experiences, and being able to voice out ways of helping us out and learning appropriate procedures is amazing.

I followed instructions as per alot of what i read and I too got my visa. Now I wait to see if the port of entry will be a problem, hopefully it should not be as it was a negligent driving with a max sentence of 90 days. Nevertheless, we will have to find out, do let me know if anyone has an idea.

To Jajabanks

jajabanks said:
Hi everyone, I would like to begin by thanking each and eveyrone of you for sharing your experiences. I must say this site is a fantastic resource grouping us all with similar experiences, and being able to voice out ways of helping us out and learning appropriate procedures is amazing.

I followed instructions as per alot of what i read and I too got my visa. Now I wait to see if the port of entry will be a problem, hopefully it should not be as it was a negligent driving with a max sentence of 90 days. Nevertheless, we will have to find out, do let me know if anyone has an idea.


Please share your complete experience with us. Did you have a DUI charge reduced into a negligent driving case? If so how did that happen? What was the questions during visa renewal and stamping ? How long did it take with the arrest record?

Your experience is valuble to the group!
gautam_t said:
Got the H1B1 visa stamped on the passport this thursday.....will give the details later....was a weird experience where no one seemed to be interested in mentioning my arrest or DUI or asking any questions abt it even when i had answered YES to the arrest question on DS 156 twice ( filled in 2 DS 156 forms )

Congrats Gautam !!
Congratulations Gautam

gautam_t said:
Got the H1B1 visa stamped on the passport this thursday.....will give the details later....was a weird experience where no one seemed to be interested in mentioning my arrest or DUI or asking any questions abt it even when i had answered YES to the arrest question on DS 156 twice ( filled in 2 DS 156 forms )


I am really happy that you got your visa stamping.Please share your experience.