DUI arrest - H1B implications?


Registered Users (C)
I have read other posts around on the forum, but every case is different and so I figured I'd open one and welcome your thoughts/comments.

I was arrested on a DUI charge the other day and am still awaiting an outcome on the same. I'm getting a lawyer involved to try and see how he/she can help me through the process.

Background - This is my first ever ticket/arrest/misdemeanor/etc. Never been stopped for any violations prior and have a clean driving history. Blew a .13 BAC and was arrested. Initially was pulled over for doing 80 in 45 driving zone. From everything everyone has told me so far, I should be looking at minimal charges if at all.

Now I'm worried about what implications this may have on my immigration?
- I was planning on getting my H1b visa stamped in Canada (after recent H1B transfer). Hear that I might be denied entry because of a DWI!
- Can I get my visa stamped in Mexico? Or does it have to be back in India?

Thanks and please do respond!!
- Restless -
You have a reckless driving charge if they also ticketed you for 80 in a 45 so that will not help your situation either. With regard to Mexico, the consulate will be the same as in Canada. Looks like going to India is the way to do it, but they will most likely do the background check on you which according to people who have done this takes longer than a month hence if you really do not have to travel i would not, however if you are i would go to India and get it done there.
Here are my details -

I-94 expiration - 07-11-2010
I-797 expiration - 07-11-2010

Visa expires in 08/08 though. I'll be legal and don't need to get my visa stamped or extended till 2010, correct?

Sorry for the stupid question... almost feel depressed thinking about what happened to me over the weekend. :)