DUI and US Visit


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I was arrested for DUI in May 2000. I plead guilt and it was lowered to careless driving. I paid a $150 fine. I have a US B1/B2 Visa valid upto 2010. Will I have a problem when I arrive in the US? When they fingerprint me will the record show up? I know some DUI's are not considered crimes of moral turpitude and only CMT's are concerned inadmissiable to the US. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

molder said:

I was arrested for DUI in May 2000. I pleaded guilty and it was lowered to careless driving. I paid $150 fine. I have US B1/B2 Visa valid upto 2010. Will I have a problem when I arrive in the US? When they fingerprint me will the record show up? I know some DUI's are not considered crimes of moral turpitude and only CMT's are concerned inadmissiable to the US. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

As far as I know, You need to worry zero. The most way they can track is from your socical security number, which I dont think you have one. The time you got arrested, your offence even was DWI, you were given a careless driving, and got away with mimimal fine. Many people fall under the influence of drink and drive, and even its a serious crime, they dont bar you from entering US, even they come to know that you had one DWI in the past. Also they didn't deport you for that. And the chances are none or zero. I bet they have no way of tracking your past path, dont worry you should be fine.


I don't quite remember if I was fingerprinted when I was stopped.. but if I was, then they certainly will pull my records right? By the way, since the DUI, I have travelled to the US over 50 times.. but never after the US Visit fingerprinting program was put in place.
molder said:
I don't quite remember if I was fingerprinted when I was stopped.. but if I was, then they certainly will pull my records right? By the way, since the DUI, I have travelled to the US over 50 times.. but never after the US Visit fingerprinting program was put in place.

Now, lets say they fingerprint us, ..u think immmigration officer will wait and let the computer match billions of fingerprints and hold you?

You know how long does it take to match it, that too they requite human checking to confirm it

People drive thru canaian border, u think they will wait in car for their fingerprints to be checked with National Database

Some records don't even show up with FBI, forget INS
US Border check


I am going to the US next week from Toronto. I will be fingerprinted as part of the US Visit program. Will a DUI / careless driving charge show up? I am quite concerned about my trip.. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.



For those of you who were curious as to what happened at the border when they fingerprinted me.. no issues whatsoever.

I went through the US VISIT fingerprinting/ photograph process at the Toronto Airport. He asked me questions about my US trip.. how long etc etc.. 30 seconds I was done.

From what I understand, they only check for felonies, interpol etc.. But thats just my guess. Feel free to email me at rainaquaocean@yahoo.ca if you have any questions.


Gonna face the music tomorrow..

Hi Guys...

I am going for my H1-B1 stamping ( after first DUI in 2003) in Mumbai consulate tomorrow ( March 7 th )....this will be my first interview so I assume I'll be fingerprinted and called back later after 6 weeks...Guys...wish me luck...I'll keep you posted abt the interview....any suggestions, tips are all welcome !....

new passport 221g refusal

I went to the US consulate in Mumbai today.....for H1 stamping after DUI....this is what happened...
went into the consulate...was given a pink token...then went to couter 1 and was fingerprinted....later I was called to one of the counters....the officer was a lady....she asked me which comapny I work for...then asked me to show my 797....asked how long i have been working with this company...i said almost 4 years....she asked if i ever changed companies in between...I said no...so she asked me to show me the previous 797...I showed it to her....in the end she said I can not give you a visa stamp on this passport because this is damaged...u have to apply for a new passport....so I got 221 g...with the reason "other" saying "new passport" she asked me to come back on any weekdays from mon to thursday at 9.30....
now here is the confusing part...she didnt even mention or talk abt my DUI and arrest....i am not sure if they are gonna ask me after i get the new passport....i am going to apply for a new passport ( renewal) tomorrorw...i think it will take atleast 2 weeks ( even through the agent )....then I'll go to the consulate again and will update u guys....wish me luck...
