Dual Citizenship


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My country doesn't allow dual citizenship (have no idea why). When you apply for the US citizenship, does the US immigration care?

thank you
Absolutely not, but you will have to give up your former citizenship because your soon-to-be-former country does not allow it.
Which country is it?
I ask because some have special laws to retain citizenship (ie: Germany).
Saudi Arabia, but how would they find out about the American citizenship?
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In this case, you will have to renounce it.
Otherwise you can remain a permanent resident of the US and a citizen of Saudi Arabia, whatever is more convenient to you.
I don't think the US will notify another country. However, the other country will likely ask you about your status in the US when you renew the passport, or might ask you if you have acquired any other citizenship. In that case you would either have to lie in the application or find some creative explanation if you renew at a consulate and they demand to see a work visa or green card to show you are in status. I know people have been able to pull this kind of trick in the past depending on the country. In my view every country should allow dual citizenship.
I guess your country will also ask your status abroad (like green card/visa etc) even when u enter your country(I'm not sure u can enter your country only with your saudi passport (if it doesn't have any visas to explain). And they will know that way.