Dual A# issue in the interview?


Registered Users (C)
Hello all:

There are some posts in this forum that people who have dual A#'s did not get approval after the completion of the interview. I have dual A #'s due to the fact that during my GC processing I applied for I-485 and later went for CP to get the imiigrant visa

I know that my both A files have to be consolidated before the interview, but it nevers happens as per some of the posts in the forum.

My question: Is there anyone in this forum had dual A#, but still got an approval in the interview?

Please post your response. Thanks
Yes, I got the approval even though I had 2 A# files.
See my interview experience at following thread

I am speculating here, but from the thickness of my immigration file, it
looked like they had consolidated my 2 A# files. (Again, speculating)
May be my DO and INS officer were really thorough and did a good job or
I got lucky.
In any case, I got the happy surprise at the end of the interview.
I will post some more details if I can soon.
What special action did you take to let them know your other A#. Did u include both in the A# section of the form, or any other special mentioning anywhere ...
More about dual A#

Ok guys, I wanted to mention this anyway so that existing and future applicants with multiple A# can have access to this information.

Both me and my spouse had dual A#'s as we went through counsular processing
and adjustment of status for our green cards.
(We canceled our AOS application as soon as we came back to US after our
consular process)

When we submitted our initial application, we did not know if this causes any
issues. So we did not mention anything about our 2nd A#.

After reading few posts from fellow applicants on this forum as well as on Ron Gother's forum, (and based upon Ron's reply), I simply sent a plain letter asking INS to merge my A files (I had mentioned both my A# and of course receipt # for naturalization app). I did this more than a month after my priority date. That letter was sent to Nebrasca Service Center address
mentioned at the end of my N-400 's initial receipt.

I had no hopes that the letter would have its intended impact considering I
was mailing it quite late and in general not consistent with the way INS works (i.e. submitting it separately from the main application AND much later)
Also I thought that it could be risky as it could be confusing to INS service center personnel and even if it works, it could delay my interview even further.

I went to my interview fully expecting that this dual A# will delay my case.
But I got the pleasant surprise.

I still don't know if it was the letter that caused INS to merge the 2 A# files or its just that INS officers from Denver office/Nebrasca Serv Center did a good job.
If I have to guess, I would go with the later and give credit to Denver DO for
following the right procedure. In any case, both me and my spouse received
N652 indicating that our case will be recommended for approval.

I will be happy to answer questions about this if you have any.
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My interview is on June 07. I think my file should be already at the DO office. Do you recommend me sending that letter now to NSC or DO?

My PD is Jan 23rd and my interview is on June 1st. Its VSC and Newark DO for me. I am contemplating sending a letter as you mentioned but concerned that it should not cause any confusion in the case. Can we talk so I can get more insight it to it. If you are comfortable let me know your number and I can call you.

In anycase can you post your actual letter content minus name etc here.

Many TIA.
Also can this request be accomplished by providing a letter to merge 2 A files at at an infopass center by making an appointment. Thanks.
futcitizen, cp485

Based on my experience, it certainly will not do any harm by sending the letter. cp485, why dont you send 2 copies of letter, one to service center and another one to DO.
Also enclose copy of your receipt for N400 with the letter. (The one with priority date)

So if I was in your shoes, I would send a letter by return receipt requested and keep a copy of letter with me for the interview. I am enclosing the text of the letter I sent at the end of the post
(Your interview is still month and half away so it can give INS enough time to
access the 2nd A# file and send it to DO. In fact I had sent my letter approx 1 and half month before my interview date as well)
All the best and please do not worry about this. Even in worst case, dup A#
issue is resolved within a month or two.
(Although I can understand that for all of us, patience is wearing pretty thin by the time we reach almost towards the end of immigration journy of several years considering the whole visa and green card processes and then naturalization.)
Again all the best and stay calm.

Here is the text of letter I submitted:
US Immigration And Naturalization Service
N-400 Processing Division

Dated: #####

RE: Recent Application for Naturalization Application # LIN*???? , INS A # ????

SUBJECT: Request to merge two A # files before Naturalization Interview

Dear Immigration Officer,

I recently sent my Naturalization Application and received receipt for it. My details are as follows:

Applicant's Name: ???
Date of Birth: ???
Application # LIN*???
Priority Date: ???
INS A# on my green card : ???

While going through some of the old immigration documents, I found out that my old (and expired) Employment Authorization Card has a different A # listed compared to what I have on my green card.

The number on my green card (which is what I mentioned on N400 form) is A # ?????
The number on my old EAD card is A# *****

Hence I am requesting hereby that please consolidate my two A# files (in case it hasn't been done already) so that my interviewing immigration officer can review both if needed.

If you have any questions, I am available at phone # ##### or my mailing address in your record.

Thank you very much in advance,

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Thanks for the information.


Please let me know if are planning to do infopass or sending a letter like sd12 said.
