DS-230 Part I during appointment


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I have seen several people mention that they took DS-230 Part -I and Part - II and OF-171 during the interview.

But among the list of documents sent to me by the lawyers was the unsigned DS-230 Part II only. I have the photocopy of DS-230 Part -I that I sent to him during the packet - 3 stage, but no original. Can anyone clear this for me? Also I sent a form called OF-169 during packet and I have a photocopy of it. Is it the same as OF-171 mentioned many times in these forums. Will photocoy of this (OF-171) be sufficient.

Sorry for this last minute questions, but my appointment is on 21st and I need relatively quick answers.
Originally posted by VA2
I have seen several people mention that they took DS-230 Part -I and Part - II and OF-171 during the interview.

But among the list of documents sent to me by the lawyers was the unsigned DS-230 Part II only. I have the photocopy of DS-230 Part -I that I sent to him during the packet - 3 stage, but no original. Can anyone clear this for me? Also I sent a form called OF-169 during packet and I have a photocopy of it. Is it the same as OF-171 mentioned many times in these forums. Will photocoy of this (OF-171) be sufficient.

Sorry for this last minute questions, but my appointment is on 21st and I need relatively quick answers.

a) Carry the photo copy of DS 230-Part I. It may or may not be
asked for at the time of interview, however.

b) OF-171 is the form number for the interview appointment letter.
This you would have got in packet 4.

The letter from the embassy has the all the details of the appointment (date, time , case #...etc) but I did not notice the number OF-171? Is that usually the case or should I assume the letter is actually OF-171?

The appointment letter is also called OF-171..if you see at the footer section of your appointment letter, it will read OF-171.
So Appointment letter which states your and other dependents name with date and time is OF -171!