DS-230: "In what occupation do you intend to work in the US ?"


New Member
As part of my immigration application process, I have just received a DS-230 form. This contains a question "In what occupation do you intend to work in the United States ? "

1. I'm not sure what work I'll do once I get to the US, so can I leave this blank or is it a better idea to write something here ?

2. If we should not leave the field blank, I was wondering what I should write here. I am a software engg. (in a multinational in India) by profession and plan to either continue working as one or pursue higher studies. But the problem with stating any of the above is:
- if i write i want to work as a software engg., they might not want more s/w engg. in the US ... because as it is there are a lot of unemplyeed engineers in the US as present.
- If I write i want to pursue higher studies, they might just ask me to apply for a student visa.

Anyone have any ideas/clues on how I can answer this question ?
One possible answer I can think of is "research (industry or academic) or consulting"

Any thoughts on the matter will be appreciated, Thanks !