Driving US plate car to Canada


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Great thanks for cleaning some questions posted as "Canada Guru please help". For driving car to Canada, the car was imported at port when we landed in 04/2000. Canada MV department asked us to inspection etc and we told them we were in USA and we will do re-import again etc. We still keep all papers between us and MV department when we communicated. Do we still have problem if we DO import car again at port and we will not come back?
Great thanks
If the car was imported then I don’t see any problem, you will not have problem if you take the car to Canada, no need to import again, you may have some papers stamped by them with you and they will be having data in computer, if I am in your situation I will try to call up the particular post where you want to enter and will speak to custom officer, go to Canada customs site find out port of entry telephone #. 5-6 months back I some body posted custom telephone # on this thread you can search
Landing by car. Please Help!!!

Hi Gurus,

I am planning to land next week by car. I would like to drive
there by my own car, but I don't want to import it to Canada, as
the process seems fairly complicated. I plan to go back to the US
after I get my PR card and sell it there. My question is, will there
be any problem if I land by my own car, but don't want to import
it ? I would really appreciate any advice.

“Vault”may provide you better answer than me; I hope it is better to land in rental car
Hi Ginu,

Could you please explain why taking my own car might not
be a good idea even though I plan to bring it back to US ?
I appreciate your help in the matter.


When you drive your own car to land in Canada, you will be forced to import the car. Once you import the car, you will have to make necessary changes (Odometer, daytime running lights etc. etc.) to get your vehicle registerd in Canada. Now if you do not do this and return back to US, you will start getting nasty e-mail from the MV department. If you do not comply, the next time you drive your vehicle into Canada, your vehicle will be impounded. It would be a wise idea to spent the money on a rental car and avoid headaches.
Vault is right. I used a rental car with US plates last weekend and I didn't have any problems. Other friends who used their own cars had to answer a lot of questions and in most cases they were forced to import it to Canada.

Is there any way at all to convince them that I plan to take
the car back to the US, so that I don't have to import it ?

ThanX Gurus.
to gt1507a:

they would definitely want you to register your car in canada. but you can tell them that you can not do that and that you'll come back to the US and sell your car in a month. that's what i did and they told me that car should be out of canada within a month otherwise it would be impounded.

be polite but firm. they can't force you.