Driving ticket


Registered Users (C)
will GC interview will be effected , for getting a driving ticket. After paying the fine. Senior Memebers please let us know what you think
If it is a simple moving violation, no problems will arise from the ticket. If it resulted in charges such as misdemeanor (don't quote me on this) then it is likely to come up.

dude..I got DWI ticket a year ago.....didn't have a problem getting my grrrrrrrreen card...

btw, straightforward DWI is a misdemeanor. But, one more thing, I didnt have an interview...it was straight approval...so...I dunno what happenns in an interview.
Unless it is a serious crime like drugs or terrorism, I don't think small ones don't have an impact on your GC.

shyradish, why do drive under influence? I don't want to be preachy but it is dangerous to other people.