driving licence with EAD


Registered Users (C)
I know some states like PA issues driving licence with EAD expiration date. What about Virginia. Anuone knows about virginia's rule. is there any link for Driving licence with Visa status for the different states?. Appreciate your feedback.
Thanks:) :)
I don't think virginia got any specific rules on that. But there'll be some rules for non citizens starting jan 2004.
I renewed my DL in NJ 4 months back. The never asked my status. Just took my old license and i got new one. I did it in Rockaway Twp.
PA license

I renewed my PA license this past summer - they did not check anything - maybe because I sent in everything by mail, and just had to show up to get my picture taken?



My wife tried to get the driver's License in PIT. She is on EAD. But they did not even let her take the written test just because she is on EAD. They are asking for a valid visa in the passport or GC (which does not make any sense). Does anyone has the same experience? What should we do about it?


I am working on EAD in Pennsylvania and it expires in Aug 2004
I originally applied for AOS when I was in NJ and about 6 months back informed the BCIS and using AR-11 about my address change to PA. I am expecting approval anytime, but not soon though (RD 4/23/02)

I have NJ Drivers License. I went to Norristown,PA DMV but they wanted to see either some Visa with One Year validity or Green Card stamping and I don't have either. Moreover the guy at the counter said even if he issued Licence after I surrender my NJ licence, the people at Harrisburgh might not recognize the EAD and revoke the Licence issued , in which case I lose my current licence and the new one too.

Has anyone with firsthand experince of getting/transferred to
PA Drivers Licence with EAD ???

My concern is if I get approval, then NJ drivers Licence should not become an uneasy problem during stamping at Philadelphia though I have other proof of residence in PA.

Pl.let me know


Follow my thread on PA and read the article of the Inquirer. Actually now PennDot claims that the EAD is an approved document..
I went to the Norristown office and my wife is on EAD. They accepted it (the director knows about the article). my wife failed the test though due to language problems.. We will go again.
Originally posted by gcmani

Could you please post the Link to the article?


Actually, if you work just a bit harder you will find it on your own!

Hint: Check the threads along this page only and you will find it.
link to drivers licence

Herewith, I am giving some links for different states driving licence sits.
Hope it may help someone.
