Drivers License Validity After Returning Green Card


New Member
Greetings. My parents returned their Green Card earlier this year to the US Embassy in their home country, since they have decided to continue living in their home country. However, they will be visiting the US a couple times each year to see their granddaughter and friends.

The question I have is about the validity of their state driver's license now that they have abandoned permanent residency. Technically the licenses don't expire for a few more years, but do the licenses automatically become invalid because they are no longer residents? Or can they continue to use their driver's licenses when they come on tourist visas?

They would like to avoid the hassle of getting international driving permits and the complications that come with it (e.g., some car rental companies don't rent without a valid US license, others charge extra fees or require insurance to be purchased, etc. ) if their driver's license is still valid. But obviously they don't wish to do anything that will break the law.

Any advice would be appreciated.
They would like to avoid the hassle of getting international driving permits and the complications that come with it

Depending on the state, you may not need any international driving permits to drive as a visitor.
Depending on the state, you may not need any international driving permits to drive as a visitor.

They actually tend to travel to multiple states when they come, so I would prefer to know the validity of the driver's license nevertheless. In addition, if you don't get an international driving permit, car rental companies give you even more trouble...
If that state doesn't issue driver's licenses to people who are in the US with a tourist visa or illegally present, that probably means their licenses are now legally invalidated and they could get arrested if they were stopped by police and had their licenses checked on the police computer.
Make sure they have their passport with them when driving. As long as they show that they are visiting, it shouldnt be a problem.
They used to be green card holders...

In my opinion, if even if you are illegal in usa, you can drive at least until the driver license become expired....