Driver License Renewal in PHOENIX AZ.


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Hi Exprets.

I am planning to renew my Driver License in PHOENIX AZ.

I have following questions.

1) My H1 is valid till Sept 8th 2008. I have EAD valid till May 18th 2008. So last time when i renewed my license I got the license valid till May 18th 2008 only, as I had my EAD valid until then.

Meanwhile I changed job and I used EAD but my EAD is valid till May 08 2008. I applied for renewal of my EAD on March 08 and it might take some time before I get the EAD.
Can I renew my license using approved H1 which valid till Sept. 2008???
Not a problem.. neither the EAD number or HI-B receipt number is mentioned in the DL. These documents are proof of your legal stay in the US. You can use either.
I just got my renewed in MD. Took, in total, 15 minutes (incl parking, walking to counter etc).
They did NOT ask for my legal status...I did NOT volunteer the info.
Of course, I declined the Voter Registration.

Bottomline: Take your USCIS documentation, but show then if ASKED.

BTW, get you green card and clear the que. You are sooo holding the line.

-Mr. R Sloth
YOu may be lucky and are lucky, evidently. The moment the person at the
information desk or help desk sees you, she/he immediately ask the question
do you have your passport and visa!

Either MD doesn't bother about immigration status or you don't look like a foreigner :D

I just got my renewed in MD. Took, in total, 15 minutes (incl parking, walking to counter etc).
They did NOT ask for my legal status...I did NOT volunteer the info.
Of course, I declined the Voter Registration.

Bottomline: Take your USCIS documentation, but show then if ASKED.

BTW, get you green card and clear the que. You are sooo holding the line.

-Mr. R Sloth
May be MD has simpler rules...and oh yes! I do look like a foreigner. I strongly believe that the Simpson's producer should pay me to take my caricature as Appu.

Thank you and "come again".

YOu may be lucky and are lucky, evidently. The moment the person at the
information desk or help desk sees you, she/he immediately ask the question
do you have your passport and visa!

Either MD doesn't bother about immigration status or you don't look like a foreigner :D
DL renewal is purely dependent on your own state DMV policy and each state has it own unique rule.
You really are lucky.. In Indiana, they send the immigration status for verification and that takes about 2 months. Until then you get a temp license ( a printed sheet ). The whole process s**ks.

Same here in MA as in MD. Never been asked about PP or Visa.
Actually DL renewal was easier than my PP renewal !
I guess East coast has diff read simpler set of rules with exception of NJ !
Who does EC vote for?
I used live in PA, and went to local DOT to renew my DL, never been asked for visa.
This year I moved to DAllas TX, and went to change my DL, the officer only asked for SS card, and gave me DL valid until 2014. it seems different state/office may have different way to handel immigration approvals.
Good Luck for your DL renewal.
yes!!!!!!!!! Iam thinking the same.


thanks for the views/answers. Some states are linking the Visa expiry date and the DL expiry date and some don't.................. Texas is not..........

AZ/FL is linking both visa and DL.

Once I use my EAD, H1 gets invalid. I can try renewing DL using my H1 but is it right thing to do to use the invalidated H1 to renew the license.

Once I use my EAD, H1 gets invalid. I can try renewing DL using my H1 but is it right thing to do to use the invalidated H1 to renew the license.
That could be a problem if the DMV verifies with USCIS.

Do you have an unexpired I-94? You may be able to use that instead.


Thanks for reply....

I don't have the valid I-94 as i renewd my H1 after my India Trip.

Does the INS invalidate the H1 as soon as my New empoloyer informs the INS about my EAD usage? Othereise how can DMV knows about my H1 validty.

Does the INS invalidate the H1 as soon as my New empoloyer informs the INS about my EAD usage? Othereise how can DMV knows about my H1 validty.
Most DMVs these days verify your status with USCIS before issuing the license. Maybe USCIS has invalidated the H1 in their system, maybe they haven't. But do you really want to take the chance of getting your DL rejected because they say the H1 is invalid? If that happens, you may have to go through a ton of hell to get your license after that.

If your expiration date approaches and you still don't have the EAD, options are:
1) Go there with your EAD application receipt, I-485 receipt, and Social Security card. Be assertive and tell them that USCIS will be able to use those documents to verify that you are in legal status. Demand to speak to a supervisor if necessary; all you are asking is that they check your status with Immigration instead of making a judgment on the spot based on information they don't have.


2) Take a short trip outside the US with your Advance Parole. When you come back you will get an I-94 valid for a year.

DMVs have different rules and procedures because driving laws are set at the individual state level. However, one thing seems to be fairly consistent; in the states that verify your immigration status before issuing or renewing the license, they give you a license with the shortest validity period of the documents you present. If you showed them your H-1 instead of your EAD, you probably would have gotten a DL valid until your H-1 expired, instead of the earlier date of your EAD expiration. So whenever you have multiple documents, show the one with the longest validity, unless after you show it they still want other documents.
Try for 60 day extension till new EAD.

I am in MO, was waited for 40 minutes in the line (on a weekend) with my vlaid H1-b till Sept 2009, passport and I-94 stamped till the same date. Unfortunately she asked for Employment Letter. Finally she temp. extended 60 days and asked me to get the Employment Letter.

Every state has different rules and some times even the people at the counters. They may not use the same common rules within the state too.

You can try for a 60 day extension with your EAD application status online and the receipt.