Dream come true!!! God is Great


Registered Users (C)
Guys, Guess what, I got my approval. God is great. For those of you who need my intro:

RD: 08/15/2001
ND: 09/24/01
FP: 04/30/02
RFE RECEIVED: 01/03/03
Approval date: 03/28/2003

Just thought would do a customary inquiry on the case status online and on phone. Online site was temporarily down and I dialed the AVM and guess what... got those magic words....'This case has been approved on 03/28/2003'.... I made it guys.

For those of you who have been following my posts for the last couple of weeks might have had an idea of what I am going thru in wake of the second finger print notice and my vacation plan. Finally all that research I did on how to enter if I get my approval while I am out of country is not needed anymore.

More than anything , this is the day in my life I would dearly remember for ever and ever. The journey is over, reached the destination, perhaps with few bumps, but safe and sound. Isn't that great.

For those of you who are waiting, guys, I sincerely pray for you and wish you all the best. You will all be there one day, and that day is not far off.

Good luck everyone and God bless.
Heartiest Congratulations Man!!!
I was following your posts all the time since I have an RD(9/04/01) close to you and I'm living in Ohio too.

Have a great vacation and good luck with your future endevor!
Congrats CINCI!!

I have been reading you posts and remember you saying somewhere a couple days ago, that you wont get surprized even if you see your approval before you take the second finger printing. Now enjoy your vacation man.


Cinci2002, My Hartiest congratulations !

Enjoy your vacation now, Good Luck !!

cinci heartiest congrats man!!!
God is really great. great to know that you have a happy ending...
enjoy ur vacation.
Congrats man and enjoy your freedom. Posts like yours gives us hope that one day we too will hear those magic words.
Thanks everyone. I really believe there is some snail pace activity going on in NSC. It has to pick up thou. Everyone of you waiting will get their approvals pretty soon. If I am not wrong every on in July/Aug'01 should get their approvals by the end of April latest.

Hang in there guys. I will be around these forums definitely for a while since I got kinda addicted to visiting them often.

Also thanks to everyone who extended their good wishes for my vacation. I am sure this is really the best time for me to go on a vacation.

Good luck everyone and God bless.

yep, took a while coming, but come it did!

enjoy your freedom, and best of luck for the future!

It is an odd feeling isn't it? I , for one, felt this emptiness- after hearing my approval - almost felt like I would miss the 'wait' :cool:

It takes time for the news to sink in! I guess!

Take a vacation and taste the Freedom!


I has been watching you for long time. God is great. Now you can breathe freely. I am also in OHIO. May God bless me and my family to get our GC asap.

RD 9/15/2001
ND 10/15/2001
FP 4/30/2002
RFE 12/18/2002
AD ?
Cinci... I luv your attitude going through this ordeal... We all must in our minds imagine that we are hearing the good news.. and we will just cruise through... mine ND is Oct 01 so should be hearing the good news soon

Enjoy the freedom and to everyone else Good luck...:D
Thanks guys. Pork chop, Zero, Adjustee and many more active contributors on this forum.. your words of support kept my spirits up all along... Good luck everyone.

Sincerely hope everyone waiting will get their approvals soon. May God bless.

Rolling Hills, I completely agree... God is always great... I did not make that statement since I got my 485 approval... but it is a human tendency to remember that and restate that when good things happen :) Good luck my friend.

Medigineers... You are close bud, hang in tight.