DOS October Visa number?

ok guys, I am confused. The dates say 98 to 00, then May 01....?? can someone please clairfy.


EB3 I 485 RD 07/2002
PD 09/2000

FP1 01/04
FP2 07/05
It seems like the Oct cut-off dates at the Manila US embassy web-sites maybe true.
If you goto the official USemabssy website and then select the Manila US embassy you will be taken to the Manila website.
Once there, select the Immigrant visas link and then the Visa Interview appointments link- you will now see the Oct cut-off dates.
Interestingly no other US embassy shows these numbers. A couple of other US embassy websites that I tried, re-directed me to the official visa bulletin web-site which is

So here goes.... :rolleyes:
Please visit the yahoo group and see their zeal,amazing and intresting

sample one thread.
From: "Satyanarayan kantiwal" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:28:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [techworkers] No they can't pack our bag.If u drive out the rat from Kitchen,it goes to bedroom.we will go to Canada,then from Canada to USA ,once date becomes current.

No they can't pack our bag.If u drive out the rat from Kitchen,it goes to bedroom.From Bedroom to kitchen or other room.What we forget that your House is the house of Rat too.we will go to Canada,then from Canada to USA ,once date becomes current.

ravi surya <> wrote:
Can some body answer my question:

If USCIS or government intentionally delaying the
process like putting a CUT OFF DATE....what are they
Do they think that, we will pack and go home even
after staying for 5 or more years???
We all got EAD and wifes working ...citizen kids

Answers please?

I am all for it, let us do some thing big.

Some people says...
a. we are immigrants ...we don't have a right to ask
b. No, we can not protest
c. We are not a voter in this country, so no body is
to listen to you as if this guy tried before etc...

Common guys, the fact is.. i am stuck in this process
and i am in 8th year extension....That means i have
been here for 8 years, in the final Greeccard process
and i am not going to go to India until they pack for
me and kick me out of this country....And i am sure
USCIS and Government knows about this kind of

So why do they delay the process for these kind of
guys when they are contributing to the economy with
out any problems....I can not buy a house because i
still don't know my future (i know legally i can buy a
house) etc.

It is bulshit that some people thinks that i don't
want to write a small email or i am busy in the office
.. why i should i do it while others are doing it...

Common, we got in to the you have to get out
of the body else is going to help us...

Let us try some thing big ....we might spend $200
total but we will acieve some thing ...
If not not a big deal loose $200.

-Ravi Surya.

--- bijualex29 <> wrote:

> I am broke completly by this news.
> If we need some contribution to hire someone, lets
> do it.
> Writting to senator can be an alternative, but will
> not solve any
> problem,we need to organise a big protest or
> Petition to senator and
> President of the USA.
> Who will organise this?
> I can come to washigton DC.

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