DORA in Dallas, if I can be deported...


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If I go to the pilot program in Dallas, but probably i cant qualified i can be deported...
Why would you even bother to apply through DORA if you know that you don't qualify. The qualification guidelines are very clear.
Indeed, the whole point of DORA is to more quickly weed out the cases that don't qualify for a GC, rather than have them remain in the country for years while a GC they'll never get is processing.

Roll on DORA everywhere.
i mean... im illegaly here, but somo lawyer tell me i can be here if really i dont do nothing like just be here like vacations but with out visa, so right now i dont work, my wife is who works and actually im like nobody here, that can help
Right now you're here illegally. This isn't like a vacation, because people on vacation are inspected at entry. If you came here on vacation 5 years ago and overstayed, then you would have a better chance of getting a green card than you currently do.

The simple requirement is that you have to return to your home country and filed for a visas. However there are waivers you can apply for to avoid doing this. These waivers are difficult to get, but you should look into them. I would recommend Googling "EWI Green Card" and seeing what you get. EWI means "Entered Without Inspection".
What ur lawyer meant by not doing anything is by staying off the radar including but not limited to NOT applying for immigration benefits.

That's the fastest way to get deported.

As is, u're either approved, hauled before an immigration judge or deported...

U didn't help ur case by opting for DORA...that's synonymous with expediting ur inevitable misery...

U need a lawyer...preferably Not the one u sought advice from before applying.

Good luck.
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I Suggest You Go To Your Home Country And Do Consular Are A Green Card Winner Aren't You? You Should Be Currently In Legal Status In Order To Apply For Adjustment Of Status In The US.
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Just a Note related to the Post above-

If you go back to your country you will be bar from entering the country for 10 years.

Sorry to say but you do have a complicated situation.
krona12345 said:
Just a Note related to the Post above-

If you go back to your country you will be bar from entering the country for 10 years.

Sorry to say but you do have a complicated situation.

What if he sneaks out just like he snuck in? I don't think they would have records of his little adventure to ban him from re-entry.