...so why not gcchina?
Firstly, my previous post was not targeted towards any individual, rather was an observation culled from a few responses.
Secondly, it is clear that people know why they would or would not do something in any given situation. Some have argued that they are victims, are losing all happiness, and may have an impending and inevitable heart disease creep behind our backs. Well, if you look around, there's plenty to be miserable out...
We can blame America, it's immigration policies or whatever else we choose. Granted, these are very tough times, and the debate on this issue has happened one too many times. Whether we are economic slaves, toiling in the grime and dust of corporate ruthlessness, or white-collar, above-average paid servants, can be dissected and re-dissected innumerous number of times. Even if some of us got our GCs, and then eventually citizenships, we will always hold a certain resentment against the system, for not giving us more, for not treating us better. This is how some of us are. And that's okay too.
Others have argued that if they were in gcchina's situation, they would have done this or that, and upheld family unifications as the most paramount thing. That's exactly the point. We (they) are not in gcchina's shoes and never will be. Even if they were in a similar situation, they will never be "exactly" in his shoes. So, where's the debate? What we do, or he does, in any given situation is usually our prerogative.
However, it is possible that some posters here know gcchina personally and are very close friends of his. In that case, "maybe" they have earned the right to admonish him for failing on his "duties". In which case, I rescind some of my statements back.
In my humble opinion, I think we should respond to gcchina's primary questions that pertain to his visa appointment and consulate choice selection, provided we can answer them. After all, that is the reason why he came to this forum. Why he did not visit his parents and for how long is a deeply personal subject and must be dealt with some sensitivity. It just so happened that he mentioned those facts while he sought answers to his primray questions...but wait, I must stop lest I be deemed a too too philosophical again...
Good evening to you all...