Done with stamping - NY experience


Registered Users (C)

We received our approval notices on thursday, 29th. We collected our orizinal approval letters from our attorney on the same day and we done with our PP stamping on Friday, 30th March, 2002.

We boarded \'N\' train at 6.20Am and got down at \'City Hall\' station and we walk 2 blocks down to 26 Federal Plaza. We stand in \'Q\' by 7.00am and the line for stamping is at WORTHS street entrance. They opened the doors at 7.40 am(10 minutes late, as usual in any Govt. offices) and they ask us to run to other door, which is located at \'Lafayat\' street(back side of 26 federal plaza). We entered in the building at 7.45 and we are in the stamping room at 7.55 am. No tekens were issued. They start looking one by one and they stamped on the spot and we are on our way to subway by 8.25 am.

Hope this information is useful to some other NY candidates. I wish all of you good luck and hope you will post this kind of message within few days.

Thanks one and all, specially to Mr.Rajiv Khanna for maintaining this wonderful platform to share our feeligs and experiences.

Once again God Luck everybody.

EB3, India
PD 12/98
RD 6/27
ND 8/16
FP 11/23
Approved 3/21
Received Approval notice on 3/29
Stamping on 3/30
26 federal plaza

I had my passport stamped at 26 federal plaza on feb 15th. The girl told me i can travel and that i would be getting green card in 10 months. today (april 4th) I got another letter from the 26 federal asking me to come on april 12th and bring my passport (this form is called a G-56). Does anyone know if this is a clerical error? i have already been approved and had my passport stamped? please help. I am quite concerned but feel this is a clerical error. They had made a previous clerical error in my case. Any opinions would be much appreciated

Ask this question at "I-485 issues" section, instaed of VSC issues.

Make a request to Mr.Jim to clarify. may be your caption should be - "After PP stamping, INS office called us again and ask us to bring our Passports. What it might be? Any feedback/opinion will be apreciated"

So that people who are interested in this caption will look in to the matter and respond. I am also interested to know your outcome. If you don\'t mind, please send me your outcome to RAOSMILES@YAHOO.COM.

Let us hope that this may be a clerical error and nothing serious. I wish you all the best and Good Luck.

how can i find out

before next friday if this is a clerical error? my passport is already stamped and my case is approved? do you know anyone I can call to find out before next Friday April 12th. Very concerned about this letter (probably a clerical error) please help!!

Look to the top of this screen. You will find "I-485 issues" section

post your message in that section with a detailed caption. In my opinion, may be your finger printing is not OK or your Photos may not be OK, but by mistake the officer may accept them at the time of stamping. Good Luck
clerical error

Thanks for your response. My thought is that they have made a clerical error since my passport is already stamped. This is the second time a clerical error has been made in my case. New york city office is completely overwhelmed and they make many errors. i will know early next week if it is an error. i will keep you posted.

clerical error

I am writing to follow up about my possible clerical error. I went to the appointment this morning just to find out why they sent me this letter. I have discovered that it was a clerical error and that my file is closed and is gone for processing for plastic card. Thanks for your concern. This was the second clerical error they made in my case. I am getting very paranoid.
