Don\'t Call IIO


Registered Users (C)
Check Murthy\'s chat for the week of March 4th. Am pasting one of the questions and answers which will explain why one should not call IIO.

Chat User : Hello, Ms. Murthy. Is it ok to keep calling the INS center to find out the status of a case?

Attorney Murthy : As long as you call the automated line it is okay. If you keep speaking with an officer, they make a note of each time you call. They have told us in AILA meetings that if a person calls too often and wastes their time, they will delay processing that case!! Not kidding.

Any comments!!!
Or is this fair there is an unspoken or hidden INS policy that outsiders cannot find in nowhere?

All the same it makes sense not to call them unnecessarily

Evrerytime you speak to an IIO just to check case status you are denying someone with a more urgent request trying to get thro. Further from all the conversations reported here IIO\'s do not have anything useful to tell us. Most of them reiterate the official position. I suggest we should talk to the IIO only if it is urgent, like a address change or if you RD is before their reported RD. It makes sense for people who have RD befoe 4/1 to check. Guys after that RD will only get the STD reply