Don Neufeld says Out-of-Order Processing is OK

this is a word game

Didn't you guys figure out Don Neufeld is playing a word game? What he really meant was that all pending cases would be cleared within a year starting September '04, i.e. all pending cases will be cleared by september '05.

Don Neufeld has shown three numbers for I-485 adjudication:
86,000 : 01/2002 - 11/2003
24,000 : 10/2002 - 09/2003
68,000 : 10/2003 - 09/2004
I think these numbers are based on the fact.

According to Project Kashmir, the CSC had processed 500 - 1,000 cases per month in the first half of FY2004.
I think the CSC had processed almost the same number of cases in 2003,
and that the CSC had processed 6,000 - 8,000 cases per month in 2002.

To achieve his goal by the end of FY2004, the CSC has to process more than 10,000 cases per month.
We have seen almost 100 approvals at this forum in May, but we need to see at least 500 approvals every month, otherwise the CSC may transfer a lot of cases to local offices.

As of today, I think the I-485 backlog is not growing at the CSC but that it is not being significantly reduced yet.
And, out-of-order processing is another issue.
baywatcher said:
Didn't you guys figure out Don Neufeld is playing a word game? What he really meant was that all pending cases would be cleared within a year starting September '04, i.e. all pending cases will be cleared by september '05.

Only public servents who don't face too much criticism and accountability, can play this kind of world games. In past USCIS/INS was hardly consistent about processing one particular type of application in a very fast, steady speed/manner through out the the year. After few months, when some other priority will come up (security issue/upgrade, or some refugee EAD processing, or USCIS reorganization) and I485 will take again backseat. That happened in the past, and I won't be surprised if it happens again. Always the logic of USCIS/INS (whether they admit or not) is that as I485 does not expire and applicants can renew EAD every year, therefore, it's OK to make them waiting for indefinite period of time.
pralay said:
Always the logic of USCIS/INS (whether they admit or not) is that as I485 does not expire and applicants can renew EAD every year, therefore, it's OK to make them waiting for indefinite period of time.
This is EXACTLY what Congresswoman Anna Eshoo told me when I tried to bring our plight up in front of her. It is an unfortunate state of mind that persists not just in the minds of the INS but also in the minds of the legislators. They feel they should be more concerned about illegal immigrants as compared to legal immigrants since we have more rights than them.

The question to everyone out here is what are YOU doing to dispell this notion? If all the people who are showing outrage here decide to collectively send faxes/emails to congressmen/INS maybe we can shake their mindset.