Domestic Violence - Re-Entry? for JCASH

First of all, you need to understand very well that your immigration life is on stake here. So obviously, you MUST be ready to spend whatever it would take to clear if off any mess, one way or another, if you REALLY wish to live in this country. It could be spending money, energy, effort, time and etc.

Secondly, if you say that you are bankrupt and don’t have even $100 to spend on clearing this mess then how do you expect to be defended. What made you to think that any attorney would provide you a probono service? Yes, there are many non-profit organizations and Catholic Charities who might try to help you a little bit, but the people over there are NOT attorneys, nor they know up-to-dated informataion on Immigration laws. As a matter of fact, they provide ONLY general immigration information, which even an idiot knows. They CANNOT help at all when it comes to some problematic issue like yours than giving your either wrong information or referring you to someone. Besides, they still charge $25-$75 for an hour. So, there is no use of contacting them. If you were happen to be in Deportation Proceeding, then it would be a different situation. Because, there are many law firms, which represent only those who are in Deportation Proceedings.

Thirdly, I just cannot understand that when your mom can pay for your visit to England for you to have a good time, then why don’t you ask her help to save your immigration life first over here, which should be your top priority over anything else, including over vacationing to England for a good time. In my personal opinion, there should not be any other priority for you right now than cleaning up this mess first especially when your daughter is here if you care to be in her life over here.

Fourth, didn’t you say that you have a GOOD JOB? Then why don’t you consider to pay for this matter first than paying any other bill or talking about being bankrupt?

About your criminal situation then I wonder why you were sentenced for 6 months in jail if your offence was only a misdemeanor. I guess it could be because of Criminal Statue of your state on this offence. Without seeing your arrest record and court document, it is very hard to analyze your case in context to immigration consequences.

But one thing is sure that if you would get convicted for one more misdemeanor offense then you will be removed from the United States for good. Because the conviction of two misdemeanor offences automatically makes an alien removable. Having a good job and a daughter here, and being divorced and living in another state, etc. are all irrelevant here, nor these reasoning would protect you from removal. You could still not be allowed upon your return despite of all these reasoning.

It is my strong suggestion that you should take your whole criminal record to an immigration attorney to review them, because it could be possible that Immigration officer at the airport allowed you in mistakenly last time. And that mistake might not going to happen this time when you would reenter.

In my personal opinion, you are okay since your offence was a misdemeanor AND you have only one offence so far. But just to make everything sure, you should let an immigration attorney to have a review on your whole criminal record. I think it is worth doing that.

If you would like then you may choose to contact-Ms Jerri L. Mead. She is a VERY good immigration attorney in your area. Her telephone number is-[260]422-3436, [206]436-1700. Ms Kathy is her secy. She might give you a free advise as she is a VERY good person. You may also choose to consult any attorney across the United States if you know someone very good one. In that case, you would need to fax them your criminal record (like arrest or criminal complaint and Court Disposition including sentencing, etc).

At last, as I said before that I personally don’t see any problem in your case, but just to rule out any doubt, you should see an attorney with your criminal record.

Good Luck.
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Thanks for your words, after reading some of your previous posts I had come to the conclusion that it was over and as soon as I did anything related to Imigration I would be deported (i.e. renew GC or request Citizenshio)... However after reading your post I am a little more relieved and will have a lawyer look at my case... The items I wrote in my last posts were pretty much spur of the moment things as at the time I hadn't really delved deeply into the site and seen how serious the situation was...

I am not going to travel in November and my Mother will be coming here.... Even with the fact I was allowed entry last time I feel that to take a chance is stupid....

So again thank you for your help, I certainly appreciate it....

So long you are not charged for a crime in relation with traffic violations, then traffic violation has nothing to do with INS. But you should know that reckless driving and DUI are criminal offenses. Depending upon the seriousness of crime and criminal statue of your state, it could be a felony or a misdemeanor.

But since you have asked about speeding tickets, then you don’t have to worry about anything because those are tickets and not criminal charge.

First of all, no one (including the friend of your wife) screwed your life. You actually screwed your life by your own when you acted so violently with your wife. I don’t know which country and culture you came from, but a MAN should NEVER hit a woman, no matter how badly a woman behaves. Especially when your wife is a mother of your kids. I know that in so many cultures/countries, men beat their wives/women, but it is not a good thing. Do you want a woman to beat you if you do a wrong thing? No, right? Women are also human beings like men. They are not cows or inferior than men. Anyway, always remember that there is a difference between a MAN and BOY, unless you wanted to prove your “manhood” or wanted to prove that you are a macho man by beating/hitting a woman (a weak sex).

Secondly, if you want to curse your wife’s friend now for your misery then you can do so, but the truth is-she did the right thing when she called the Police on you. Because, some domestic violence sometimes turn into a serious crime like murdering. Her friend did not want anything bad happened to her. Who knows you might have ended up in a much big mess by now if she had not called the cops on you. So, you need to stop blaming her for your situation. She did what a true friend and a noble citizen would do in this situation.

Protecting a life of a person is more important than a thrust of obtaining a green card. If, just in case, if violence between you and your wife had led to more dangerous then she might have ended up dead. You cannot say that you would never do this thing; otherwise you had not even hit her at first place. That’s why I said that violence can lead to more different level. We are all human beings and we have mental and emotional feelings to get mad. So we cannot guarantee that this or that won’t happen. Your wife’s friend did the right thing. I’m sure you are unable to see/understand that you are ended up in a big immigration and criminal mess because of your own actions, and not because of your wife’s friend.

Thirdly, Police can make an arrest or file a criminal charge against anyone, regardless of whether someone calls the Police or not or whether someone files the charges or not, if Police would have a probable cause of a crime to have committed or if Police believe that a crime is going to be committed. So, even though your wife afterwards decided not to press charges against you, Police still decided to pursue the criminal case against you.

Fourth, no attorney (any kind of attorney) can guarantee the 100% positive outcome of a case. If any attorney says so, then walk away from that attorney as far as you can. Because, then this attorney is just trying to suck up your money. Attorneys can guarantee up to 99%, but 1% should always be remained open for unforeseen situation.

Fifth, I think you should not have even talked anything about your wife here because the criminal case on hand is against you, and not against her. So, what good it would do about talking how badly your wife treated your parents or any other act of her. If you have had any problem with your wife’s act, then you could/can divorce her. Justifying your actions with her actions is not the way to deal the matter. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Always remember this.

Sixth, being a victim in a case against you if your wife won’t cooperate with DA (Police) then prosecutor would have a very hard time in obtaining a conviction on you. But that doesn’t mean that they cannot get a conviction on you at all. It would then depend what kind of evidences Police officer gathered/noticed. Besides, do not forget that they have a witness against you to prove their case, who is your wife’s friend. She cannot change her mind/story now. Because she already told to Police officer what she was told to her by your wife. If she would change her story, then she could risk of going to jail for making a false police report and lying to govt.

Seventh, I don’t know what kind of stupid question is this when you asked if INS can deport you despite of you are being on a H1-b visa or having a pending I-485. Don’t you know that INS can even deport a green card holder if s/he get convicted for a crime? So, what kind of stupid question is this?

About your criminal case, at most you would end up having some kind of misdemeanor record with probation if you don’t have prior criminal history. But chances of this happening are still very slim because your case might be thrown out (dismissed) because DA will most probably agree to a pre-deal like community service in the absence of any cooperation from your wife.

Don’t ever plead guilty. As far as immigration laws goes, you could be deported for any pleading or conviction. Only if DA agrees to DISMISS the charge after pre-deal then it’s okay. Your offence falls under Moral turpitude crime, a ground to deny Permanent Residency. But if you case gets dismissed then you don’t have to worry about it. You now have a lawyer, so you should be talking to him. Make sure he would know the consequences of any deal towards immigration point of views.

Good Luck.

Thanks for looking at it from all angles.

The community service, would that not be a sort of plea or agreement and thus a possible cause of immigration consequence. Though I understand if I agree to that then DA would throw out the case eventually

Also are the H1-B holders allowed to take divorce here, I mean we were not married as per the american law so the marriage cannot be dissolved in this country if I am not mistaken. Does the situation change for pending 485 or for a GC holder, unless one is a citizen

Matrimonial laws (marriage/divorce, custody, alimony etc) are State laws, and not federal laws like Immigration laws, bankruptcy laws. Just for your kind information, any can divorce in US regardless their marriage was occured in US or not, so long such person would follow State laws on this. So obviously, H1 visa holders or green card holders or others are allowed to end their marriage here in the US.

Agreeing to some sort of pre-deal with DA, doesn't mean that accused agreed to have committed charged crime. A lot of times, people agree to accept pre-deal even though they know that they would be acquitted in the trial. Because, they don't want to spend thousands of dollars in defending themselves, nor they want to spend years for a tria. No need to mention about mental trauma.

Once a case is DISMISSED, there is nothing INS can do against such person. Because, they need to have a conviction by a court of law in order to hold anything against such a person.
Thanks a lot...

will keep my fingers crossed till the DA opens the file on the court date in next few weeks.
JohnnyCash said:
Matrimonial laws (marriage/divorce, custody, alimony etc) are State laws, and not federal laws like Immigration laws, bankruptcy laws. Just for your kind information, any can divorce in US regardless their marriage was occured in US or not, so long such person would follow State laws on this. So obviously, H1 visa holders or green card holders or others are allowed to end their marriage here in the US.

Agreeing to some sort of pre-deal with DA, doesn't mean that accused agreed to have committed charged crime. A lot of times, people agree to accept pre-deal even though they know that they would be acquitted in the trial. Because, they don't want to spend thousands of dollars in defending themselves, nor they want to spend years for a tria. No need to mention about mental trauma.

Once a case is DISMISSED, there is nothing INS can do against such person. Because, they need to have a conviction by a court of law in order to hold anything against such a person.
Question for Johnny Cash

JohnnyCash said:
Matrimonial laws (marriage/divorce, custody, alimony etc) are State laws, and not federal laws like Immigration laws, bankruptcy laws. Just for your kind information, any can divorce in US regardless their marriage was occured in US or not, so long such person would follow State laws on this. So obviously, H1 visa holders or green card holders or others are allowed to end their marriage here in the US.

Agreeing to some sort of pre-deal with DA, doesn't mean that accused agreed to have committed charged crime. A lot of times, people agree to accept pre-deal even though they know that they would be acquitted in the trial. Because, they don't want to spend thousands of dollars in defending themselves, nor they want to spend years for a tria. No need to mention about mental trauma.

Once a case is DISMISSED, there is nothing INS can do against such person. Because, they need to have a conviction by a court of law in order to hold anything against such a person.

Hello Johnny Cash,
I was arrested for a misdemeanor on charges of spousal battery. However the DA refused to file any charges. I am on a H1B and was planning to travel outside US. I am worried about whether I can be denied re-entry to US. I have read your comments where you have reponded that a conviction is necessary to adversely affect GC and naturalization application. However, I am not sure about whether that would apply to admissibility to US also. Can you please help me. I would really appreciate your help in this matter.
nk09 said:
Hello Johnny Cash,
I was arrested for a misdemeanor on charges of spousal battery. However the DA refused to file any charges. I am on a H1B and was planning to travel outside US. I am worried about whether I can be denied re-entry to US. I have read your comments where you have reponded that a conviction is necessary to adversely affect GC and naturalization application. However, I am not sure about whether that would apply to admissibility to US also. Can you please help me. I would really appreciate your help in this matter.

You were only arrested and not convicted. There is a huge difference. You are in jeopardy only if you have been convicted of the crime.
Publicus said:
You were only arrested and not convicted. There is a huge difference. You are in jeopardy only if you have been convicted of the crime.

Thanks publicus for yr reply.
Don't worry, here is a DETAILED THREAD that you want to bookmark.

WorryForGC said:
yet, my attorney is positive. can you please suggest what should I be seeking to have minimal to no impact on my immigration with pending 485.

here is the link to my earlier posting your advise appreciated
We had dealt with this issue at length at the Texas Service Center forum. The person who was arrested by the cops on Domestic Violence got his Green-Card approved. But, in this thread, we went through all the issues at length -- legal and moral included.
thanks poongunranar

quite helpful, I am still waiting on the case as my attorney keeps taking extension though DA office has told my wife that they are dropping the case.
my wife too made me choose between my disabled parents, I am so sore that want to give up my GC which is not so far off with early 01 PD, but frustrated bcos my spouse has a stable career here in US and she feels indpendent here with no relatives, whereas my whole family is here, if I take her back to India she will struggle and I will have a decent sr mgr job, as it is the thought of writing everywhere that I had been arrested gives me a feeling of my career finished here, I lost my high paying contract too as they did FP and it showed up..thanks for your link again
poongunranar said:
We had dealt with this issue at length at the Texas Service Center forum. The person who was arrested by the cops on Domestic Violence got his Green-Card approved. But, in this thread, we went through all the issues at length -- legal and moral included.

I am sorry to hear your plight and am not here to judge anybody. I just wanted to let you know that getting merely arrested and convicted should not affect your chances. I have seen folks who were arrested and convicted and yet were able to get their GC. Some of them were accused of DV, DUI, DWI, etc. So, merely being arrested doesn't seal your fate here as far as your GC is concerned. However, whether it will be construed as "aggravated felony for immigration purposes," and whether your offense had a sentenced time of 1 year or more, whether this was the only crime, etc. will play a role to decide that. Why don't you just stay positive to see where it takes and not do anything drastic before that? I mean, that is just my personal opinion. If your relations are not great with your wife, you are better off just staying away because another simple 911 call on a difference between you two could prove fatal. Secure yourself and stay hopeful.
Question to Johnycash

Hi Johnycash,

I was convicted with DUI charges in Sep 2005 in California. I paid the court fines, and did my community service. I am on probation till 2008. I supposed to file my citizenship 2008. Do you think this effect naturalization process? Anybody who got DUI got their Citizenship? Please reply your thoughts on this? I asked my attorney that would it effect my citizenship. he said "no". I do not rely on his words since he is a criminal lawyer.

Lesson learned: Please do not drink and drive. It's not worth. I am an occassional drinker. I quit after this.

Thanks in advance,
Question for Johnny Cash and poongunranar !!.

Hello JohnnyCash and poongunranar,
I have been going through your Posts regarding the Domestic Violence Arrest and the Consequences on GC and several legal and Moral issues relating to this Incident . In a very unfortunate situation, I went through a similar experience like Ooty in the other thread. My criminal attorney requested me to plead guilty for Domestic Violence PC 273.5 in December 2005. I was convicted for this crime and the court gave me 3 years of Informal Probation, 2 days of Jail time, 52 weeks Batterer's program , Community Service and 28 days Caltrans. Later on I hired an expert criminal and immigration attorney who had helped me get my initial conviction vacated and got the Original Complaint amended by interlineation with PC 242 Misdemeanor in September 2006. I am trying my best to avoid these kind of incidents in future by all possible means.
I haven't been able to visit my family for last 3.5 years and it is really becoming hopeless even after spending $30,000 on the attorneys. My Question is will I be able to goto a U.S consulate either in India/Mexico and able to obtain a U.S visa and travel back into the U.S without any problems at the Port Of Entry . Please share your advice on this matter.
If you are a green card holder why would you need a visas to go be able to visit your family overseas? Are you in the US right now?

Hello JohnnyCash and poongunranar,
I have been going through your Posts regarding the Domestic Violence Arrest and the Consequences on GC and several legal and Moral issues relating to this Incident . In a very unfortunate situation, I went through a similar experience like Ooty in the other thread. My criminal attorney requested me to plead guilty for Domestic Violence PC 273.5 in December 2005. I was convicted for this crime and the court gave me 3 years of Informal Probation, 2 days of Jail time, 52 weeks Batterer's program , Community Service and 28 days Caltrans. Later on I hired an expert criminal and immigration attorney who had helped me get my initial conviction vacated and got the Original Complaint amended by interlineation with PC 242 Misdemeanor in September 2006. I am trying my best to avoid these kind of incidents in future by all possible means.
I haven't been able to visit my family for last 3.5 years and it is really becoming hopeless even after spending $30,000 on the attorneys. My Question is will I be able to goto a U.S consulate either in India/Mexico and able to obtain a U.S visa and travel back into the U.S without any problems at the Port Of Entry . Please share your advice on this matter.