domestic violence and abusers.


New Member
Hello All,
VAWA act 1994 for voilence against women applicable for abusers who are Legal permanent residents and US citizens.
What happens if the abuser is a Non-immigrant visa holder (h1-b)?
Do the abuser's spouse have to tolerate it until the he/she get through with the GC (i-140 + i-485) etc.

What can the spouse do in the worst case scenario and still prevent deportation for both?

Please respond.

Thanks in advance.
I believe there is protection for the unfortunate spouses under abuse. Please check this in the third paragraph.

Also please check with a lawyer. If you are OK from immigration stand point, DO NOT TAKE ANY MORE ABUSE.

My heart goes out to you.

Divorce and get married to a US citizen. Get out of the misery you are into. Your problem of staying in the US will be solved too.
Women's rights

Thanks to all responses. What happened to me is a true story of whatever happens to most women in India and other countries too after marriage. Some of the most common problems faced in the last three years are;
- Repeated physical and mental abuse, battering.
- Denied right to equality.
- Threatening to abandon in the middle of forest.
- Play by the rules.
- Denied right to financial control.
- Sending money to parents/sisters without wife's knowledge.
- Not taking to doctor for dental and physical health.
List goes on.

Can a person married with kids, divorce and go out find a u.s. citizen just to live in this country?
Not a practical solution.

Someone did mention about "educated people behaving like this.."
Well answer to this is "Education" per se has nothing to do with behavioral pattern of an individual. It's all about the thought process. You can see highly educated Phd's, Pastor's/Monks etc
show some kind of discriminatory behavior based on Race, Skin color, Sex and many such things. Extreme discrimination leads to harrasment.

America's greatness lies in its policy of ever changing reforms and amendments to law. So there is a hope to a get solution out of this crisis.
shelter for battered women

there are shleter for battered women in almost every city. call them up go there. it is better to be alive than
to have a green card.

I work with a religious organization as an accountant and a parttime social worker. I have seen lots of different cases and have learned to be careful in critizing. It takes two for the truth to be heard.
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Thanks! Just came to check whether some of you have been approved. It is always my pray that everyone will get approved soon!
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I don't see any

abuse in
- Denied right to financial control.
Financial sharing would be reasonable.
- Sending money to parents/sisters without wife's knowledge.
If wife continuously fights against his decision, it don't see any problem with it. He is not going to bar/shopping fancy stuff. What is wrong with sending money to the parents who brought him up so far...

I know this will get a lot of heated replies. But I this is how I feel.
Re: I don't see any

Originally posted by ihack1
abuse in
- Denied right to financial control.
Financial sharing would be reasonable.
- Sending money to parents/sisters without wife's knowledge.
If wife continuously fights against his decision, it don't see any problem with it. He is not going to bar/shopping fancy stuff. What is wrong with sending money to the parents who brought him up so far...

I know this will get a lot of heated replies. But I this is how I feel.

I agree.